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My hyprland dots


You can install it running the following commands:

cd /tmp
git clone --recursive
cd HyprlandDots
just install





Current theme: Material Black Cherry

Icon theme: Papirus Dark

Mouse: Empty Butterfly White vr6


Keybind Action
$mainMod + Q Kill the active window
$mainMod + SHIFT + Q Exit the window manager
$mainMod + SHIFT + Space Toggle floating mode for the active window
$mainMod + I Pseudo mode for window tiling (dwindle layout)
$mainMod + SHIFT + J Toggle split layout (dwindle layout)
$mainMod + _ (code:95) Toggle fullscreen mode
$mainMod + S Toggle window grouping
$mainMod + P Pin the active window
$mainMod + SHIFT + Left Move window left
$mainMod + SHIFT + Right Move window right
$mainMod + SHIFT + Up Move window up
$mainMod + SHIFT + Down Move window down
$mainMod + L Resize window (increase width by 10)
$mainMod + J Resize window (decrease width by 10)
$mainMod + I Resize window (decrease height by 10)
$mainMod + K Resize window (increase height by 10)
$mainMod + mouse_down Switch to next workspace
$mainMod + mouse_up Switch to previous workspace
$mainMod + Left Mouse Button (LMB) Move window by dragging
$mainMod + Right Mouse Button (RMB) Resize window by dragging
$mainMod + Left Arrow Move focus to the window on the left
$mainMod + Right Arrow Move focus to the window on the right
$mainMod + Up Arrow Move focus to the window above
$mainMod + Down Arrow Move focus to the window below
$mainMod + W Launch Firefox browser
$mainMod + D Launch walker program
$mainMod + Enter Launch kitty terminal
$mainMod + O Launch nwg-look to change GTK themes
$mainMod + F Launch thunar file manager
$mainMod + C Launch Neovim
$mainMod + SHIFT + C Launch VSCode
Print Capture screenshot using grim
$mainMod + SHIFT + R Reboot the system
$mainMod + SHIFT + P Power off the system
$mainMod + H Launch btop system monitor
$mainMod + M Launch music player
$mainMod + SHIFT + U Launch topgrade update manager
$mainMod + SHIFT + B Toggle Bluetooth
$mainMod + V Show clipboard using cliphist
$mainMod + SHIFT + W Set a random wallpaper using waypaper
$mainMod + SHIFT + M Launch cava audio visualizer
$mainMod + N Show notifications using swaync-client
$mainMod + SHIFT + Enter Launch kitty terminal in a special workspace
$mainMod + T Launch kitty terminal in a specific directory
$mainMod + SHIFT + H Launch btop in a special workspace
$mainMod + E Toggle waybar
$mainMod + L Lock screen using gtklock
$mainMod + SHIFT + N Toggle blue light filter
$mainMod + SHIFT + A Toggle audio source to use phone as a microphone
$mainMod + SHIFT + S Toggle scrcpy audio
$mainMod + CTRL + S Launch tcpip-scrcpy
$mainMod + SHIFT + V Launch nwg-clipman clipboard manager
XF86AudioRaiseVolume Increase system volume by 5%
XF86AudioLowerVolume Decrease system volume by 5%
XF86AudioMute Toggle system audio mute
XF86MonBrightnessUp Increase screen brightness by 10%
XF86MonBrightnessDown Decrease screen brightness by 10%
XF86AudioPlay Play/pause media
XF86AudioNext Skip to next media track
XF86AudioPrev Go to previous media track
$mainMod + Tab Switch to next workspace
$mainMod + SHIFT + Tab Switch to previous workspace
$mainMod + [0-9] Switch to a specific workspace (1-10)
$mainMod + K Switch to workspace 11 (Virtual Machines)
$mainMod + SHIFT + [0-9] Move active window to a specific workspace (1-10)
$mainMod + SHIFT + K Move active window to workspace 11 (Virtual Machines)
