This repository contains Jupyter Notebooks and resources related to a machine learning project focused on sentiment analysis of alpine tour reports. The primary goal of this project is to classify critical sentences regarding route exposure (exposition) into three categories:
- Neutral: Irrelevant for the assessment of exposure.
- Positive: Light or well-secured exposure.
- Negative: Strong exposure with minimal or no security.
By leveraging modern NLP techniques and pre-trained models, this project aims to enhance the safety and decision-making process for alpine enthusiasts by analyzing subjective route descriptions.
- Demonstrates the process of data collection and preparation using web scraping and manual labeling.
- Includes exploratory data analysis (EDA) and preparation of a labeled dataset for sentiment analysis.
- Establishes a baseline accuracy of 46% using minimal data and no advanced techniques.
- Illustrates the consequences of skipping essential ML practices such as cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning, and adequate data preparation.
- Serves as an example of what not to do in a machine learning workflow.
- Focused on showing how insufficient data and missing concepts degrade performance.
- Finalized implementation incorporating best practices:
- Cross-validation
- Hyperparameter optimization using Optuna
- Use of multiple pre-trained transformer models for comparative analysis
- Achieves a model accuracy of 97.8% with a robust evaluation pipeline.
- Finalized implementation incorporating best practices:
In alpine sports, selecting the right route is critical for safety and success. Current classification systems like the SAC Trekking Scale (T1-T6) and High Alpine Scale (L-AS) often overgeneralize route exposure. This project aims to address the gap by leveraging machine learning to classify sentences describing route exposure.
- Achieve a classification accuracy >85% and an F1-score >80% on evaluation data.
- Create a foundation for an end-to-end application that rates the exposure level of alpine routes.
- Tour reports were collected via web scraping and are only for education / research purpose!
- Reports include subjective route descriptions varying in length, detail, and structure.
- Web Scraping:
- Extracted route descriptions, titles, and classifications by region using Python.
- Data Transformation:
- Processed text using
for tokenization and lemmatization. - Extracted sentences relevant to exposure using a custom keyword list.
- Processed text using
- Labeling:
- Sentences were manually labeled into three categories: neutral, positive, or negative.
- Final dataset contains around 1,000 labeled sentences.
A variety of transformer models were tested, with a focus on those optimized for German NLP tasks:
(selected as the best model)aari1995/German_Sentiment
- Other multilingual or distilled models
- Initial tests in
were conducted without advanced techniques, achieving a low accuracy of ~46%. - Highlights the impact of insufficient data and missing practices like cross-validation.
- Cross-Validation: Implemented K-Fold (5 folds) for robust evaluation.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: Used Optuna to optimize learning rate, batch size, and other parameters.
- Data Augmentation: Adjusted keyword lists to balance label distributions, focusing on increasing positive and negative samples.
- Model:
- Accuracy: 97.8%
- F1-Score: 0.892
- Achieved through rigorous optimization and sufficient data preparation.
- Data Quality Matters: Proper labeling and balanced datasets are essential for effective ML models.
- Advanced Practices Pay Off: Techniques like cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning significantly improve performance.
- Transformer Models Shine: Models like
excel in understanding German text nuances, thanks to features like Whole Word Masking (WWM).
- Manual labeling was time-consuming but crucial for training effective models.
- Resource-intensive hyperparameter tuning required efficient use of Google Colab and cloud GPUs.
- Python 3.8 or later
- Required libraries:
- Clone this repository.
- Install dependencies using:
pip install -r requirements.txt