Visual Helper
- This is a basic example of the SJF operating system algorithm.
- assumes all processes arrive at the same time in a batch
SJF => Shortest Job First
- Targets the shortest job in a process.
- When supplied with values it will search out for the shortest to complete job and then move on the the next.
- (Not yet implemented) Arrival time of jobs is taken into account
- if a job takes 10s to finish and the next shortest job is added 5s into the process then when the current process is finished that job will be next
- Simple sorting algorithm.
- Repeatedly swaps adjacent elements if they're in wrong order
- Not recommended for large data sets
- Time complexity
- Best case: O (N) Linear
- Worst case: O (N^2) Quadratic
- Space complexity: 0(1) Constant
To get some react practice I decided to do the rest to the algorithms in react. Rather then swapping elements using DOM I'll use react and State
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort (Will adjust animations in future)
- (FUTURE) Quick Sort
- (FUTURE) Heap Sort
- Linear Search
- Binary Search