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Project: Linux Server Configuration

Configuration of linux server on Amazon lightsail

Project information

IP Address: URL: SSH port 2200

grader SSH file password: ´graderPassword´

Software installed with apt:

zsh neovim oh-my-zsh ( Just the way I like it :) )

finger apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi flask pip postgresql


update apt and upgrade

´´´sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt autoremove sudo reboot´´´

ssh config

Changes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config :

´´´Port 2200 PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication no´´´

Rebooting sshd with: ´sudo service sshd restart´

grader user setup

´sudo adduser grader´

Add the following line to /etc/sudoers.d/grader ´grader ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL´

Then I generated a ssh key localy on my computer with ssh-keygen and putting the .pub part in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of the grader user.

ufw firewall

sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp sudo ufw allow www sudo ufw allow ntp sudo ufw enable

ItemsCatalog application deployment

The Item Catalog project is hosted as a wsgi application with apache and postgresql database

Google oauth api

The url ´´ was added to the google oauth credentials and a new client_secret.json file was downloaded.

Postgres setup

Create postgres user for the ubunut user ´sudo -u postgres createuser -s ubuntu´

Create catalog database ´sudo -u postgres createdb catalog´

The line in the and files from ItemCatalog project where the database url was changed from "sqlite:///catalog.db" to "postgresql:///catalog"

I did not move all entries from the sqlite file to the posgresql database, but created a few entries for testing.

WSGI application setup

The item catalog project was checked out from github into /var/www/ItemsCatalog

Where the client_secret.json file is loaded in the python code I had to give the full path ´/var/www/ItemsCatalog/client_secret.json´

A ItemsCatalog.wsgi file was created in the project folder:

´´´ import sys sys.path.insert(0, '/var/www/ItemsCatalog/')

from project import app as application from project import setup_app setup_app() ´´´

The apache configuration file ´/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf´ was updated withs this content:

´´´ <VirtualHost *> ServerName

    WSGIDaemonProcess project user=ubuntu group=ubuntu threads=5
    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/ItemsCatalog/ItemsCatalog.wsgi

<Directory /var/www/ItemsCatalog>
    WSGIProcessGroup project
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Require all granted

After everything is setup a restart of apache is needed:

´sudo apache2ctl restart´

External resources used

Other than official documentation I used google and irc to find answeres to the thing I wasn't able to get working.

URLS to docs used: ´´ ´´


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