This assignment will get you up to speed on some Python3 basics, which should help with learning Django later this semester that is built upon Python and will require you to write your web server backend in Python3.
We are using Python3 vs Python2 as it is where the industry is going and projects are starting to support both with the expectation that a shift to Python3 will happen soon.
#Part 1: Dictionary
This problem is inspired by:
Your method should take in values representing the following:
- aList = list of strings
Your method called stringCount should print out a sorted alphabetically list of the strings and the number of that string in the list separated by a space on each line.
For an example:
alist = ["Hello", "Hello", "Bob"]
This should print:
Bob 1
Hello 2
#Part 2: Is Float
This problem is inspired by:
Your method isFloat should take in a string value and return a boolean if the given string is a Float or not. It is recommended that you leverage the python regular expression library for this; however, it is not required.
isFloat("4.0O0") #returns False
isFloat("-1.00") #returns True
isFloat("+4.54") #Returns True
#Part 3: Data-structures
The last part of this assignment will be building a simple linked list with two python3 classes called LinkedList and Node. We won't be directly interacting with the Node class so you could call that whatever you wish; however, that's what I would recommend. For reference you should look at the documentation for classes in Python3:
An example of your linked list class being used:
ll = LinkedList()
print("Value 2 found")
print("Value 2 not found")
print("Value 1 found")
print("Value 1 not found")
This simple test of your LinkedList should output the following:
2 1
Value 2 not found
Value 1 found
4 1
#Submitting code
You should write all of your code in the file and submit it to Tyson's Turnin System by the submission date for grading.
You should use the exact method names as described in each part of this assignment, failure to do so will mean the grading script will not be able to run your code and you will lose some credit even if I can fix it so that it runs. Additionally, you should make sure that the only class you create is the one for the linked list class described in part 3. Do NOT include any testing output and code in your submission as it is unnecessary and only makes grading your assignment more difficult.