Mod that allows you to use mixins in 1.7.10
- Put
in the %project%/libs folder and refresh gradle.
1.1. Add this string to the dependencies in your main class of mod:required-after:spongemixins@[1.1.0,);
- Add this stuff to your
2.1 Setup your workspace by including this script at the end of your build.gradle
and replace strings yourMixinConfig
, refMapForYourConfig
and relativePathToMixinAP
as represented in the comments near them:
//######################################## Mixin Part ################################################
* The name of your mixin config. Should match the name of mixin config file, which you placed in src/main/resources/
def yourMixinConfig = 'mixins.yourmodid.json'
* The file with this name will be generated during build. Should math the remap value inside your src/main/resources/*yourMixinConfig*
def refMapForYourConfig = 'mixins.yourmodid.refmap.json'
* Relative path to the new annotation processor.
* You should download it ( and then place to the project folder.
* You may also place it in the inner folders, only thing you should to do is to provide right RELATIVE path.
def relativePathToMixinAP = 'mixin-0.8-SNAPSHOT.jar'
repositories {
maven {
name = 'sponge'
url = ''
dependencies {
compile('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.7.11-SNAPSHOT') {
// Mixin includes a lot of dependencies that are too up-to-date
exclude module: 'launchwrapper'
exclude module: 'guava'
exclude module: 'gson'
exclude module: 'commons-io'
exclude module: 'log4j-core'
def refMap = "${tasks.compileJava.temporaryDir}" + File.separator + refMapForYourConfig
def mixinSrg = "${tasks.reobf.temporaryDir}" + File.separator + "mixins.srg"
jar {
from refMap
manifest {
"TweakClass": "org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker",
'MixinConfigs': yourMixinConfig,
'FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod': 'true',
"ForceLoadAsMod": true
reobf {
addExtraSrgFile mixinSrg
afterEvaluate {
def fixedRelPathToAP = relativePathToMixinAP
if(fixedRelPathToAP.startsWith('./') || fixedRelPathToAP.startsWith('.\\')){
fixedRelPathToAP = fixedRelPathToAP.substring(2)
} else if(fixedRelPathToAP.startsWith('/') || fixedRelPathToAP.startsWith('\\')){
fixedRelPathToAP = fixedRelPathToAP.substring(1)
tasks.compileJava {
println "Path: " + projectDir.absolutePath
options.compilerArgs += [
// There's a bug in the AnnotationProcessor for 0.7.11 that will generate the annotations pointing to the parent class instead of subclass
// resulting in the mixin not being applied. This is fixed in 0.8, however 0.8 needs guava > 21.0, and minecraft ships with 17.0.
// So as a hacky workaround... ship with 0.7.11, but use the AP from 0.8 for compiling
"-processorpath", projectDir.absolutePath + '/' + fixedRelPathToAP,
"-processor", ",",
"-Xlint:-sunapi", "-XDenableSunApiLintControl", "-XDignore.symbol.file",
"-AreobfSrgFile=${tasks.reobf.srg}", "-AoutSrgFile=${mixinSrg}", "-AoutRefMapFile=${refMap}"
sourceSets {
main {
output.resourcesDir = output.classesDir
ext.refMap = refMapForYourConfig
Create mixins.yourmodid.json
file directly in resources folder (replace yourmodid
with your modid).
Here is an example of how to fill it (remember about changing yourmodid
"required": true,
"minVersion": "0.7.11",
"package": "",
"refmap": "mixins.yourmodid.refmap.json",
"target": "@env(DEFAULT)",
"compatibilityLevel": "JAVA_8",
"mixins": [
"client": [
More info here:
Add following Program Agruments:
--tweakClass org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker --mixin mixins.yourmodid.json
and replace yourmodid
as mentioned above.
- Q:
project\build\tmp\reobf\mixins.srg (Can't find given file)
while build
A: You should run minecraft after you created or added new mixins to generate this file