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A little Django app that uses py-moneyed to add support for Money fields in your models and forms.

Fork of the Django support that was in

This version adds tests, and comes with several critical bugfixes.

Django versions supported: 1.8, 1.11, 2.0, 2.1

Python versions supported: 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7

PyPy versions supported: PyPy 2.6, PyPy3 2.4

If you need support for older versions of Django and Python you can use the latest version in 0.11.x branch.

Via py-moneyed, django-money gets:

  • Support for proper Money value handling (using the standard Money design pattern)
  • A currency class and definitions for all currencies in circulation
  • Formatting of most currencies with correct currency sign


Using pip:

$ pip install django-money

This automatically installs py-moneyed v0.7 (or later).

Add djmoney to your INSTALLED_APPS. This is required so that money field are displayed correctly in the admin.


Model usage

Use as normal model fields:

from djmoney.models.fields import MoneyField
from django.db import models

class BankAccount(models.Model):
    balance = MoneyField(max_digits=14, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD')

To comply with certain strict accounting or financial regulations, you may consider using max_digits=19 and decimal_places=4, see more in this StackOverflow answer

Searching for models with money fields:

from import Money

account = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'USD'))
swissAccount = BankAccount.objects.create(balance=Money(10, 'CHF'))

BankAccount.objects.filter(balance__gt=Money(1, 'USD'))
# Returns the "account" object

Field validation

There are 3 different possibilities for field validation:

  • by numeric part of money despite on currency;
  • by single money amount;
  • by multiple money amounts.

All of them could be used in a combination as is shown below:

from django.db import models
from djmoney.models.fields import MoneyField
from import Money
from djmoney.models.validators import MaxMoneyValidator, MinMoneyValidator

class BankAccount(models.Model):
    balance = MoneyField(
            MinMoneyValidator(Money(500, 'NOK')),
            MaxMoneyValidator(Money(900, 'NOK')),
            MinMoneyValidator({'EUR': 100, 'USD': 50}),
            MaxMoneyValidator({'EUR': 1000, 'USD': 500}),

The balance field from the model above has the following validation:

  • All input values should be between 10 and 1500 despite on currency;
  • Norwegian Crowns amount (NOK) should be between 500 and 900;
  • Euros should be between 100 and 1000;
  • US Dollars should be between 50 and 500;

Adding a new Currency

Currencies are listed on moneyed, and this modules use this to provide a choice list on the admin, also for validation.

To add a new currency available on all the project, you can simple add this two lines on your file

import moneyed
from moneyed.localization import _FORMATTER
from decimal import ROUND_HALF_EVEN

BOB = moneyed.add_currency(
    name='Peso boliviano',
    countries=('BOLIVIA', )

# Currency Formatter will output 2.000,00 Bs.
    prefix=u'Bs. '

    group_size=3, group_separator=".", decimal_point=",",
    positive_sign="",  trailing_positive_sign="",
    negative_sign="-", trailing_negative_sign="",

To restrict the currencies listed on the project set a CURRENCIES variable with a list of Currency codes on


The list has to contain valid Currency codes

Additionally there is an ability to specify currency choices directly:

CURRENCY_CHOICES = [('USD', 'USD $'), ('EUR', 'EUR €')]

Important note on model managers

Django-money leaves you to use any custom model managers you like for your models, but it needs to wrap some of the methods to allow searching for models with money values.

This is done automatically for the "objects" attribute in any model that uses MoneyField. However, if you assign managers to some other attribute, you have to wrap your manager manually, like so:

from djmoney.models.managers import money_manager

class BankAccount(models.Model):
    balance = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2, default_currency='USD')
    accounts = money_manager(MyCustomManager())

Also, the money_manager wrapper only wraps the standard QuerySet methods. If you define custom QuerySet methods, that do not end up using any of the standard ones (like "get", "filter" and so on), then you also need to manually decorate those custom methods, like so:

from djmoney.models.managers import understands_money

class MyCustomQuerySet(QuerySet):

   def my_custom_method(*args, **kwargs):
       # Awesome stuff

Format localization

The formatting is turned on if you have set USE_L10N = True in the your settings file.

If formatting is disabled in the configuration, then in the templates will be used default formatting.

In the templates you can use a special tag to format the money.

In the file add to INSTALLED_APPS entry from the library djmoney:

INSTALLED_APPS += ('djmoney', )

In the template, add:

{% load djmoney %}
{% money_localize money %}

and that is all.

Instructions to the tag money_localize:

{% money_localize <money_object> [ on(default) | off ] [as var_name] %}
{% money_localize <amount> <currency> [ on(default) | off ] [as var_name] %}


The same effect:

{% money_localize money_object %}
{% money_localize money_object on %}

Assignment to a variable:

{% money_localize money_object on as NEW_MONEY_OBJECT %}

Formatting the number with currency:

{% money_localize '4.5' 'USD' %}

    Money object


Install the required packages:

git clone

cd ./django-money/

pip install -e .[test] # installation with required packages for testing

Recommended way to run the tests:


Testing the application in the current environment python:

make test

Working with Exchange Rates

To work with exchange rates, add the following to your INSTALLED_APPS.


To create required relations run python migrate. To fill these relations with data you need to choose a data source. Currently, 2 data sources are supported - (default) and To choose another data source set EXCHANGE_BACKEND settings with importable string to the backend you need:


If you want to implement your own backend, you need to extend Two data sources mentioned above are not open, so you have to specify access keys in order to use them:

OPEN_EXCHANGE_RATES_APP_ID - '<your actual key from>'

FIXER_ACCESS_KEY - '<your actual key from>'

Backends return rates for a base currency, by default it is USD, but could be changed via BASE_CURRENCY setting. Open Exchanger Rates & Fixer supports some extra stuff, like historical data or restricting currencies in responses to the certain list. In order to use these features you could change default URLs for these backends:


Or, you could pass it directly to update_rates method:

>>> from import OpenExchangeRatesBackend
>>> backend = OpenExchangeRatesBackend(url='')
>>> backend.update_rates(symbols='EUR,NOK,SEK,CZK')

There is a possibility to use multiple backends in the same time:

>>> from import FixerBackend, OpenExchangeRatesBackend
>>> from import get_rate
>>> OpenExchangeRatesBackend().update_rates()
>>> FixerBackend().update_rates()
>>> get_rate('USD', 'EUR',
>>> get_rate('USD', 'EUR',

Regular operations with Money will use EXCHANGE_BACKEND backend to get the rates. Also, there are two management commands for updating rates and removing them:

$ python update_rates
Successfully updated rates from
$ python clear_rates
Successfully cleared rates for

Both of them accept -b/--backend option, that will update/clear data only for this backend. And clear_rates accepts -a/--all option, that will clear data for all backends.

To convert one currency to another:

>>> from import Money
>>> from import convert_money
>>> convert_money(Money(100, 'EUR'), 'USD')
<Money: 122.8184375038380800 USD>

Exchange rates are integrated with Django Admin.

django-money can be configured to automatically use this app for currency conversions by settings AUTO_CONVERT_MONEY = True in your Django settings. Note that currency conversion is a lossy process, so automatic conversion is usually a good strategy only for very simple use cases. For most use cases you will need to be clear about exactly when currency conversion occurs, and automatic conversion can hide bugs. Also, with automatic conversion you lose some properties like commutativity (A + B == B + A) due to conversions happening in different directions.

Usage with Django REST Framework

Make sure that djmoney is in the INSTALLED_APPS of your and MoneyFields to automatically work with Django REST Framework.

Built-in serializer works in the following way:

class Expenses(models.Model):
    amount = MoneyField(max_digits=10, decimal_places=2)

class Serializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Expenses
        fields = '__all__'

>>> instance = Expenses.objects.create(amount=Money(10, 'EUR'))
>>> serializer = Serializer(instance=instance)
    ('id', 1),
    ('amount_currency', 'EUR'),
    ('amount', '10.000'),


Money fields for django forms and models.







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  • Python 99.2%
  • Makefile 0.8%