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Marcel Veldhuizen edited this page May 14, 2014 · 2 revisions

Purpose of the Tool

A description can be found in this blog post.

Command Line Arguments

Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Marcel Veldhuizen
Thorarin.NET -

Removes unneeded assemblies from a XAP file in modular Silverlight

Usage: XapReduce -i XapToShrink.xap -s PreviouslyLoadedXap.xap [...]

  -i, --input             Required. XAP file to reduce in size.

  -o, --output            Output filename after optimization. If omitted, the
                          original file will be updated.

  -s, --sources           Source file to check for duplicate assemblies.

  -m, --ignore-missing    Ignores missing source files. Without this option, an
                          error will be returned.

  -r, --recompress        Attempts to recompress the XAP file afterwards.

  --help                  Display this help screen.

This software is licensed under the MIT license.`

Exit Codes

   1  Syntax error on the command line (invalid option, no source files
      specified, etc.)
   2  Input file does not exist.
   3  One or more source files are missing (and the --ignore-missing
      option was not specified).
1000  An unexpected exception occurred while processing. Refer to the
      exception message to diagnose the problem.
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