-GET method:
-from Anonomous:
401 - unauthorized
-from registered User and Manager:
Retrieves requesting user information
-from Superuser:
Retrieves all Users information
-POST method:
Allows everyone to register an account when supplied with the data:
-POST method:
Returns authorization token for given login:
-GET method:
displays user information based on token
NOTE a user token is required for all features of the API with the exception of registering and viewing the menu
-GET method:
ACCPETS PARAMS: ?perpage=5-50 | ?page=1 | ?search=title or category | (acsending order)?ordering=price, category | (decending order)?ordering=-price, category
-from Anonomous:
displays menu items rate limit set at two per minute
-from Users and Managers and Superuser:
displays menu items rate limit set at 100 per minute
-POST method:
-from Superusers
Creates menu item when given data:
-GET method:
From Superusers:
Lists all menu item categories
-POST method:
From Superusers:
Adds a category given:
-GET method:
Displays all details of the given {menuitemId}
-PATCH method:
from Managers and Superusers:
Toggles the featured status of the given {menuitemId}
-DELETE method:
from Superusers:
Deletes the given {menuitemId}
-GET method:
-from Managers and Superusers:
Lists all users in the managers group
-POST method:
-from Managers and Superusers:
Adds a user to the managers group given:
-DELETE method:
from Managers and Superusers:
Removes the User associated with {userId} from the managers group
-GET method:
-from Managers and Superusers:
Lists all users in the delivery crew group
-POST method:
-from Managers and Superusers:
Adds a user to the delivery crew group given:
-DELETE method:
from Managers and Superusers:
Removes the User associated with {userId} from the delivery crew group
-GET method:
from Users:
Displays all items and quantities currently in user's cart
-POST method:
from Users:
Adds a menu item to the user's cart given:
menuitem (Id)
-DELETE method:
from Users:
If given a menuitem (Id) removes item from the cart
If no data give removes all items from cart
-GET method:
from Users:
Displays orders owned by user
from Delivery Crew:
Displays orders assigned to delivery crew member
from Managers and Superusers:
Displays all orders
-POST method:
places an order based on items in the user's cart, and empties the cart.
-GET method:
from User:
Shows the order details associated with {orderId} details if user is owner of order.
from Delivery crew, Managers and Superusers:
Shows the order details associated with {orderId}
-PATCH method:
from from Delivery crew, Managers and Superusers:
Toggles the status of the order associated with {orderId}
-PUT method:
from Managers and Superusers:
Assigns a delivery crew to the the order associated with {orderId}
-DELETE method:
from Managers and Superusers:
Deletes the order associated with {orderId}