Find and create your ISO on:
This reading is for GNOME
interface mostly.
The recent versions of archinstaller deals with this, but, i found it nice manually doing a cleaning on partitions.
Before boot, wait for your ISO's image terminal open.
Remove all partitions of the destination disk:
print all
select "/dev/nvme0n1 ... or the correct SSD that you will use"
print "the partitions"
rm 1
rm 2
Prepare the partition table:
parted mktable GPT
1 Start it:
2 Select a mirror near from you, ex: Brazil
3 Do yourself the partitions (It's good for advanced users, but if you are not, the automatic best efforts would be great):
Create a partition for boot as
starts at5243kB
ends at513MB
Create another partition for system as
starts at518MB
ends at100%
Mount the first to
Mount the second to
4 Confirm systemd
as boot (modern one)
5 No swap if you have 32GB+ RAM let it crash :)
6 Hostname is the machine name, like "WorkstationX"
7 Do NOT use password on sudo, you should create a sudo user. Potential risk:
8 Create at least one user for you like "joao" and mark it as a superuser
9 On selecting profile desktop choose the correct GPU driver like proprietary for most of nvidia cards
10 Confirm pipewire
as audio server (most modern one)
11 For most workstations, mark only one kernel linux-zen
(+performance, +power, -throughput). You can read more about linux-zen kernel improvements on
12 Put aditional packages like firefox
13 On Network, choose NetworkManager
14 On Timezone choose the right one for you like America/Sao_Paulo
15 On Optional Repositories do not forget to mark multilib
for most workstations
16 Run the installer and when finish:
If you forgot multilib, enable it manually. Uncoment the multilib session from your pacman, both lines:
sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
GOTO (on this repository) to Mirrorlist (generate and replace with better and more complete one)
GOTO run a packman keys update
VIM as default editor:
vim /etc/environment
**include on it**
GOTO to set the boot timeout and the default kernel, if you installed two or more!
Source/devel zen:
sudo pacman -S linux-zen-headers
sudo pacman -S base-devel
sudo pacman -S cppcheck
sudo pacman -S git
mkdir ~/Repositories
PACAUR install/refresh:
cd ~/Documents (or somewhere to work then delete)
check base-devel installed (sudo pacman -S base-devel)
git clone
cd auracle-git/
makepkg -si
cd ..
sudo pacman -S expac jq
git clone
cd pacaur
makepkg -si
cd ..
rm -r pacaur
rm -r auracle-git
Gnome System Tray (to use apps on background like discord)
sudo pacman -S gnome-browser-connector
**now find the Tray Icons Reloaded and install**
Sensors and System Monitor on Tray
sudo sensors-detect
**put yes on all of them, no problems**
+ AppsMenu
+ AstraMonitor
+ Status Icons
sudo pacman -S libappindicator-gtk3
sudo pacman -S psensor
**open and config psensor to start on boot**
sudo pacman -S bashtop
Trim auto service check (to SSD's and nvme's):
**continuous trim is not recommended by UNIX community**
**check if its enabled (you should read *Active: active (waiting)*)**
systemctl status fstrim.timer
**if not, enable it**
sudo systemctl enable fstrim.timer
DSP LADSPA Plugin (for audio correction)
pacaur -S jamesdsp
**Then, download some corrections files like:**
JVM & Data Engineering Coding
sudo pacman -S jdk-openjdk (last one)
sudo pacman -S jdk8-openjdk
sudo pacman -S jdk11-openjdk
sudo pacman -S jdk17-openjdk
sudo pacman -S jdk21-openjdk
sudo pacman -S jdk23-openjdk
sudo archlinux-java set java-11-openjdk
archlinux-java status
sudo pacman -S visualvm
sudo pacman -S scala
scala -version
sudo pacman -S maven
mvn --version
sudo pacman -S sbt
sbt --version
sudo pacman -S intellij-idea-community-edition
sudo pacman -S pycharm-community-edition
sudo pacman -S vscode
sudo pacman -S dbeaver
sudo pacman -S docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo docker run hello-world
Working, Audio, Images, Video
sudo pacman -S exfat-utils
sudo pacman -S ntfs-3g
sudo pacman -S firefox
pacaur -S google-chrome
pacaur -S freeoffice
pacaur -S rhythmbox (audio player)
sudo pacman -S spotify-launcher
sudo pacman -S openrgb
sudo pacman -S steam
pacman -Qe (search for not used installed default dependencies carefully)
GOTO run the pacman clean instructions