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TheMaverickProgrammer edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 61 revisions

Coding Style

  1. Functions and Classes are always Capitalized. Some libs use camel case (Swoosh and SFML). Tolerate them as much as possible.
  2. SOLID principles. I know some classes are not doing this, they should be refactored.
  3. Long function names are better than cryptic function names
  4. Doxygen-style documentation
  5. Unless impossible, code implementation goes in .cpp file and declarations go in .h file.
  6. No globals or singleton classes.
  7. Prefer elegant design over hacking it together "it just works". This is game engine, so API matters most.


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Contributor List

The Battle network games are very precise when it comes to their inner-workings. The engine saw many deep refactors that left me with sleepless nights but it was worth it. I could not have gotten this far without the help from many contributors ranging from code contributions, art, and general battle network knowledge helping me shape this project up and getting closer to the original goals of an accurate and robust engine.

  • ⭐⭐⭐ Mars - Guidance / co-designer... at this point the game is 50% mars' project too!
  • ⭐⭐ Konstinople - [major contributor] Improved, scriptable overworld server complete with integration with the engine. boosted the discord server.
  • ⭐⭐ Pion - Scripting support fixes in C++, lua documentation, title screen
  • ⭐⭐ D3str0y3d255 - Navis galore, edits and maps for central server, made and manages 7 servers (and counting), helped write some guides, recorded overworld creation video, joined in epic co-op streams for entertainment, avid tester of server functionality/ found some bugs in engine, collected tiles and sprites/animated a good amount of backgrounds, scavenger of resources (on and off stream)
  • ⭐⭐ Keristero - EZ Scripts for EZ overworld quest building. Gung-ho community creator. Double boosted discord server
  • ⭐ Pheelbert - godfather project that I forked and he helped me clean up some early code! The tile movement logic is highly borrowed from his designs!
  • ⭐ PlayerZero - [major contributor] animated a ton of enemies, navis, and attacks. They contributed to the navi data used for attacks and charging. They have also helped quality test other aspects of the game.
  • DJRezzed - fireburn, elecpulse, falzar, puck hit, wind rack sfx, navi cust sound fx, and in general all missing sfx... Neurolink custom art, custom MIDI files and sound fonts for that authentic retro experience!
  • Shale - Verbose chip descriptions in library idea. Buster Pew SFX rip. Counter star graphic. No support chip icon. Buster chink animation.
  • Dunstan - missing HP glyphs. Confirmed stun times. Confirmed slide + KO behavior. Complete text library of all chips.
  • Mint - battle text sprites
  • Gray Nine - Double/Triple delete mechanic specifics. Team Tile frame times.
  • Zeek - HQ Mobile screenshots for v1
  • Salad - perfected player controls in battle
  • CosmicNobab - SwapGator, Barky, and Life Sucker
  • FrozenLake - heel navi animations, more tiles, new .animation for tiles
  • Kuri - emote fixes, ow tile fixes, custom login widget, dab megaman
  • jontheburger - battle system emotion window
  • Gemini - manjaro/gcc support + character icon edits
  • Poly - manjaro/clang mingw + client login on manjaro
  • kyqurikan - Dedicated server with hefty specs
  • Learn2fly - discord server boost
  • Wheeler - all around cool dog and double boosted discord server
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