Swarm stands for Static Utility AI Reasoner Macro(if you replace the U with W :D). Like the name says, this crate ships a macro to create reasoner systems. Reasoner systems are the systems that decide what action was best scored the last run. They are pretty boiler-platey, so to reduce that, this crate was created. To understand what the macro does, read the "How to use" section :D.
The name has static in it because it relies on Rust's type system and bevy's static queries, this means you need to define all actions before compilation.
Well, the main feature of this crate is the reasoner macro, so let's use it and see what it does, for the following macro call, for example:
create_reasoner! {
the macro "create_reasoner" would generate the following things:
// A component that holds the currently highest scored action, this component is mutated in
// the determine_next_action_dwarf_actions reasoner system
pub enum DwarfActions {
// These are Action components, they're newtypes wrapping an f32
// Your scoring systems would need to mutate their value to affect the chosen DwarfActions variant
pub struct Eat(f32);
pub struct Sleep(f32);
// This is a regular bevy bundle that you add to your dwarf entities
pub struct DwarfActionsBundle{
pub eat:Eat,
pub sleep:Sleep,
pub dwarf_actions:DwarfActions
/// This is the reasoner system that chooses our next action
fn determine_next_action_dwarf_actions(
mut query: Query<(
&mut DwarfActions,
) {
for (eat, sleep, mut dwarf_actions) in
let array = vec![
(eat.0, DwarfActions::Eat),
(sleep.0, DwarfActions::Sleep),
let mut index_max: usize = 0;
let mut temp = f32::MIN;
for (index, (item, _action)) in array.iter().enumerate() {
if *item > temp {
temp = *item;
index_max = index;
*dwarf_actions = array[index_max].1.clone();
This means you can just insert the generated bundle on any entity, and if you run the generated reasoner system, it will decide what action is needed to be taken next.
Scoring systems are thus also regular bevy systems that could be ran in parralel to each other since they have nothing to do with each other, you just have to make sure the reasoner is ran after all scores are updated.
This crate only ships the reasoner macro, it doesn't have any opinion on how to score actions or what do to with them after the reasoner has chosen an action! You should perhaps use a tweening library, easer was quite nice :D.
You are not limited to one action group too, you can compose your ai from groups of actions, they are easily composeable since they are just bundles and systems i the end of day. Just call the macro more than once :D.
bevy_swarm is primarily distributed under the terms of either the MIT license or the Apache License (Version 2.0).