MetOClient UI is a reference implementation for [](FMI's Open Data Services).
MetOClient UI shows an example implementation on how to present and control FMI Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Map Service (WMS) content in a web page. FMI WFS service provides weather observation and forecast data that are presented in a graph component in MetOClient UI. FMI WMS service provides visualized observations, radar images and model forecasts that are presented in an animation component in MetOClient UI. Notice, FMI WMS services are not intended as primary means of accessing open data, and direct use of the FMI's WMS service for other than evalutation purposes is not allowed because of the high network bandwidth and processing requirements.
You may also want to see these MetOClient related projects:
Root folder contains this and Grunt files that may be used to build different versions of the library.
- dist contains pre-build MetOClient UI that is provided as a release versions. As a default, MetOClient UI uses minified library files. But, non-minified library files are also provided for debugging purposes. Notice, dist -folder content is replaced if grunt builds the project. Therefore, modifications should be implemented in src -folder and built by using grunt. Also notice, when grunt builds MetOClient UI, some of the thirdparty content may be replaced in dist -folder with MetOClient UI specific content from src -folder.
- examples contains component specific examples to show how a specific component may be used in HTML
- doc contains documentation files that describe MetOClient UI components in more detail:
- src contains actual source files that may be used as a reference and are used to create release content into dist -folder when Grunt is used. Notice, source components may not work properly if used directly in src -folder. Therefore, if you modify sources, use grunt to build MetOClient UI. Then, dist -folder content can be used for testing. Also notice, existing dist -folder content is replaced by new if you use grunt to build.
- deps contains thirdparty libraries that are used by animation library
MetOClient UI works well with the major browsers.
But notice, Internet Explorer version 9 or greater is required.