This is the puppet module to manage a trocla installation on the puppet master. It also, provides the necessary function to query trocla from puppet.
To get a quick start you might be interested in using the trocla::yaml
on your master. This will install trocla and setup it using the default YAML
storage backend for your master. There is no need to configure anything on the
clients if you do not want to use trocla on the clients itself.
If you want to do your own very custom setup, you should look into the other classes.
- Version 0.2.2 of this module is for version 0.2.2 of trocla.
trocla(KEY, FORMAT, [optional options])
This is the main function you will use. This is similar to a
trocla create foo FORMAT
on the cli. This means, that if a password for this key and format exists, it will return this one, otherwise will create one automatically and return the generated password. So you might want to do something like:
password => trocla('user_foobar','plain')
If you want to pass down encrypted passwords, you might use:
password => trocla('user_foobar','sha512crypt')
As descriped further in trocla's docs.
The optional options, can be used to pass options to the format, like overriding the default length for passwords that are being created:
password => trocla('user_foobar','sha512crypt','length: 32')
trocla_get(KEY, FORMAT)
This will return the value of the passed key and format. If nothing is found an error will be raised. This is interesting if you want do not want to autogenerate a password and rather be sure that it's already existing in trocla's database.
This will set the passed password for the key/format pair and return it as well. This is mainly interesting if you want to migrate existing manifests with plenty of passwords in it to trocla.
This is a class that manages a trocla configuration. You might use this one if you do not use the default yaml setup.
This class manages the installation of trocla itself. It will not configure trocla, it will just install the necessary packages.
Trocla can also be integrated into Hiera by using ZeroPointEnergy's hiera-backend.
Simply include trocla::master::hiera
to make that backend available.
RTFC and for more information about trocla visit: