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Slot Modifiers

C4 edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 3 revisions

This is a feature only in Curios

Slot modifiers are a way to dynamically add/remove slots from entities the same way modders could add/remove health or attack damage. In fact, it uses the exact same AttributeModifier system to accomplish this.

Getting Started

The main method modders should use is ICuriosHelper#addSlotModifier(Multimap, String, UUID, double, AttributeModifier.Operation).


  • Multimap- This is a multimap that normally contains the Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier attribute map used for entities. Curios will add the slot modifiers to this map, wrapping the modifier in the appropriate logic to translate it into slots.
  • String - The identifier of the slot to add the modifier onto.
  • UUID - The UUID to use for the modifier.
  • double - The amount of the modifier.
  • AttributeModifier.Operation - The type of operation of the modifier. All operations are supported.


A very typical example of how a modder could override their ICurio#getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext, UUID) implementation to incorporate a slot modifier that adds 6 ring slots when equipped in addition to its normal attribute modifier for movement speed.

public Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(SlotContext slotContext, UUID uuid) {
  Multimap<Attribute, AttributeModifier> atts = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
  atts.put(Attributes.MOVEMENT_SPEED, new AttributeModifier(uuid, "speed_bonus", 0.1, AttributeModifier.Operation.MULTIPLY_TOTAL));
  CuriosApi.getCuriosHelper().addSlotModifier(atts, "ring", uuid, 6.0, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION);
  return atts;

Permanent Modifiers

Sometimes, modders might want to add ways to permanently change the amount of slots a player has. This could be due to advancements, or getting past certain stages, or obtaining a certain item, or anything really. The way to do this is to obtain the ICurioStacksHandler instance of the slot you're looking for and add an attribute modifier using ICurioStacksHandler#addPermanentModifier(AttributeModifier).


An example how a modder could permanently add 2 more ring slots to a player.

CuriosApi.getCuriosHelper().getCuriosHandler(player).ifPresent(handler -> {
  handler.getStacksHandler("ring").ifPresent(stacks -> {
    stacks.addPermanentModifier(new AttributeModifier(uuid, "name", 2, AttributeModifier.Operation.ADDITION));