Game Off projects repositories will be here...
Game Off: Creating open source games in about 30 days. About 3-5 days in reality.
Project Licenses: GameOff Projects and this repositories under MIT.
Third Party Licenses: Each project Third Party Resources has its own license. So look at, "ProjectName" > "Resources" > "", the link can also be accessed from below.
- Name: Moonlight Traveller
- Description: Kill the monsters until the "Moonlight Sonata" is over
- Tools: Godot (v3.2.3.mono), Blender (v2.83 & v2.90) + Addon(Godot Blender Exporter)
- Comment: Although Godot has nice features, it still has a long way to go. I was busy this month.
- ThirdParty: ThirdParty
- Name: Bounce at the Border
- Description: Take books pass level
- Tools: Godot (v3.2.beta2.mono.official), Blender (v2.80) + Addon(Godot Blender Exporter)
- ThirdParty: ThirdParty
- Theme: HYBRID
- Name: Ways of Godot
- Description: Let's find Godot.
- Tools: Godot (v3.1_a2)
- Comment: Godot will be good engine, but it doesn't ready for 3D in v3.06-v3.1_alpha2. So We 'Waiting for Godot'...
- ThirdParty: ThirdParty