USERNAME=postgres -> PostgresSQL database username
PASSWORD=postgres -> PostgresSQL database password
DATABASE=chatTingggg -> PostgresSQL database Name
HOST= -> PostgresSQL database Host
DIALECT=postgres -> Dialect Postgres for Sequeilze
PORT=5433 -> PostgresSQL port
RHOST=localhost -> Redis Host
RPORT=6379 -> Redis Port
SECRET=somePrivateKey -> Secrete key for signing and decoding JWT's for auth
Run npm install on:
- chatTing
- chatTing/chatService
- chatTing/syncingService
This will install all the dependencies.
Before Running any files make sure you run the migrations, by running node migrate up --step 4, this will setup the database. Go to chatService/src and run the server.ts file, this runs the REST API and to backup messages run the message syncing service by going to syncingService and running the index.ts file.
For more information on this project read this detailed article