This is a reference implementation of the ITS-S (a client side) as defined in ETSI C-ITS standards. Its main purpose is to enable implementators of the ITS-S software to study and validate their implementations from a security perspective. The server side (Enrollment Authority, Authorization Authority and Certification Authority) is provided by TeskaLabs' SeaCat CA. It also contains a simple ITS-G5 network simulator that utilizes UDP IPv4 multicast.
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) allow road users and traffic managers to share information and use it to coordinate their actions. It is a set of standards that describes data exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the vehicles and the roadside infrastructure, so called V2X communication.
Ensure that you have Python 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7 installed.
Please referrer to a documentation of your OS or to a Python official documentation how to install Python. We assume, that your python interpretter is available aspython3
Supported OS are: Linux, Windows, Mac OSX. -
Ensure that you have pip, the python installer.
Install dependencies
pip3 install -U asn1tools pip3 install -U cryptography pip3 install -U requests
Clone the repository
git clone
$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-e EA_URL] [-a AA_URL] [--g5-sim G5_SIM] DIR
C-ITS ITS-S reference implementation focused on a security.
C-ITS standards: ETSI TS 102 941 v1.1.1, ETSI TS 103 097 v1.2.1
It also contains a simple ITS-G5 network simulator that utilizes UDP IPv4 multicast.
(C) 2018 TeskaLabs
positional arguments:
DIR A directory with persistent storage of a keying
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e EA_URL, --ea-url EA_URL
URL of the Enrollment Authority
-a AA_URL, --aa-url AA_URL
URL of the Authorization Authority
--g5-sim G5_SIM Configuration of G5 simulator
$ mkdir itssA
$ ./ itssA
Enrollment finished successfuly.
Authorization ticket obtained successfuly.
ITS-S identity: 14bc1ff472886760f630d7a50607013e8dc079d23b54cd62ac014ae4cffecd79e3f9d94268acd1411bce9554487653a6
AT digest: 3618365b33dc6a3d
Received verified message b'payload' from [3618365b33dc6a3d/authorization_ticket]
- ETSI TS 102 941 v1.1.1
- ETSI TS 103 097 v1.2.1