Basic Altimeter logger for SF11/C laser range finder.
- Using Raspberry Pi Zero
- Trigger on specified pin interrupt
- Retrieve Altitude via serial port
- Log Altitudes.
- Rasbian Stretch 4.14
- wiringPi library installed system wide.
- libterraclear: Clone into the same root folder as this repo
A Raspberry Pi Zero, wired up as follows: Lightware SF11 Laser Altimeter whose RX line is attached to TX, TX line is attached to RX, connected to 5 Volt power and GND. Camera trigger line connected to pin #21 Red LED connected to #24 and GND. Green LED connected to #21 and GND.
- SSH: user=pi, password=terrapi123
- Deploy altipi binary to /altimeter
- Create a system.d service for altipi and register service (see /altipi.service in repository.)
- Mount FAT partition on /media/data through /etc/fstab
PARTUUID=4955b1f2-03 /media/data vfat defaults,umask=007,gid=100 0 0
- In mounted FAT partition, Create folder "altimeter"
- deploy altipi.service file to /lib/systemd/system/altipi.service
- Ensure rights are 644:
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/altipi.service
- configure system.d:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable altipi.service
- reboot
On startup, expect ps -A | grep altipi
to find a running process.
Expect /media/data/altimeter
to contain altimeter.log
and altimeterdebug.log
Expect green LED to turn on.
Expect altimeterdebug.log
to contain readings and continuously grow.