This respository includes a Caffe implementation of FAN that achieves state-of-the-art performance on CelebA and LFWA face attribute benchmark.
If this code is helpful for your research, please cite the following paper:
title={Harnessing Synthesized Abstraction Images to Improve Facial Attribute Recognition.},
author={Keke He, Yanwei Fu, Wuhao Zhang, Chengjie Wang, Yu-Gang Jiang, Feiyue Huang, Xiangyang Xue},
journal={Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-18}},
Our method leverages facial parts locations for better attribute prediction. A facial abstraction is generated by a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Then a dual-path facial attribute network is built which accepts inputs from original images and absraction images.
- Caffe
- Linux
Clone the github repository:
git clone
cd FaceAttribute-FAN
Please download the trained models from Google drive or Baidu drive, and put it into outputs folder.
To test the dual-path model,
If you want to test your own image without synthesized abstraction image, you can
The name of 40 attributes can be found at Appendix
To train and evaluation the model on the CelebA benchmark, please download the CelebA dataset from CelebA.
Please download pretrained model and synthesized abstraction images of CelebA dataset from Google drive or Baidu drive.
Put the original CelebA and synthesized abstraction image under the data/CelebA folder, for example:
├── CelebA │ ├── img_align_celeba │ ├── img_celeba_pix2pix
cd evaluation
cd models/dual_path_parse_resnet
40 binary attributes in CelebA dataset. Output 0: without this attribute, 1: with this attribute.
Id | Name | Name in Chinese |
0 | 5_o_Clock_Shadow | 短胡子 |
1 | Arched_Eyebrows | 弯眉毛 |
2 | Attractive | 有吸引力 |
3 | Bags_Under_Eyes | 眼袋 |
4 | Bald | 秃顶 |
5 | Bangs | 刘海 |
6 | Big_Lips | 厚嘴唇 |
7 | Big_Nose | 大鼻子 |
8 | Black_Hair | 黑色头发 |
9 | Blond_Hair | 金色头发 |
10 | Blurry | 模糊 |
11 | Brown_Hair | 棕色头发 |
12 | Bushy_Eyebrows | 浓眉毛 |
13 | Chubby | 胖的 |
14 | Double_Chin | 双下巴 |
15 | Eyeglasses | 眼镜 |
16 | Goatee | 山羊胡子 |
17 | Gray_Hair | 灰白头发 |
18 | Heavy_Makeup | 浓妆 |
19 | High_Cheekbones | 高颧骨 |
20 | Male | 男性 |
21 | Mouth_Slightly_Open | 嘴巴微张 |
22 | Mustache | 胡子,髭 |
23 | Narrow_Eyes | 小眼睛 |
24 | No_Beard | 没有胡子 |
25 | Oval_Face | 鸭蛋脸 |
26 | Pale_Skin | 皮肤苍白 |
27 | Pointy_Nose | 尖鼻子 |
28 | Receding_Hairline | 发际线后移 |
29 | Rosy_Cheeks | 红润双颊 |
30 | Sideburns | 连鬓胡子 |
31 | Smiling | 微笑 |
32 | Straight_Hair | 直发 |
33 | Wavy_Hair | 卷发 |
34 | Wearing_Earrings | 戴耳环 |
35 | Wearing_Hat | 戴帽子 |
36 | Wearing_Lipstick | 涂唇膏 |
37 | Wearing_Necklace | 戴项链 |
38 | Wearing_Necktie | 戴领带 |
39 | Young | 年轻 |