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MMKV 是基于 mmap 内存映射的 key-value 组件,底层序列化/反序列化使用 protobuf 实现,性能高,稳定性强。从 2015 年中至今在微信上使用,其性能和稳定性经过了时间的验证。近期也已移植到 Android / macOS / Windows / POSIX 平台,一并开源。
MMKV 可以直接使用,所有变更立即生效,无需调用 synchronize
在 App 启动时初始化 MMKV(设定 MMKV 的根目录),例如在
-[MyApp application: didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:]
里:- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // init MMKV in the main thread [MMKV initializeMMKV:nil]; //... return YES; }
如果你需要多进程访问(在主 App 与 Extension 之间),那么需要在初始化时设置 group directory:
NSString *myGroupID = @"group.company.mmkv"; // the group dir that can be accessed by App & extensions NSString *groupDir = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier:myGroupID].path; [MMKV initializeMMKV:nil groupDir:groupDir logLevel:MMKVLogInfo];
注意: 当在 AppExtension 或 WatchExtension 中使用 MMKV 时,你应该使用动态库链接到你的 target (详见安装指南)。
MMKV 提供一个全局的实例,可以直接使用:
MMKV* mmkv = [MMKV defaultMMKV]; [mmkv setBool:YES forKey:@"bool"]; NSLog(@"bool:%d", [mmkv getBoolForKey:@"bool"]); [mmkv setInt32:-1024 forKey:@"int32"]; NSLog(@"int32:%d", [mmkv getInt32ForKey:@"int32"]); [mmkv setInt64:std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min() forKey:@"int64"]; NSLog(@"int64:%lld", [mmkv getInt64ForKey:@"int64"]); [mmkv setFloat:-3.1415926 forKey:@"float"]; NSLog(@"float:%f", [mmkv getFloatForKey:@"float"]); [mmkv setString:@"hello, mmkv" forKey:@"string"]; NSLog(@"string:%@", [mmkv getStringForKey:@"string"]); [mmkv setDateorKey:@"date"]; NSLog(@"date:%@", [mmkv getDateForKey:@"date"]); NSData *data = [@"hello, mmkv again and again" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [mmkv setDataForKey:@"data"]; data = [mmkv getDataForKey:@"data"];
NSLog(@"data:%@", [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
NSDictionary *dic = @{@"key1" : @"value1",
@"key2" : @(2)};
[mmkv setObject:dic forKey:@"dictionary"];
dic = [mmkv getObjectOfClass:[NSDictionary class] forKey:@"dictionary"];
NSLog(@"dictionary:%@", dic);
可以看到,MMKV 在使用上还是比较简单的。
MMKV *mmkv = [MMKV defaultMMKV]; [mmkv removeValueForKey:@"bool"]; [mmkv removeValuesForKeys:@[@"int32", @"int64"]]; BOOL hasBool = [mmkv containsKey:@"bool"]; [mmkv enumerateKeys:^(NSString *key, BOOL *stop) { if ([key isEqualToString:@"string"]) { NSString *value = [mmkv getStringForKey:key]; NSLog(@"%@ = %@", key, value); *stop = YES; } }]; // delete everything [mmkv clearAll];
MMKV* mmkv = [MMKV mmkvWithID:@"MyID"]; [mmkv setBool:YES forKey:@"bool"];
如果你需要多进程访问(在主 App 与 Extension 之间),那么如前文所述需要在初始化时设置 group directory。然后传入
参数获取多进程实例:MMKV *mmkv = [MMKV mmkvWithID:@"MyMultiID" mode:MMKVMultiProcess]; [mmkv setBool:YES forKey:@"bool"];
- 支持以下 C/C++ 语语言基础类型:
bool, int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float, double
- 支持以下 Objective-C 类型:
NSString, NSData, NSDate
- 支持实现了
MMKV 提供了
-[MMKV migrateFromUserDefaultsDictionaryRepresentation:]
函数,可以比较方便地迁移数据过来。auto userDefault = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@"myDefault"]; auto mmkv = [MMKV mmkvWithID:@"testImportNSUserDefaults"]; [mmkv migrateFromUserDefaultsDictionaryRepresentation: userDefault.dictionaryRepresentation]; // delete keys & values from userDefault when you're done
MMKV is published under the BSD 3-Clause license. For details check out the LICENSE.TXT.
Check out the CHANGELOG.md for details of change history.
If you are interested in contributing, check out the CONTRIBUTING.md, also join our Tencent OpenSource Plan.
To give clarity of what is expected of our members, MMKV has adopted the code of conduct defined by the Contributor Covenant, which is widely used. And we think it articulates our values well. For more, check out the Code of Conduct.
Check out the FAQ first. Should there be any questions, don't hesitate to create issues.
User privacy is taken very seriously: MMKV does not obtain, collect or upload any personal information. Please refer to the MMKV SDK Personal Information Protection Rules for details.
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