This is a demo to try to apply details to a polygon. Check the forum tread for details:
It is simple to setup on windows trough a series of bats. On Mac, it can be setup using the terminal.
On Windows:
- install node.js
- run npmInstall.bat to install node modules
- run npmStart.bat to start a live reloading server.
- Open the address provided by the console with a browser.
- run npmRunBuild.bat to make a build on the build folder. This can be uploaded to the server.
On Mac:
- install node.js
- open terminal and go to the project directory
- "npm install" to install node modules
- "npm start" to start a live reloading server.
- "npm run build" to make a build on the build folder. This can be uploaded to the server.
Libs: Phaser-ce: