A connector to Roassal3 graphic engine
To install Telescope and Roassal3, you simply need to execute the following code snippet in a playground in Pharo 8 or 9:
Metacello new
baseline: 'TelescopeRoassal3';
repository: 'github://TelescopeSt/TelescopeRoassal3';
Note that this code snippet also loads Telescope, there is no need to load Telescope therefore.
Once you have the TelescopeRoassal bridge loaded, it will be used by Telescope itself to render visualization. You can browse the class TLDemos
, on the class side, to run all the demos of Telescope using the Roassal3 bridge. Here is a screenshot:
The class TLRoassal3Examples
gives an overview of how well the Telescope standard example run using the Roassal3 bridge. By running the method exampleAll
, you will obtain something like:
Each box is an example of Telescope that is run using the Roassal3 bridge. A green box indicates the example runs without error. A red box indicates an error is thrown. In this case, the class
uses the logCr
message, which does not exist in Pharo 9 (from which the screenshot is obtained from).
The Roassal3 bridge contains the class TLPackageButterfly
that defines the butterfly visualization. As shown in the method TLMooseExamplesExamples>>exampleMyClassButterfly
, one can open the butterfly visualization on any Pharo compiled method using:
| b |
b := TLMyDemoButterfly new.
mainEntity: {RSCanvas >> #zoomToFit. RSCanvas >> #privateEdges};
leftEntities: [ :met | met senders collect: #compiledMethod ];
rightEntities: [ :met | met implementors collect: #compiledMethod ].
b open
In case you are using Moose, here is a similar example that uses the Moose platform instead:
parser := CPPSCSVParser new.
model := CPPSModel new.
parser model: model.
parser entitiesMap
at: 'Class'
(CPPSType new
name: 'MyClass';
sourceAnchor: (CPPSFileAnchor new mooseModel: model)).
parser entitiesMap at: 'typeCode' put: CPPSType new.
parser savePath: 'foo/bar' forId: 'sourceFile'.
context := PP2Context new.
parser := parser productionAt: #function.
result := parser
parse: 'methodCode,"myMethod()",typeCode,Class,sourceFile,45,1,48,-1'
withContext: context.
entity := model entityNamed: 'MyClass.myMethod()'.
butterfly := CPPSButterflyVisualization new
mainEntity: entity.
butterfly open.