Change your android phone to a surveillance security camera.
You can download binrary from Google Play:
- Build-in web service, you can see the video via browser in pc and another phone, a modem browser with HTML5 is reauired.
- H.264 video and G.726 audio
- Streaming via websocket between browser and android phone.
- Decoding H.264 and G.726 in pure Javascript
- Support motion detecting (doing)
- Support advanced vision algorithms (doing)
- Publishing alarm messages to SNS (not ready)
Access over internet
- This app don't support internet, you can try my another app:
- License GPL v2
- X.264 : git://
- Java Websocket library :
- H.264 javascript decoder:
- 2014-10-10 Refine project with new specifications.
... (打酱油) ...
- 2012-10-30 Finished audio support.
- 2012-10-28 Fixed small bugs, added audio flash player in Web page.
- 2012-10-18 Bugs fixed, supported IE, Firefox and Chrome.
- 2012-08-04 Multiple jpeg streaming is OK, basic framework is OK.
- 2012-07-26 creating project.