To get started with the TeamOctOS sources, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
Check to see if you already have existing SSH Keys.
ls ~/.ssh
By default, SSH Keys are saved as: id_rsa and
If you do NOT have these files, continue. If you DO have these, skip the next step!
Note: If you already have existing SSH Keys, doing this will overwrite them!
cd ~
ssh-keygen -t rsa
It will ask you where to store the key (defaults to ~/.ssh/id_rsa) and will ask if you wish to enter a password. If you enter a password, you will need to enter this EVERY TIME.
We recommend (and will assume) that you are using your SSH Keys for GitHub and Gerrit review.
cat ~/.ssh/
This will display your PUBLIC SSH Key. This is what you will put on GitHub and Gerrit, and will be used to identify you to those services.
Please see GitHub's Step 3: Add your SSH key to GitHub to add your key to your account.
After creating your SSH Key, you will need to create a configuration file so the system will know to use these keys automatically.
Open your ~/.ssh/config file in your favorite editor (nano, gedit, vim, etc).
nano ~/.ssh/config
and add the following code blocks.
User <Gerrit_UserName>
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
User <GitHub_Registered_Email>
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
and then save. This will allow your system to automatically supply your SSH key when connecting to these hosts.
You will need to set up some directories in your build environment.
To create them run:
mkdir -p ~/bin
mkdir -p ~/octos
Enter the following to download the "repo" binary and make it executable:
curl > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
You may need to reboot for these changes to take effect. Now enter the following to initialize the repository:
cd ~/octos
repo init -u -b oreo && repo sync
This will initialize the new repository and begin the initial sync. This will take a while!