Table of Contents
The application use only the txt file, which can be exported from Radimpex Software Tower in Shear Walls calculate mode. From this file the app reads the provided information, which is the square cеntimeters of any type of reinforcement (for example: Aa1=30 cm2, Aa2=30 cm2, Aav=5.62 cm2/m', Aah=3.51 cm2/m') in a shear wall and calculates the needed reinforcement bar diameters. The app iterate through every wall in xls file (respectively in txt file), reads the size information in xls file and the reinforcement information from txt file and makes calculations about the needed reinforcement.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Install all Python libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt
- TXT FILE PATH - not obligatory field
- XLS FILE PATH - the path to xls file, in which the app will save the calculations
- SHEET NAME - sheet name in xls file (case-sensitive)
- SHEAR WALLS COUNT - total number of all walls, represented in specific cells in xls
- STOREY LEVELS COUNT - total number of all levels, represented in specific cells in xls
- GET INPUT - an obligatory action before anything else in functionallity, saves user input in db file
- GET TOWER RESULTS - open and read txt file, finds the needed information, save it to xls file and generate additional PDF file with extreme value for each wall per level
- CALCULATE - open and read xls file, calculate the required reinforcement for each wall at each level and save the calculations back to xls file
- CLEAR CELLS - clear all cell from automatically pasted information from app
Tanya Angelova - LinkedIn - [email protected]
Project Link: github link