🫧 I currently work at :probabl., I maintain fairlearn and contribute to scikit-learn. Previously, I've worked at Explosion, Ableton and a few others.
🫧 A few years ago, for the everlasting love of language, I went back to Uni for a Master's degree. Taking part in the Cognitive Systems program was a blast and a dream come true. I got to explore (computational) linguistics and NLP, cognitive (neuro)science, ML and work on various research projects. I am still involved in supporting research in applied computational lingusitics.
🫧 I write weekly about what I am reading and technical work on my GitHub Pages. You can also find a list of upcoming and past talks and podcasts there.
🫧 I sometimes write on my blog. A lot of the content is centred around language and literature.
🫧 I am always interested in collaborating with institutions on scientific projects. Feel free to contact me if you have an idea for a collaboration.