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A front-end build tool to quickly spin up static web sites using Gulp, Jekyll, SASS and Bootstrap or Foundation.

Getting started

Before you start, install these on your machine globally

Setup project

  1. Clone this repo to a local folder
  2. cd to the folder in terminal
  3. Choose Bootstrap or Foundation and install package by running either npm install bootstrap-sass --save or npm install foundation-sites --save
  4. Run npm install
  5. Open gulpfile.js and uncomment line 22 or 23 to use Bootstrap or Foundation
  6. Open assets/styles/main.scss and uncomment the @import for Bootstrap or Foundation


This project uses the Gulp task runner to manage the build process. The compiled site is generated in the deploy folder.


gulp The default command will run all build tasks then serve the site and rebuild on changes with Browsersync. This is the task you typically want to use when developing.

gulp build Runs clean and then all other tasks.

gulp clean This deletes everything in the deploy folder.

gulp html Runs Jekyll to build all html files.

gulp css Compiles sass, prefixes css and writes source maps.

gulp img Minifies images.

gulp js Lints, concatenates and minifies javascript files and writes source maps.

gulp lint Lints only app.js source, not bower included files.


The --production argument can be passed with any task. This removes source maps when compiling css and javascript. Typically this is used with the build command to generate final production assets.


Here is the basic tree structure and important files

├── _config.yml              <- Jekyll config
├── .babelrc                 <- Babel settings (only used for Foundation)
├── .editorconfig            <- Code styling rules for supported editors
├── .gitignore               <- Repo excludes
├── gulpfile.js              <- Build tasks
├── package.json             <- Project dependencies
├──                <- This document
├── scriptfiles.json         <- JavaScript file includes (add to and remove from build here)
├── assets
│   ├── fonts
│   ├── images
│   ├── scripts
│   │   └── main.js
│   └── styles
│       ├── _bootstrap-variables.scss
│       ├── _bootstrap.scss
│       ├── _foundation-settings.scss
│       ├── _foundation.scss
│       ├── _global.scss
│       └── main.scss                 <- Top level SASS file (import all others from here)
├── deploy                            <- Generated output
├── html
│   ├── _includes                     <- Partial template files
│   │   ├── bootstrap-navbar.html
│   │   ├── footer.html
│   │   └── foundation-topbar.html
│   ├── _layouts                      <- Top level template files
│   │   └── default.html
│   └── index.html                    <- Homepage content


An updated static site layout template







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