Health package simplifies the way you add health check to your service.
For a real application using go-health
please check ImgArt
- Service health status
- Graceful Shutdown Pattern
- Health check external dependencies
- HTTP Handler out of the box that returns the health status
go get -u
// Create a new instance of Health
h := New("service-name", Options{CheckersTimeout: time.Second * 1})
// Register external dependencies
h.RegisterChecker("redis", redisDb)
h.RegisterChecker("mongo", mongoDb)
h.RegisterChecker("external_api", api)
// Get service health status
s := h.GetStatus()
// Listen interrupt OS signals for graceful shutdown
var gracefulShutdown = make(chan os.Signal)
signal.Notify(gracefulShutdown, syscall.SIGTERM)
signal.Notify(gracefulShutdown, syscall.SIGINT)
go func() {
// Close Databases gracefully
// Close HttpServer gracefully
// if you have an http server you can register the default handler
// ServeHTTP return 503 (Service Unavailable) if service is shutting down
http.HandleFunc("/health", h.ServeHTTP)
"external_api": {