This is the front-end website for, my capstone project.
git clone
npm install
npm install -g angular-cli
npm start
Run ng build -prod
to build for production.
See more instructions on the Angular CLI on their GitHub page.
- Deleting a test case in problem view can fail
- Recreate bug by adding a test case, deleting the first then adding again
- Help / FAQ / changelog
- Suggestion box - submit bug report, feature request, Lang request
- Indication of email sent
- Stress test
- Checkmark next to completed problems
- Spiff up profile page
- Show placings in competitions
- "Podium" view on scoreboard after end
- User preferred language
- Search problems better
- Log in through other providers
- Ng2 animation loading
- CanDeactivate guard confirming you want to leave without submitting
- Limit leaderboard to one spot per person
- Open modal immediately with title on login required
- Redirect after login
- Competition exists / problem exists guards
- Shows 404 if navigating to "/competitions/doesnotexist"
- Deleting problems and users moves to deleted object rather than actually deleting
- Unsubscribe observables onDestroy
- Caching
- Repository service makes a lot of firebase requests
- Copyright
- Order problems
- Templates and highlighting lazy loaded
- Cleanup /usermgmt
- Redirect to respective components based on action code
- Create separate components for each action code
- Two step verification