EXT:solrgeo is an add-on to EXT:sor to provide the geo search with Apache Solr Spatial Search (https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpatialSearch) and the geocoder PHP library. For more information about this library, visit http://geocoder-php.org.
(by dkd Internet Service GmbH, 2014-04-17)
The add-on solrgeo was tested successfully with this following installations: * EXT:solr 3.0.0 * Solr Server 4.6.1 and 4.7.0 * TYPO3 6.1.1 and 6.2.0
For using solrgeo it is currently needed that your content is already indexed.
- Almost all search functionalities are configured with TS.
- Supports Provider for Google Maps, Google Maps Business or OpenStreetMap
- Supports several adapters: ** CurlHttpAdapter ** SocketHttpAdapter ** BuzzHttpAdapter ** GuzzleHttpAdapter ** ZendHttpAdapter For using Buzz,, Guzzle and Zend please ensure you have installed the respective libraries
- Working this filters for Spatial Search: ** Distance filter: geofilt (for an exact search result) ** Bounding-box filter: bbox (loose search)
- Location data can be added to several tables: pages, files (indexed with extension solrfile / solrfal), tx_news_domain_model_news, etc.
- Results are grouped by city and country for facets
- Results are marked in Google Maps
- Include solrgeo as static template
- Create a new page which includes solrgeo as plugin
- Customize TypoScript ** Set the new page id you created before if you are going to link the solr page to the solrgeo page ** Geo Coding: plugin.tx_solrgeo.index.geocode. First configure your tables to geo code (pages, files, tx_solrfile, tx_news_domain_model_news, etc) and within each table configuration you need at least the uid and city. Optional fields are address and geolocation. ** All other configuration options are set with default values.
- Create a scheduler task with solrgeo (class), single (type) and run it.
- Optional: Customize the results ** EXT:solrgeo/Resources/Private/Templates/Search/Search.html ** EXT:solrgeo/Resources/Public/Stylesheets/search.css
- Provide adding location data to Solr documents while EXT:solr will index your content
- Provide geo searching with tt_address