This Add-On provides file indexing from DAM.
This extension requires EXT:solrfile ( EXT:solrfile only indexes files actually linked on a page. The philosophy behind this is that files not being linked on a page are not accessible to a visitor. The visitor would need to know or guess a file's name and location to access it.
In contrast you may be using DAM as a download directory for example, not explicitly linking all the files available in media library. This Add-On allows you to index DAM records using the regular Index Queue and while doing so also adding a file's content to its index document.
As a result it is easy to build a powerful download directory with search and facet-powered filters for all kinds of properties.
We thank our Sponsors for enabling us to develop this Extension.
As this is a TYPO3 CMS 4.5 Extension we will not further continue development. Commercial Support can be purchased from us.