- $ git clone https://github.com/TVerloop/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d
- $ emacs
- ???
- profit.
Following applications are required to use this configuration.
emacs The editor.
RTags C/C++ indexing.
Git Version control.
This configuration mainly features the following packages.
company-mode Auto completion.
flycheck Syntax checking.
helm Incremental completion of selections.
magit Git interface.
neotree Tree filebrowser.
RTags C/C++ indexing.
Doom themes Doom color themes.
Neotree has been configured to use the icons from all-the-icons. all-the-icons does not defaultly download the fonts required. to do this “M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts”. This will download the necessary fonts.