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Releases: TUW-GEO/rt1

RT1 v2.0

20 Sep 12:54
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  • HDF5 containers can now be used instead of pickle-dumps to store Fits and MultiFits objects
  • RTprocess is now directly appending results to an HDF5-container during parallel processing
  • colored log-messages can be used (requires colorama package)
  • there's now a proper container for defdict to simplify get/set of variable definitions
  • indicate fit-results in fit.plot.analyzemodel


  • processfunc is now private (e.g. _processfunc) -> use run_processing instead!


  • several bugfixes along the way

RT1 v1.5.2

23 Jul 13:26
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  • there's now a quick and easy data-export function RTprocess.export_data()
    • extract parameters and performance-metrics from a folder of dump-files
  • there's now an RTresults.dump_fits - generator that directly returns Fits-objects
  • RTprocess object can now be initialized without a config-file
  • option to pass a list of dump-files to rtprocess.run_finalout() added


  • speedup for indexing of folders with large amounts of dump-files
  • some minor logging updates

RT1 v1.5.1

18 May 13:44
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  • add possibility to provide numeric V & SRF functions for faster evaluation if no interaction-term is calculated
  • there is now a property fit.config_name that indicates the config-name for fits that belong to a MultiFits object
  • datasets provided to rtfits.Fits are now checked for sorting (and automatically sorted if necessary)


  • make ncoefs a propery for "Rayleigh" and "Isotropic" phase-functions
  • improved logging messages
    • don't log each successful progress step, only errors and warnings
    • don't create a single file for each error (log traceback to log-file directly)
  • keep minimal info from fit.fit_output when dumping fits to disc
  • improvements on caching and pre-computation steps
    • pre-evaluate fn-coefficients during finalout-generation
    • cache lambda-functions for V.p and SRF.brdf
  • fix sorting of fractional contributions in rtplots.printsig0analysis()
  • some updates on rtplots.polarplot() for symbolic parameter specification
  • make sure copying of config-files and modules is only attempted from the main process

RT1 v1.5

18 May 13:38
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  • add possibility to provide numeric V & SRF functions for faster evaluation if no interaction-term is calculated
  • there is now a property fit.config_name that indicates the config-name for fits that belong to a MultiFits object
  • datasets provided to rtfits.Fits are now checked for sorting (and automatically sorted if necessary)


  • make ncoefs a propery for "Rayleigh" and "Isotropic" phase-functions
  • improved logging messages
    • don't log each successful progress step, only errors and warnings
    • don't create a single file for each error (log traceback to log-file directly)
  • keep minimal info from fit.fit_output when dumping fits to disc
  • improvements on caching and pre-computation steps
    • pre-evaluate fn-coefficients during finalout-generation
    • cache lambda-functions for V.p and SRF.brdf
  • fix sorting of fractional contributions in rtplots.printsig0analysis()
  • some updates on rtplots.polarplot() for symbolic parameter specification
  • make sure copying of config-files and modules is only attempted from the main process

RT1 v1.4

12 Apr 15:26
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  • add possibility to call finalizer after rt1.rtprocess.run_processing() finished
    • to "clean-up" after processing is done (or the process is terminated)
  • add option to save dumps in rtprocess.run_processing() even if postprocess is not called via
    rt1.rtprocess.run_processing(..., dump_fit=True)

Multiconfig Fits

  • add possibility to specify multiple configs in a single .ini file
    • processing of multiple configs involves only a single call to read()!
    • you can specify as many configs as you like in a single .ini file!
    • to specify multiconfigs, add the config-specific changes to sections starting with [#config <NAME> <SECTION>]
      for example:
--- the default defdict ---

[#config NAME defdict]
--- all specifications that differ from the default defdict ---
  • Multiconfig fits will be handled with a rt1.rtfits.MultiFits object
    • use rt1.rtfits.MultiFits.accessor to access Fits propeties of all configs
  • all processed configurations can be saved in a single .dump-file!
    • this avoids duplicating data that is shared between the configs


  • fix issue in the default "domainfuncs" of rt1.general_functions.scale()
  • make sure rt1.rtfits.reinit_object() only copies relevant properties
  • speed up rtprocess.RTresults initialization for folders with many files


19 Feb 15:54
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  • logging implemented
  • incorporate basic NetCDF export functionality via xarray (rt1.processing_config.postprocess_xarray())
  • new rtmetrics class to provide easy access to common metrics calculation
  • add option to disable postprocessing va RTprocess.run_processing(postprocess=False)
    • add option to run processing and NetCDF export in 2 separate runs
      • e.g. via run_processing() and run_finalout()
    • add dump_fit option to run_processing() so fits are dumped even if postprocess=False


  • copy is now an argument of the __init__ of RTprocess instead of RTprocess.run_processing()


  • switch tests to github actions
    • use conda .yml file for requirements
  • switch coverage reports to codecov
  • reactivate stickler & flake8
  • use github actions for PyPi upload


  • fix processing and logging with ncpu=1
  • enure that the processing_config class and additional modules are loaded from the correct folder
  • fix future warnings in sympy and matplotlib
  • make RTresults.load_fit() find fits faster
    • allow passing integers to load the nth result
  • fix sorting in printsig0analysis()
  • fix parsing error in param_dyn_dict
  • use pickleable decoration of initializer function
  • proper detection of submodules in
  • incorporate pending changes in scipy > v1.6.3 (e.g. adjust call signature of sympy.Lambdify)


28 Jul 16:41
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  • the reader-function in rt1.rtprocess is now called without dict-unpacking!!
    (e.g. via reader(reader_args) instead of reader(**reader_args))
    ! this might require modifications in existing scripts !


  • correct parsing of None in rt1.rtparse
  • multiprocessing pool initializer also executed in single core processing (for debug)
  • rt1.rtprocess now uses warnings.warn instead of print for general messages


  • convenience-method interpolate_to_index() added to rt1.genreal_functions


02 Jul 16:19
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  • rtfits.preprocess() is now called prior to parallel-processing
    • a check if files already exist should now be done within the reader-function!
  • copying of modules is shifted from the rtparse to rtprocess to avoid copying files when config is read
  • the configparser now has methods get_module('modulename') as well as get_all_modules() to programmatically import modules
  • all parallel-processing functions have been shifted to the dedicated rtprocess module


  • corrections to the treatment of integer parameter-dynamics specified in fit.defdict
  • the cache is now only cleared at the beginning of a fit.performfit() call
  • correct final message in processfunc() progress-bar


  • a dedicated class for parallel processing (rt1.rtprocess) has been introduced

    • rt1.rtprocess.RTprocess can be used to setup and run parallel jobs
    • rt1.rtprocess.RTresults can be used to provide easy-access to processing-results
  • some updates on rtplots.printsig0analysis()

    • now one can select additional timeseries from both fit.res_df and fit.dataset
    • ... and the styles can be set using the printparamstyles - dict


26 May 18:27
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  • manual parameter dynamics are no longer automatically used if a column 'param_dyn' is provided
    ... to use manual dynamics, you now must use one of the following:
    • explicitly specify parameter-dynamics as 'manual' in fit.defdict
    • to combine a pandas datetime-offset freq with a manual-dyn use 'freq + manual'


  • the model_definition text has been updated to include more details
  • the property fit._model_definition is added to allow accessing the model_definition string
    (useful for example to write it to a file)
  • RT1_configparser now provides a function .get_module(modulename) to import a specific module from a file


  • fix import-location for copied modules in rtparse (now modules are imported from the copy-path)


05 May 13:34
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  • define parameter-grouping with respect to number of observations within a group


  • fix dynamic startvalue-assignment
  • better implementation of rectangularize function