This Docker image comes with openai and pytorch-cpu. This allows users to start working on reinforcement learning in a couple of easy steps.
This image is particularly ideal for Windows users, for whom openai gym is not easily installed.
Current features:
- cpu enabled pytorch
- classic control gym environments
- box2d environments
- Recording of environments
To be developed:
- Automated environment recording (no manual command entry)
- environment rendering
- Atari environments
- cpu enabled tensorflow
- Either
- Clone the repo and build the image:
docker build --tag=image_name .
- pull the image:
docker pull ttitcombe/rl_pytorch:latest
- Clone the repo and build the image:
- Launch the container:
docker run -it --name=container_name image_name python
. This should enter the python interpreter. - Before entering the python interpreter, a script to attach the graphical display should have been run.
- If you want to re-enter the container and record, you can run
as theCMD
, e.g.docker exec -it container_name /usr/local/bin/
. This should enter a bash script.
Alternatively, you can open a bash script and run it from there. - If you want to re-enter the container, record, AND run something, try
/usr/local/bin/ "python /path/to/my/"
as yourCMD
. - If you don't care about recording, use
to enter bash orpython
to enter the python interpreter.
To test that the container works, try recording an environment:
import gym
import torch
env_to_wrap = gym.make("LunarLander-v1")
env = gym.wrappers.Monitor(env_to_wrap, "someDir")
frame = env.reset()
is_done = False
while not is_done:
action = env.action_space.sample()
_, _, is_done, _ = env.step(action)
If this doesn't throw an error, then congratulations, you can record OpenAI gym!
You can extract the recording once you are outside of the container with the command docker cp container_name:/path/to/my/file local/path/to/file