cp .example.env .env
cp src/Ttc.WebApi/appsettings.json src/Ttc.WebApi/appsettings.Release.json
docker-compose up -d --build
Use docker compose up -d --build
docker run --name ttc-mysql -p 7202:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.5.60
Migrations will run at startup of application.
cd src/Ttc.DataAccess
dotnet ef database update
# Install
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
# Create
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
# Delete
dotnet ef migrations remove
dotnet ef database drop -f
Go to Admin > Params and update the "year" param.
Use SportaMatchesScoresheetsExcelCreation
"UnitTest" to create the Sporta Excels.
ATTN: Check instead: Perhaps fill in on the site directly?
There is a simple GUI for updating NextKlassementSporta/Vttl but not yet to clear the ones from previous year: (See commit: 3cbdd71)
UPDATE speler SET NextKlassementSporta=null, NextKlassementVttl=null;
SELECT Id, NaamKort, KlassementSporta, NextKlassementSporta
FROM speler
WHERE gestopt IS NULL AND klassementsporta IS NOT NULL AND KlassementSporta<>'0'
ORDER BY klassementsporta
Match date tempering for in between seasons:
/// <summary>
/// If there is no real life data between seasons,
/// change some match dates to around now for testing purposes
/// </summary>
private static void RandomizeMatchDatesForTestingPurposes(TtcDbContext context)
bool endOfSeason = !context.Matches.Any(match => match.Date > DateTime.Now);
if (true || endOfSeason)
int currentFrenoySeason = context.CurrentFrenoySeason;
var passedMatches = context.Matches
.Where(x => x.FrenoySeason == currentFrenoySeason)
//.Where(x => x.Date < DateTime.Today)
.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date)
var timeToAdd = DateTime.Today - passedMatches.First().Date;
foreach (var match in passedMatches.Take(20))
match.Date = match.Date.Add(timeToAdd);
var rnd = new Random();
foreach (var match in passedMatches.Take(20))
match.Date = DateTime.Today.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(rnd.Next(1, 20))).AddHours(rnd.Next(10, 20));
match.Description = "";
match.AwayScore = null;
match.HomeScore = null;
//match.IsSyncedWithFrenoy = true;
match.WalkOver = false;