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Tjalle Groen edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 11 revisions

API Authentication

The TOMP-WG is currently exploring different forms of authentication, the final standard has not been decided yet.

Fig. 3 below shows that the API features authentication for each call to allow secure communication and exchange of information between MPs and TOs.

Authentication Fig. 3: API calls and authentication

MaaS Provider authentication and authorization should take place following the process below:

  • Authorization code – The most common flow, mostly used for server-side and mobile web applications. This flow is similar to how users sign up into a web application using their Facebook or Google account.
  • Resource owner password credentials (or just password) – Requires logging in with a username and password. Since in that case the credentials will be a part of the request, this flow is suitable only for trusted clients (for example, official applications released by the API provider).

A Transport Operator might require authentication to communicate with a MaaS Provider, for example to manage (update/cancel) a booking or to send a call-back request. That makes bidirectional authentication necessary.

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