The goal of the project is to provide multisig functionality in Gnolang.
Use gnodev test r/multisig --verbose --root-dir ../gno
to run the tests.
We will follow the implementation of cw3 on cosmwasm.
1- you can deploy a contract 2- this contract has a quorum (basically an array of addresses and an agreement ratio) that can be updated (add new members, remove members, change quorum ratio) 3- one member of the quorum can propose a tx 4- each member of the quorum makes a tx to vote yes for the proposed tx id 5- one member can execute the tx if nb of yes > quorum 6- one member can close the proposal if nb of yes < quorum (can be annoying) I think step 6 is weird, maybe we can just set an expiration period for each proposal when we submit one. If block.timestamp > expiration then no one can vote or execute it What is you github handle ? 🙂 I'll add you to a github repo for this project