🍞 Bun installation Visit bun.sh for more info
curl https://bun.sh/install | bash
bun install
bun run index.ts --passkey=your_passkey_here --cookieSecret=your_cookie_secret_here
➡️ Access the GUI at http://localhost:5000/
docker build -t mkfd .
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v /local/mount/path:/configs -e PASSKEY=your_passkey -e COOKIE_SECRET=your_cookie_secret mkfd
docker pull tbosk/mkfd:latest
docker run -p 5000:5000 -v /local/mount/path:/configs -e PASSKEY=your_passkey -e COOKIE_SECRET=your_cookie_secret tbosk/mkfd:latest
- Locally testing subscriptions to feeds
- Add all possible RSS fields to models
- Add option for parallel iterators
- Add form validation
- Add selector suggestion engine
- Add feed preview pane
- Store/compare feed data to enable timestamping feed items
- Create dockerfile
- Create Helm chart files
- Create GUI
- Utilities
- HTML stripper
- Source URL wrapper for relative links
- Amass contributors