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Task Description

Task: Real-Time Face Detection and Image Generation Server

Description: You are tasked with developing a server application that receives an image via a POST request, detects faces in the provided image, generates a new image with the detected faces marked, and returns a URL to the new image using websockets. Additionally, you need to create an endpoint for serving the generated image.


  1. Implement a server using Python with a framework such as Django.
  2. Set up an endpoint to receive an image via a POST request: /image
  3. Use a face detection algorithm to find coordinates of faces in the provided image.
  4. Generate a new image with the detected faces marked as bounding boxes around the faces.
  5. Implement websockets to send the URL of the generated image to all connected clients in real-time. Websocket endpoint: /faces
  6. Serve the generated image using an endpoint with a unique URL.
  7. Ensure that the server handles errors gracefully and provides informative error messages when necessary.
  8. The app must be running in a docker container on port 8282

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submit your code via a Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, etc.).
  2. Include a file with instructions on how to run the server.
  3. Provide any necessary setup/configuration instructions.
  4. Optionally, include any additional notes or explanations about your implementation choices.


Ad.1 I've picked up FastAPI over Django as I don't need database integration built in, what's more I like FastAPI much more.

Ad.2 I decided to rename endpoint from image to images as it's closer to REST standard in my opinion, I prefer much more plural form of endpoints.

Ad.3 As face detection algorithm I used openCV library with already trained model, as I'm not an ML engineer I didn't want to open already opened doors by building own face recognition mechanism.

Apart from points above this project presents my understanding and own implementation of Hexagonal Architecture which I call Hexagonal abc. Basically it coresponds to project structure where there are 3 main components: adapters, business_logic and core

│── adapters/  # ports integration
│── business_logic/ # here all logic happens
│───── # interfaces for ports
│── core/ # configuration, factories etc.

If you wonder why repository is a context manager, basically it's because ofter reporistories are saving data in database and they need to handle session, with this approach we can easily session.commit() in __exit__

How it works?

Whenever image is sent to api/v1/images it will be validated and processed by OpenCV. Image and it's metadata, are saved on local disk from which they are served by api/v1/images/{uuid} endpoint. There is also api/v1/images/{uuid}/meta endpoint providing file metadata.

As soon as file is processed, message is published on specific channel (I've used redis as it's simple).

Reason behind that is app is being served by multiple gunicorn workers, and it needs to send message to each ws connection no matter on which worker image was processed. It also allows to scale solution better.



POST on /api/v1/images should not trigger image processing (as it does right now), it should trigger a job (e.g. using Celery) and that job should publish message on channel, so all regiestered websocket connections can get message.

Local setup

Install virtualenv + make redis running

mkdir -p images
make install
make redis-up

Run app from terminal, it will run on port 8081

.venv/bin/python app


Build docker image

make build

Run app in docker, app will be served on port 8282 which will be mapped to localhost:8080

make compose-up


Run 100 ws connections

make ws


visit docs -> that should open swagger

Whenever you send a valid file with face, your ws connections should display url to that file


A simple project with face recognition






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