Gets current playing yt video from browser extension and writes title and creator to a .txt file
Video Tooturial on installation:
Download frome Releases here:
Unpack the extension into an folder, go to your chrome extensions page, enable develloper mode -> load from folder (find more help: google: How to install Chrome extensions manually) You may need to reload your YT page after installing the extension!
download and move the YTNP2txt.exe to your desired folder. When the first video plays the program will create two files: video_title.txt and video_creator.txt in the same folder as the YTNP2txt.exe! You now can open them in OBS as text source or in any desired program!
The program has to be running for the .txt s to update.
You can also add the config.json in the same folder as the YTNP2txt.exe and edit it (set port (has to be the same as set in settings of the extension) and where the output files ar and how they are called!)
Release 0.4.4: Known Issues: when new video Playing: data is sendt twice, does not really affect anything