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@tiagomota tiagomota released this 04 Jul 08:19
· 73 commits to master since this release


This release brings major change for journals partitioned by ordering values. (persistence_id, sequence_number) index is now unique and can be (re)built without taking any locks that prevent concurrent inserts, updates, or deletes on the table. In other words migration can be lockless.

See full list of changes:

Migration from akka-persistence-postgres 0.4.0

New indices need to be created on each partition, to avoid locking production databases for too long, it should be done in 2 steps:

  1. manually create indices CONCURRENTLY,
  2. deploy new release with migration scripts.

Manually create indices CONCURRENTLY

Execute DDL statements produced by the sample migration script, adapt top level variables to match your journal configuration before executing.

Deploy new release with migration scripts

See sample flyway migration script and adapt top level variables to match your journal configuration.


  • Scala 2.13.11 #342
  • sbt 1.9.1 #346
  • sbt-scalafmt 2.5.0 #307
  • sbt-mima-plugin 1.1.2 #332
  • sbt-ci-release 1.5.2 #338
  • slick 3.4.1 #299
  • slick-pg 0.21.1 #312
  • postgresql 42.6.0 #346
  • flyway-core 9.20.0 #345
  • scalatest 3.2.16 #340
  • logback-classic 1.4.8 #344
  • scaffeine 5.2.0 #281


  • Updating slick-pg brings a dependency conflict with akka, more precisely between ssl-config-core and akka, since both rely on different versions of scala-parser-combinators. Excludingssl-config-core from akka should be enough to solve any issues. Please refer to here for more information.