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A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, with a bias towards data and machine learning


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Crazy Awesome Python

A selection of 435 curated Python libraries and frameworks ordered by stars.

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An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
500 stars per week over 324 weeks
162,226 stars, 86,228 forks, 7,932 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-11-07, last commit 2022-01-23, main language C++
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, distributed, machine-learning, ml, neural-network, python, tensorflow

All Algorithms implemented in Python
443 stars per week over 288 weeks
127,757 stars, 33,942 forks, 5,940 watches
util category, created 2016-07-16, last commit 2021-12-16, main language Python
algorithm, algorithm-competitions, algorithms-implemented, algos, community-driven, education, hacktoberfest, interview, learn, practice, python, searches, sorting-algorithms, sorts

The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
121 stars per week over 508 weeks
61,917 stars, 26,414 forks, 2,307 watches
web category, created 2012-04-28, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
apps, django, framework, models, orm, python, templates, views, web

The Python micro framework for building web applications.
93 stars per week over 615 weeks
57,725 stars, 14,811 forks, 2,196 watches
web category, created 2010-04-06, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
flask, jinja, pallets, python, web-framework, werkzeug, wsgi

🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
339 stars per week over 168 weeks
57,243 stars, 13,520 forks, 792 watches
nlp category, created 2018-10-29, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
bert, deep-learning, flax, hacktoberfest, jax, language-model, language-models, machine-learning, model-hub, natural-language-processing, nlp, nlp-library, pretrained-models, python, pytorch, pytorch-transformers, seq2seq, speech-recognition, tensorflow, transformer

Deep Learning for humans
151 stars per week over 356 weeks
53,778 stars, 18,969 forks, 1,986 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-03-28, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, machine-learning, neural-networks, python, tensorflow

Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
188 stars per week over 284 weeks
53,531 stars, 14,726 forks, 1,602 watches
ml-dl category, created 2016-08-13, last commit 2022-01-23, main language C++
autograd, deep-learning, gpu, machine-learning, neural-network, numpy, python, tensor

🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
112 stars per week over 435 weeks
49,220 stars, 16,795 forks, 1,342 watches
util category, created 2013-09-17, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
asyncio, hacktoberfest, home-automation, internet-of-things, iot, mqtt, python, raspberry-pi

scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
81 stars per week over 596 weeks
48,636 stars, 22,533 forks, 2,211 watches
ml category, created 2010-08-17, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, machine-learning, python, statistics

A simple, yet elegant, HTTP library.
81 stars per week over 571 weeks
46,733 stars, 8,604 forks, 1,370 watches
web category, created 2011-02-13, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
client, cookies, forhumans, http, humans, python, python-requests, requests

Scrapy, a fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework for Python.
68 stars per week over 621 weeks
42,573 stars, 9,493 forks, 1,809 watches
data category, created 2010-02-22, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
crawler, crawling, framework, hacktoberfest, python, scraping

The Python programming language
164 stars per week over 258 weeks
42,361 stars, 21,580 forks, 1,422 watches
util category, created 2017-02-10, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python

FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
250 stars per week over 163 weeks
40,938 stars, 3,098 forks, 573 watches
web category, created 2018-12-08, last commit 2022-01-16, main language Python
api, async, asyncio, fastapi, framework, json, json-schema, openapi, openapi3, pydantic, python, python-types, python3, redoc, rest, starlette, swagger, swagger-ui, uvicorn, web

Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
296 stars per week over 115 weeks
34,059 stars, 1,095 forks, 521 watches
term category, created 2019-11-10, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
ansi-colors, emoji, markdown, progress-bar, progress-bar-python, python, python-library, python3, rich, syntax-highlighting, tables, terminal, terminal-color, traceback, tracebacks-rich

Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
54 stars per week over 595 weeks
32,435 stars, 13,807 forks, 1,106 watches
data category, created 2010-08-24, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
alignment, data-analysis, flexible, pandas, python

🔎 Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
180 stars per week over 160 weeks
29,096 stars, 3,233 forks, 897 watches
web category, created 2018-12-24, last commit 2021-12-25, main language Python
cli, hacktoberfest, information-gathering, linux, macos, osint, python3, reconnaissance, redteam, sherlock, tools, windows

A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms.
87 stars per week over 299 weeks
26,260 stars, 7,541 forks, 990 watches
sim category, created 2016-04-27, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

Simple Python version management
52 stars per week over 490 weeks
25,902 stars, 2,326 forks, 377 watches
util category, created 2012-08-31, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Roff
python, shell

Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
69 stars per week over 353 weeks
24,483 stars, 9,884 forks, 727 watches
ml-ops category, created 2015-04-13, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
airflow, apache, apache-airflow, hacktoberfest, python, scheduler, workflow

The uncompromising Python code formatter
121 stars per week over 201 weeks
24,408 stars, 1,560 forks, 203 watches
util category, created 2018-03-14, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
autopep8, code, codeformatter, formatter, gofmt, pre-commit-hook, python, yapf

A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
93 stars per week over 245 weeks
23,002 stars, 5,671 forks, 941 watches
crypto category, created 2017-05-14, last commit 2022-01-23, main language JavaScript
altcoin, api, arbitrage, bitcoin, bot, btc, crypto, cryptocurrency, e-commerce, eth, ethereum, exchange, invest, library, market-data, merchant, strategy, trade, trading

💫 Industrial-strength Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python
56 stars per week over 394 weeks
22,253 stars, 3,691 forks, 564 watches
nlp category, created 2014-07-03, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, cython, data-science, deep-learning, entity-linking, machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, neural-network, neural-networks, nlp, nlp-library, python, spacy, text-classification, tokenization

Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
53 stars per week over 415 weeks
22,128 stars, 8,287 forks, 941 watches
ml category, created 2014-02-06, last commit 2022-01-22, main language C++
distributed-systems, gbdt, gbm, gbrt, machine-learning, xgboost

Python Fire is a library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object.
84 stars per week over 256 weeks
21,819 stars, 1,276 forks, 382 watches
term category, created 2017-02-21, last commit 2021-06-17, main language Python
cli, python

A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI
60 stars per week over 346 weeks
20,931 stars, 1,066 forks, 200 watches
term category, created 2015-06-03, last commit 2021-09-20, main language Python
cli, closember, console, discord, gui, jupyter, keras, meter, pandas, parallel, progress, progress-bar, progressbar, progressmeter, python, rate, telegram, terminal, time, utilities

Tornado is a Python web framework and asynchronous networking library, originally developed at FriendFeed.
31 stars per week over 645 weeks
20,374 stars, 5,422 forks, 1,009 watches
web category, created 2009-09-09, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
asynchronous, python

Lightweight, Portable, Flexible Distributed/Mobile Deep Learning with Dynamic, Mutation-aware Dataflow Dep Scheduler; for Python, R, Julia, Scala, Go, Javascript and more
56 stars per week over 351 weeks
19,830 stars, 6,885 forks, 1,098 watches
ml-dl category, created 2015-04-30, last commit 2022-01-19, main language C++

The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
32 stars per week over 592 weeks
19,431 stars, 6,418 forks, 561 watches
math category, created 2010-09-13, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
numpy, python

Distributed Task Queue (development branch)
27 stars per week over 665 weeks
18,550 stars, 4,192 forks, 475 watches
perf category, created 2009-04-24, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
amqp, python, python-library, python3, queue-tasks, queue-workers, queued-jobs, redis, sqs, sqs-queue, task-manager, task-runner, task-scheduler

Scalable user load testing tool written in Python
31 stars per week over 570 weeks
18,016 stars, 2,338 forks, 432 watches
util category, created 2011-02-17, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
benchmarking, http, load-generator, load-testing, locust, performance-testing, python

PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
61 stars per week over 283 weeks
17,506 stars, 4,258 forks, 732 watches
ml-dl category, created 2016-08-15, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
deep-learning, distributed-training, efficiency, machine-learning, neural-network, paddlepaddle, python, scalability

Streamlit — The fastest way to build data apps in Python
138 stars per week over 126 weeks
17,439 stars, 1,572 forks, 253 watches
viz category, created 2019-08-24, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, deep-learning, developer-tools, machine-learning, python, streamlit

FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
43 stars per week over 400 weeks
17,356 stars, 2,698 forks, 641 watches
perf category, created 2014-05-19, last commit 2022-01-20, main language C++
c, c-plus-plus, c-sharp, cross-platform, flatbuffers, go, grpc, java, javascript, json-parser, marshalling, mmap, protobuf, python, rpc, rust, serialization, serialization-library, typescript, zero-copy

The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
116 stars per week over 147 weeks
17,064 stars, 2,111 forks, 218 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-03-31, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, data-science, deep-learning, machine-learning, python, pytorch

GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
383 stars per week over 44 weeks
16,991 stars, 2,518 forks, 296 watches
ml category, created 2021-03-19, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python
deep-learning, face-restoration, gan, gfpgan, image-restoration, pytorch, super-resolution

A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates), e.g. Python package projects, VueJS projects.
36 stars per week over 445 weeks
16,093 stars, 1,580 forks, 245 watches
template category, created 2013-07-14, last commit 2021-12-27, main language Python
cookiecutter, cookiecutter-, python

PyTorch image models, scripts, pretrained weights -- ResNet, ResNeXT, EfficientNet, EfficientNetV2, NFNet, Vision Transformer, MixNet, MobileNet-V3/V2, RegNet, DPN, CSPNet, and more
103 stars per week over 155 weeks
16,054 stars, 2,599 forks, 264 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-02-02, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
augmix, cnn-classification, distributed-training, dual-path-networks, efficientnet, efficientnet-training, imagenet-classifier, mixnet, mnasnet, mobile-deep-learning, mobilenet-v2, mobilenetv3, nfnets, normalization-free-training, pretrained-models, pretrained-weights, pytorch, randaugment, resnet, vision-transformer-models

Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
94 stars per week over 169 weeks
16,040 stars, 1,469 forks, 252 watches
ml category, created 2018-10-25, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

Interactive Data Visualization in the browser, from Python
31 stars per week over 512 weeks
15,930 stars, 3,866 forks, 461 watches
viz category, created 2012-03-26, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
bokeh, data-visualisation, interactive-plots, javascript, jupyter, notebooks, numfocus, plots, plotting, python, visualisation, visualization

Latex code for making neural networks diagrams
86 stars per week over 182 weeks
15,859 stars, 2,192 forks, 206 watches
ml category, created 2018-07-24, last commit 2020-11-06, main language TeX
deep-neural-networks, latex

Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
116 stars per week over 136 weeks
15,848 stars, 3,256 forks, 462 watches
ml category, created 2019-06-13, last commit 2021-12-13, main language C++
android, audio-processing, c-plus-plus, calculator, computer-vision, deep-learning, framework, graph-based, graph-framework, inference, machine-learning, mediapipe, mobile-development, perception, pipeline-framework, stream-processing, video-processing

Analytical Web Apps for Python, R, Julia, and Jupyter. No JavaScript Required.
44 stars per week over 354 weeks
15,804 stars, 1,633 forks, 394 watches
viz category, created 2015-04-10, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
bioinformatics, charting, dash, data-science, data-visualization, finance, flask, gui-framework, julia, jupyter, modeling, plotly, plotly-dash, productivity, python, r, react, rstats, technical-computing, web-app

Next generation Python web server/framework | Build fast. Run fast.
53 stars per week over 295 weeks
15,799 stars, 1,414 forks, 423 watches
web category, created 2016-05-26, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
api-server, asgi, asyncio, framework, python, sanic, web, web-framework, web-server

Free, open source crypto trading bot
63 stars per week over 244 weeks
15,503 stars, 3,320 forks, 548 watches
crypto category, created 2017-05-17, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
algorithmic-trading, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency, freqtrade, python, telegram-bot, trade, trading-bot

Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
67 stars per week over 229 weeks
15,465 stars, 4,016 forks, 327 watches
nlp category, created 2017-08-29, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, python, pytorch

Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs. It handles dependency resolution, workflow management, visualization etc. It also comes with Hadoop support built in.
31 stars per week over 487 weeks
15,342 stars, 2,316 forks, 488 watches
ml-ops category, created 2012-09-20, last commit 2022-01-16, main language Python
hadoop, luigi, orchestration-framework, python, scheduling

A Powerful Spider(Web Crawler) System in Python.
36 stars per week over 413 weeks
15,281 stars, 3,628 forks, 903 watches
data category, created 2014-02-21, last commit 2020-08-02, main language Python
crawler, python

Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
98 stars per week over 153 weeks
15,196 stars, 3,884 forks, 585 watches
nlp category, created 2019-02-11, last commit 2020-12-02, main language Python

A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
56 stars per week over 269 weeks
15,188 stars, 2,288 forks, 246 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2016-11-22, last commit 2021-12-04, main language Jupyter Notebook
deep-learning, explainability, gradient-boosting, interpretability, machine-learning, shap, shapley

matplotlib: plotting with Python
26 stars per week over 570 weeks
14,915 stars, 6,217 forks, 573 watches
viz category, created 2011-02-19, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-science, data-visualization, gtk, hacktoberfest, matplotlib, plotting, python, qt, tk, wx

Never use print for debugging again
102 stars per week over 144 weeks
14,865 stars, 916 forks, 237 watches
util category, created 2019-04-18, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
debug, debugger, introspection, logging, python

Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
63 stars per week over 228 weeks
14,633 stars, 7,208 forks, 640 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-09-05, last commit 2021-11-18, main language Jupyter Notebook

Open source UI framework written in Python, running on Windows, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS
24 stars per week over 585 weeks
14,249 stars, 2,845 forks, 614 watches
util category, created 2010-11-03, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
android, app, ios, kivy, linux, macos, python, ui, windows

Python sample codes for robotics algorithms.
46 stars per week over 304 weeks
14,228 stars, 4,673 forks, 493 watches
sim category, created 2016-03-21, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
algorithm, animation, autonomous-driving, autonomous-navigation, autonomous-vehicles, control, cvxpy, ekf, hacktoberfest, localization, mapping, path-planning, python, robot, robotics, slam

Tool for producing high quality forecasts for time series data that has multiple seasonality with linear or non-linear growth.
51 stars per week over 270 weeks
13,961 stars, 4,004 forks, 418 watches
time-series category, created 2016-11-16, last commit 2022-01-07, main language Python
forecasting, python, r

Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
60 stars per week over 224 weeks
13,628 stars, 2,381 forks, 239 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-10-06, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
deep-learning, geometric-deep-learning, graph-convolutional-networks, graph-neural-networks, pytorch

Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages and all popular writing scripts including Latin, Chinese, Arabic, Devanagari, Cyrillic and etc.
140 stars per week over 97 weeks
13,626 stars, 1,815 forks, 268 watches
data category, created 2020-03-14, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
cnn, crnn, data-mining, deep-learning, easyocr, image-processing, information-retrieval, lstm, machine-learning, ocr, optical-character-recognition, python, pytorch, scene-text, scene-text-recognition

Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
28 stars per week over 479 weeks
13,577 stars, 1,554 forks, 219 watches
data category, created 2012-11-12, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python
dataset, fake, fake-data, python, test-data, test-data-generator, testing

Cloud-native neural search framework for 𝙖𝙣𝙮 kind of data
130 stars per week over 101 weeks
13,236 stars, 1,767 forks, 170 watches
ml category, created 2020-02-13, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
cloud-native, computer-vision, deep-learning, framework, hacktoberfest, image-search, jina, machine-learning, microservice, multimodal-search, neural-search, nlp, python, search, search-as-a-service, semantic-search, video-search, zmq

Topic Modelling for Humans
22 stars per week over 571 weeks
12,855 stars, 4,151 forks, 431 watches
nlp category, created 2011-02-10, last commit 2021-12-24, main language Python
data-mining, data-science, document-similarity, fasttext, gensim, information-retrieval, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, neural-network, nlp, python, topic-modeling, word-embeddings, word-similarity, word2vec

An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool written in Python that doesn't use Twitter's API, allowing you to scrape a user's followers, following, Tweets and more while evading most API limitations.
51 stars per week over 241 weeks
12,336 stars, 2,013 forks, 294 watches
data category, created 2017-06-10, last commit 2021-03-02, main language Python
elasticsearch, kibana, osint, python, scrape, scrape-followers, scrape-following, scrape-likes, tweep, tweets, twint, twitter

Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit
53 stars per week over 228 weeks
12,314 stars, 3,291 forks, 535 watches
sim category, created 2017-09-08, last commit 2022-01-18, main language C#
deep-learning, deep-reinforcement-learning, neural-networks, reinforcement-learning, unity, unity3d

Optional static typing for Python
25 stars per week over 476 weeks
12,179 stars, 2,034 forks, 209 watches
typing category, created 2012-12-07, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
linter, python, typechecker, types, typing

Asynchronous HTTP client/server framework for asyncio and Python
27 stars per week over 433 weeks
12,070 stars, 1,704 forks, 238 watches
web category, created 2013-10-01, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
aiohttp, async, asyncio, hacktoberfest, http, http-client, http-server, python

Open standard for machine learning interoperability
52 stars per week over 228 weeks
11,963 stars, 2,355 forks, 430 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-07, last commit 2022-01-22, main language C++
deep-learning, deep-neural-networks, dnn, keras, machine-learning, ml, mxnet, neural-network, onnx, pytorch, scikit-learn, tensorflow

Python composable command line interface toolkit
29 stars per week over 404 weeks
11,898 stars, 1,209 forks, 185 watches
term category, created 2014-04-24, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python
cli, click, pallets, python

🤗 The largest hub of ready-to-use datasets for ML models with fast, easy-to-use and efficient data manipulation tools
124 stars per week over 95 weeks
11,867 stars, 1,447 forks, 241 watches
nlp category, created 2020-03-26, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
computer-vision, datasets, deep-learning, evaluation, machine-learning, metrics, natural-language-processing, nlp, numpy, pandas, pytorch, tensorflow

JupyterLab computational environment.
39 stars per week over 294 weeks
11,744 stars, 2,216 forks, 325 watches
jupyter category, created 2016-06-03, last commit 2022-01-21, main language TypeScript
jupyter, jupyterlab

A very simple framework for state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP)
59 stars per week over 188 weeks
11,167 stars, 1,804 forks, 202 watches
nlp category, created 2018-06-11, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, semantic-role-labeling, sequence-labeling, word-embeddings

Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
58 stars per week over 189 weeks
11,127 stars, 2,470 forks, 279 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-06-05, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
ai, apache-spark, machine-learning, ml, mlflow, model-management

An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
57 stars per week over 190 weeks
10,886 stars, 1,539 forks, 269 watches
ml category, created 2018-06-01, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, bayesian-optimization, data-science, deep-learning, deep-neural-network, distributed, feature-engineering, feature-extraction, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, model-compression, nas, neural-architecture-search, neural-network, python, pytorch, tensorflow

The interactive graphing library for Python (includes Plotly Express) ✨
25 stars per week over 426 weeks
10,858 stars, 2,096 forks, 267 watches
viz category, created 2013-11-21, last commit 2021-12-21, main language Python
d3, dashboard, declarative, graph-library, interactive, jupyter-notebook, plotly, plotly-dash, plotlyjs, python, regl, sparkles, visualization, webgl

Python logging made (stupidly) simple
46 stars per week over 231 weeks
10,855 stars, 481 forks, 114 watches
util category, created 2017-08-15, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
log, logger, logging, python

An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
43 stars per week over 244 weeks
10,763 stars, 2,154 forks, 282 watches
nlp category, created 2017-05-15, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, python, pytorch

NLTK Source
16 stars per week over 645 weeks
10,389 stars, 2,541 forks, 476 watches
nlp category, created 2009-09-07, last commit 2022-01-11, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, nltk, python

Network Analysis in Python
17 stars per week over 593 weeks
10,191 stars, 2,477 forks, 276 watches
graph category, created 2010-09-06, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
complex-networks, graph-algorithms, graph-analysis, graph-generation, graph-theory, graph-visualization, python

Scanner for vulnerabilities in container images, file systems, and Git repositories, as well as for configuration issues
69 stars per week over 145 weeks
10,124 stars, 938 forks, 114 watches
security category, created 2019-04-11, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Go
containers, devsecops, docker, go, golang, hacktoberfest, iac, infrastructure-as-code, kubernetes, misconfiguration, security, security-tools, vulnerability, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-scanners

Dopamine is a research framework for fast prototyping of reinforcement learning algorithms.
53 stars per week over 182 weeks
9,717 stars, 1,307 forks, 446 watches
ml category, created 2018-07-26, last commit 2021-12-14, main language Jupyter Notebook
ai, google, ml, rl, tensorflow

Fast image augmentation library and an easy-to-use wrapper around other libraries. Documentation: Paper about the library:
50 stars per week over 189 weeks
9,539 stars, 1,226 forks, 125 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-06-06, last commit 2021-12-24, main language Python
augmentation, deep-learning, detection, fast-augmentations, image-augmentation, image-classification, image-processing, image-segmentation, machine-learning, object-detection, python, segmentation

Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier
30 stars per week over 305 weeks
9,476 stars, 1,565 forks, 273 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2016-03-15, last commit 2021-07-29, main language JavaScript

This repository contains implementations and illustrative code to accompany DeepMind publications
59 stars per week over 157 weeks
9,454 stars, 1,915 forks, 302 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-15, last commit 2021-12-10, main language Jupyter Notebook

Parallel computing with task scheduling
25 stars per week over 368 weeks
9,434 stars, 1,428 forks, 229 watches
perf category, created 2015-01-04, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
dask, hacktoberfest, numpy, pandas, pydata, python, scikit-learn, scipy

The friendly PIL fork (Python Imaging Library)
18 stars per week over 495 weeks
9,391 stars, 1,792 forks, 212 watches
util category, created 2012-07-24, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
c, cross-platform, image, image-processing, pil, pillow, python, python-3

Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
20 stars per week over 459 weeks
9,374 stars, 981 forks, 318 watches
ml category, created 2013-04-01, last commit 2022-01-03, main language C++
approximate-nearest-neighbor-search, c-plus-plus, golang, locality-sensitive-hashing, lua, nearest-neighbor-search, python

Launched in 2018. It's 2022 and PySimpleGUI is actively developed & supported. Supports tkinter, Qt, WxPython, Remi (in browser). Create custom GUI Windows simply, trivially with a full set of widgets. Multi-Window applications are also simple. 3.4 to 3.11 supported. 325+ Demo programs & Cookbook for rapid start. Extensive documentation. Examples using Machine Learning(GUI, OpenCV Integration, Chatterbot), Desktop Widgets (Rainmeter-like), Matplotlib + Pyplot integration, add GUI to command line scripts, PDF & Image Viewer. For both beginning and advanced programmers. docs - GitHub - Create complex windows simply.
50 stars per week over 184 weeks
9,294 stars, 1,386 forks, 210 watches
gui category, created 2018-07-11, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
beginner-friendly, datavisualization, games, gui, gui-framework, gui-programming, gui-window, popup-window, progress-meter, pyside2, pysimplegui, python, qt, qt-gui, remi, systemtray, tkinter, tkinter-gui, tkinter-python, wxpython

🦉Data Version Control | Git for Data & Models | ML Experiments Management
35 stars per week over 255 weeks
9,151 stars, 890 forks, 132 watches
data category, created 2017-03-04, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
ai, collaboration, data-science, data-version-control, developer-tools, git, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, python, reproducibility

SciPy library main repository
16 stars per week over 567 weeks
9,128 stars, 4,067 forks, 334 watches
ml category, created 2011-03-09, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
algorithms, closember, python, scientific-computing, scipy

Statistical data visualization in Python
18 stars per week over 500 weeks
9,097 stars, 1,551 forks, 245 watches
viz category, created 2012-06-18, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
data-science, data-visualization, matplotlib, pandas, python

Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
28 stars per week over 309 weeks
8,976 stars, 2,184 forks, 333 watches
data category, created 2016-02-17, last commit 2022-01-22, main language C++

Data parsing and validation using Python type hints
36 stars per week over 246 weeks
8,902 stars, 825 forks, 84 watches
util category, created 2017-05-03, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
hints, json-schema, parsing, pydantic, python, python36, python37, python38, python39, validation

Bullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
15 stars per week over 562 weeks
8,859 stars, 2,397 forks, 403 watches
sim category, created 2011-04-12, last commit 2022-01-12, main language C++
computer-animation, game-development, kinematics, pybullet, reinforcement-learning, robotics, simulation, simulator, virtual-reality

Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
44 stars per week over 196 weeks
8,821 stars, 2,001 forks, 173 watches
ml-dl category, created 2018-04-20, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
deep-learning, graph-neural-networks

A computer algebra system written in pure Python
14 stars per week over 612 weeks
8,787 stars, 3,581 forks, 288 watches
math category, created 2010-04-30, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
computer-algebra, hacktoberfest, math, python, science

Jupyter Interactive Notebook
24 stars per week over 354 weeks
8,765 stars, 3,665 forks, 315 watches
jupyter category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2022-01-12, main language JavaScript
closember, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, notebook

The no-nonsense REST API and microservices framework for Python developers, with a focus on reliability, correctness, and performance at scale.
18 stars per week over 476 weeks
8,683 stars, 859 forks, 275 watches
web category, created 2012-12-06, last commit 2022-01-16, main language Python
api, asgi, framework, http, microservices, python, rest, web, wsgi

A framework for training and evaluating AI models on a variety of openly available dialogue datasets.
34 stars per week over 247 weeks
8,578 stars, 1,742 forks, 294 watches
nlp category, created 2017-04-24, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

Technical documentation that just works
27 stars per week over 312 weeks
8,563 stars, 1,988 forks, 84 watches
util category, created 2016-01-28, last commit 2022-01-22, main language TypeScript
documentation, material-design, mkdocs, static, template, theme

A Python Automated Machine Learning tool that optimizes machine learning pipelines using genetic programming.
25 stars per week over 324 weeks
8,422 stars, 1,452 forks, 294 watches
ml category, created 2015-11-03, last commit 2021-01-06, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automation, automl, data-science, feature-engineering, gradient-boosting, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, model-selection, parameter-tuning, python, random-forest, scikit-learn, xgboost

Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
26 stars per week over 315 weeks
8,421 stars, 1,219 forks, 146 watches
data category, created 2016-01-09, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Jupyter Notebook
big-data-analytics, data-analysis, data-exploration, data-profiling, data-quality, data-science, deep-learning, eda, exploration, exploratory-data-analysis, hacktoberfest, html-report, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, pandas, pandas-dataframe, pandas-profiling, python, statistics

Incredibly fast crawler designed for OSINT.
42 stars per week over 199 weeks
8,402 stars, 1,242 forks, 318 watches
data category, created 2018-03-30, last commit 2019-12-06, main language Python
crawler, information-gathering, osint, python, spider

AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications
30 stars per week over 275 weeks
8,356 stars, 2,148 forks, 312 watches
util category, created 2016-10-10, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
aws, aws-sam, lambda, sam, sam-specification, serverless, serverless-application-model, serverless-applications

AutoML library for deep learning
38 stars per week over 218 weeks
8,313 stars, 1,343 forks, 315 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-11-19, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
autodl, automated-machine-learning, automl, deep-learning, keras, machine-learning, neural-architecture-search, python, tensorflow

End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers
95 stars per week over 86 weeks
8,258 stars, 1,446 forks, 145 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-05-26, last commit 2021-10-18, main language Python

A very fast and expressive template engine.
13 stars per week over 588 weeks
8,228 stars, 1,450 forks, 259 watches
util category, created 2010-10-17, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python
jinja, jinja2, pallets, python, template-engine, templates

The pytest framework makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing
23 stars per week over 344 weeks
8,185 stars, 1,936 forks, 192 watches
util category, created 2015-06-15, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
hacktoberfest, python, test, testing, unit-testing

Web mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
14 stars per week over 559 weeks
8,138 stars, 1,583 forks, 558 watches
nlp category, created 2011-05-03, last commit 2020-04-25, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, network-analysis, python, sentiment-analysis, web-mining, wordnet

The easiest way to automate your data
43 stars per week over 186 weeks
8,133 stars, 784 forks, 143 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-06-29, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
automation, data-engineering, data-ops, data-science, infrastructure, ml-ops, orchestration, orion, prefect, python, workflow, workflow-engine

gunicorn 'Green Unicorn' is a WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX, fast clients and sleepy applications.
12 stars per week over 633 weeks
8,088 stars, 1,512 forks, 222 watches
web category, created 2009-11-30, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
http, http-server, python, wsgi, wsgi-server

Data-centric declarative deep learning framework
50 stars per week over 160 weeks
8,070 stars, 962 forks, 185 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-12-27, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
computer-vision, data-centric, data-science, datascience, deep, deep-learning, deeplearning, learning, machine, machine-learning, machinelearning, ml, natural-language, natural-language-processing, neural-network, python, pytorch

Simple, Pythonic, text processing--Sentiment analysis, part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, translation, and more.
17 stars per week over 447 weeks
8,034 stars, 1,062 forks, 272 watches
nlp category, created 2013-06-30, last commit 2021-10-22, main language Python
natural-language-processing, nlp, nltk, pattern, python, python-2, python-3

Full stack, modern web application generator. Using FastAPI, PostgreSQL as database, Docker, automatic HTTPS and more.
52 stars per week over 152 weeks
7,949 stars, 1,370 forks, 159 watches
web category, created 2019-02-23, last commit 2020-06-05, main language Python
backend, celery, cookiecutter, docker, fastapi, frontend, json, json-schema, jwt, letsencrypt, openapi, openapi3, pgadmin, postgresql, python, python3, swagger, traefik, vue, vuex

🏹 Better dates & times for Python
16 stars per week over 479 weeks
7,725 stars, 611 forks, 134 watches
util category, created 2012-11-18, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
arrow, date, datetime, hacktoberfest, python, time, timestamp, timezones

A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
165 stars per week over 46 weeks
7,649 stars, 330 forks, 69 watches
viz category, created 2021-03-05, last commit 2022-01-07, main language Jupyter Notebook
cartography, generative-art, jupyter-notebook, maps, matplotlib, openstreetmap, python

The leading native Python SSHv2 protocol library.
10 stars per week over 676 weeks
7,440 stars, 1,770 forks, 321 watches
util category, created 2009-02-02, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python

Textual is a TUI (Text User Interface) framework for Python inspired by modern web development.
176 stars per week over 41 weeks
7,304 stars, 173 forks, 122 watches
term category, created 2021-04-08, last commit 2022-01-09, main language Python
python, rich, terminal, tui

Pyodide is a Python distribution for the browser and Node.js based on WebAssembly
35 stars per week over 204 weeks
7,286 stars, 449 forks, 132 watches
util category, created 2018-02-23, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
python, webassembly

Deep universal probabilistic programming with Python and PyTorch
30 stars per week over 240 weeks
7,277 stars, 886 forks, 202 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-06-16, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
bayesian, bayesian-inference, deep-learning, machine-learning, probabilistic-modeling, probabilistic-programming, python, pytorch, variational-inference

A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.
17 stars per week over 410 weeks
7,265 stars, 545 forks, 79 watches
util category, created 2014-03-13, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
git, linter, pre-commit, python, refactoring

Declarative statistical visualization library for Python
21 stars per week over 331 weeks
7,222 stars, 646 forks, 151 watches
viz category, created 2015-09-19, last commit 2021-12-29, main language Python

NumPy aware dynamic Python compiler using LLVM
14 stars per week over 515 weeks
7,219 stars, 877 forks, 207 watches
perf category, created 2012-03-08, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
compiler, cuda, llvm, numpy, parallel, python, rocm

Typer, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
64 stars per week over 108 weeks
7,052 stars, 263 forks, 59 watches
util category, created 2019-12-24, last commit 2021-08-30, main language Python
cli, click, python, python3, shell, terminal, typehints, typer

Statsmodels: statistical modeling and econometrics in Python
12 stars per week over 554 weeks
7,033 stars, 2,409 forks, 258 watches
ml category, created 2011-06-12, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-analysis, econometrics, generalized-linear-models, python, regression-models, statistics, timeseries-analysis

GraphQL framework for Python
21 stars per week over 330 weeks
7,021 stars, 751 forks, 147 watches
web category, created 2015-09-24, last commit 2022-01-11, main language Python
framework, graphene, graphql, python, relay

AWS SDK for Python
18 stars per week over 381 weeks
6,974 stars, 1,497 forks, 239 watches
util category, created 2014-10-03, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
aws, aws-sdk, cloud, cloud-management, python

Dear PyGui: A fast and powerful Graphical User Interface Toolkit for Python with minimal dependencies
80 stars per week over 86 weeks
6,966 stars, 341 forks, 113 watches
gui category, created 2020-05-28, last commit 2022-01-20, main language C++
cpp, cross-platform, dearpygui, graphics, gui, imgui, linux, macos, native, python, python-gui, toolkit, tools, ui, windows

Multilingual Sentence & Image Embeddings with BERT
52 stars per week over 130 weeks
6,894 stars, 1,363 forks, 103 watches
nlp category, created 2019-07-24, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python

Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
17 stars per week over 382 weeks
6,873 stars, 535 forks, 142 watches
perf category, created 2014-09-27, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
bigdata, dataframe, hdf5, machine-learning, machinelearning, memory-mapped-file, python, tabular-data, visualization

Trax — Deep Learning with Clear Code and Speed
56 stars per week over 120 weeks
6,736 stars, 691 forks, 149 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-10-05, last commit 2021-12-23, main language Python
deep-learning, deep-reinforcement-learning, jax, machine-learning, numpy, reinforcement-learning, transformer

Modin: Speed up your Pandas workflows by changing a single line of code
35 stars per week over 187 weeks
6,714 stars, 474 forks, 107 watches
perf category, created 2018-06-21, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
dataframe, datascience, distributed, modin, pandas, pandas-on-ray, python, ray, sql

The most widely used Python to C compiler
11 stars per week over 583 weeks
6,697 stars, 1,235 forks, 227 watches
util category, created 2010-11-21, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
big-data, c, cpp, cpython, cpython-extensions, cython, performance, python

SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
307 stars per week over 21 weeks
6,667 stars, 256 forks, 102 watches
data category, created 2021-08-24, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python
fastapi, json, json-schema, pydantic, python, sql, sqlalchemy

The little ASGI framework that shines. 🌟
34 stars per week over 186 weeks
6,505 stars, 569 forks, 114 watches
web category, created 2018-06-25, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
async, graphql, http, python, websockets

REST API framework designed for human beings
13 stars per week over 482 weeks
6,428 stars, 741 forks, 236 watches
web category, created 2012-10-22, last commit 2021-12-10, main language Python
flask, mongodb, python, rest

A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computation on CPU and GPU.
26 stars per week over 235 weeks
6,311 stars, 954 forks, 191 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-18, last commit 2022-01-23, main language C
big-data, catboost, categorical-features, coreml, cuda, data-mining, data-science, decision-trees, gbdt, gbm, gpu, gpu-computing, gradient-boosting, kaggle, machine-learning, python, r, tutorial

Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Aesara
9.48 stars per week over 663 weeks
6,292 stars, 1,510 forks, 230 watches
ml category, created 2009-05-05, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
aesara, bayesian-inference, hacktoberfest, mcmc, probabilistic-programming, python, statistical-analysis, variational-inference

DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training easy, efficient, and effective.
59 stars per week over 104 weeks
6,168 stars, 700 forks, 123 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-01-23, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
billion-parameters, data-parallelism, deep-learning, gpu, machine-learning, model-parallelism, pytorch

Distributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization in Python
11 stars per week over 541 weeks
6,043 stars, 940 forks, 129 watches
ml category, created 2011-09-06, last commit 2021-11-29, main language Python

An implementation of model parallel GPT-2 and GPT-3-style models using the mesh-tensorflow library.
74 stars per week over 81 weeks
6,034 stars, 484 forks, 149 watches
nlp category, created 2020-07-05, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
gpt, gpt-2, gpt-3, language-model, transformers

Automated Machine Learning with scikit-learn
17 stars per week over 342 weeks
5,982 stars, 1,114 forks, 217 watches
ml category, created 2015-07-02, last commit 2021-12-24, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, bayesian-optimization, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-search, hyperparameter-tuning, meta-learning, metalearning, scikit-learn, smac

Always know what to expect from your data.
26 stars per week over 227 weeks
5,965 stars, 812 forks, 66 watches
ml-ops category, created 2017-09-11, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
cleandata, data-engineering, data-profilers, data-profiling, data-quality, data-science, data-unit-tests, datacleaner, datacleaning, dataquality, dataunittest, eda, exploratory-analysis, exploratory-data-analysis, exploratorydataanalysis, mlops, pipeline, pipeline-debt, pipeline-testing, pipeline-tests

An open source python library for automated feature engineering
26 stars per week over 228 weeks
5,951 stars, 782 forks, 157 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-08, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
automated-feature-engineering, automated-machine-learning, automl, data-science, feature-engineering, machine-learning, python, scikit-learn

A lightweight library for converting complex objects to and from simple Python datatypes.
13 stars per week over 428 weeks
5,911 stars, 592 forks, 80 watches
util category, created 2013-11-10, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
deserialization, hacktoberfest, marshalling, python, python-3, schema, serde, serialization, validation

Performant type-checking for python.
26 stars per week over 219 weeks
5,746 stars, 379 forks, 100 watches
typing category, created 2017-11-10, last commit 2022-01-21, main language OCaml
abstract-interpretation, code-quality, control-flow-analysis, ocaml, program-analysis, python, security, static-analysis, taint-analysis, type-check, typechecker

An open source multi-tool for exploring and publishing data
25 stars per week over 221 weeks
5,735 stars, 389 forks, 95 watches
data category, created 2017-10-23, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
asgi, automatic-api, csv, datasets, datasette, datasette-io, docker, json, python, sql, sqlite

Open source annotation tool for machine learning practitioners.
29 stars per week over 193 weeks
5,712 stars, 1,231 forks, 116 watches
nlp category, created 2018-05-09, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
annotation-tool, data-labeling, dataset, datasets, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nuxt, nuxtjs, python, text-annotation, vue, vuejs

🍦 Never use print() to debug again.
27 stars per week over 205 weeks
5,669 stars, 115 forks, 50 watches
util category, created 2018-02-13, last commit 2021-08-31, main language Python
debug, debugging, debugging-tool, inspects, library, print, python, python3

Hypothesis is a powerful, flexible, and easy to use library for property-based testing.
12 stars per week over 463 weeks
5,625 stars, 482 forks, 65 watches
util category, created 2013-03-10, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
fuzzing, property-based-testing, python, testing

Python Data. Leaflet.js Maps.
12 stars per week over 454 weeks
5,584 stars, 2,057 forks, 171 watches
viz category, created 2013-05-09, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python

PyTorch3D is FAIR's library of reusable components for deep learning with 3D data
47 stars per week over 117 weeks
5,566 stars, 783 forks, 137 watches
ml-dl category, created 2019-10-25, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

YOLOX is a high-performance anchor-free YOLO, exceeding yolov3~v5 with MegEngine, ONNX, TensorRT, ncnn, and OpenVINO supported. Documentation:
203 stars per week over 27 weeks
5,518 stars, 1,164 forks, 63 watches
ml category, created 2021-07-17, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
deep-learning, megengine, ncnn, object-detection, onnx, openvino, pytorch, tensorrt, yolo, yolov3, yolox

A Python framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.
37 stars per week over 144 weeks
5,408 stars, 561 forks, 91 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-04-18, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
data-versioning, experiment-tracking, hacktoberfest, kedro, mlops, pipeline, pipelines-as-code, python

A logical, reasonably standardized, but flexible project structure for doing and sharing data science work.
16 stars per week over 325 weeks
5,357 stars, 1,759 forks, 99 watches
template category, created 2015-10-30, last commit 2021-06-23, main language Python
ai, cookiecutter, cookiecutter-data-science, cookiecutter-template, data-science, machine-learning

Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
22 stars per week over 238 weeks
5,349 stars, 607 forks, 121 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-02, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
dimensionality-reduction, machine-learning, topological-data-analysis, umap, visualization

🚀 Build and manage real-life data science projects with ease!
42 stars per week over 122 weeks
5,205 stars, 463 forks, 231 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-09-17, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
ai, data-science, datascience, deep-learning, machine-learning, ml, ml-infrastructure, ml-platform, mlops, model-management, productivity, python, r, r-package, reproducible-research, rstats

(JMLR' 19) A Python Toolbox for Scalable Outlier Detection (Anomaly Detection)
23 stars per week over 224 weeks
5,198 stars, 1,025 forks, 151 watches
data category, created 2017-10-03, last commit 2022-01-04, main language Python
anomaly, anomaly-detection, autoencoder, data-analysis, data-mining, data-science, deep-learning, fraud-detection, machine-learning, neural-networks, outlier-detection, outlier-ensembles, outliers, python, python2, python3, unsupervised-learning

A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
18 stars per week over 274 weeks
5,198 stars, 911 forks, 150 watches
ml category, created 2016-10-23, last commit 2020-08-05, main language Python
factorization, matrix, recommendation, recommender, svd, systems

Jupyter Notebooks as Markdown Documents, Julia, Python or R scripts
27 stars per week over 188 weeks
5,150 stars, 320 forks, 72 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-06-15, last commit 2022-01-11, main language Python
hydrogen, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, knitr, markdown, notebooks, python, rmarkdown, rstudio, version-control

Extract Keywords from sentence or Replace keywords in sentences.
21 stars per week over 231 weeks
5,040 stars, 578 forks, 141 watches
data category, created 2017-08-15, last commit 2020-05-03, main language Python
data-extraction, keyword-extraction, nlp, search-in-text, word2vec

Typed interactions with the GitHub API v3
9.73 stars per week over 517 weeks
5,030 stars, 1,440 forks, 108 watches
util category, created 2012-02-25, last commit 2021-12-20, main language Python
github, github-api, pygithub, python

A next-generation curated knowledge sharing platform for data scientists and other technical professions.
17 stars per week over 283 weeks
4,991 stars, 677 forks, 186 watches
data category, created 2016-08-17, last commit 2021-09-01, main language Python
data, data-analysis, data-science, knowledge

An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python
44 stars per week over 113 weeks
4,983 stars, 1,129 forks, 107 watches
ml category, created 2019-11-23, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Jupyter Notebook
anomaly-detection, citizen-data-scientists, classification, clustering, data-science, gpu, machine-learning, ml, nlp, pycaret, python, regression, time-series

Create UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
30 stars per week over 161 weeks
4,849 stars, 308 forks, 68 watches
viz category, created 2018-12-19, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, deep-learning, deploy, gradio, gradio-interface, interface, machine-learning, models, python, python-notebook, ui, ui-components

The Database Toolkit for Python
29 stars per week over 164 weeks
4,805 stars, 777 forks, 82 watches
data category, created 2018-11-27, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
python, sql, sqlalchemy

The lightning-fast ASGI server. 🦄
19 stars per week over 242 weeks
4,797 stars, 405 forks, 75 watches
web category, created 2017-05-31, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, http, http-server, python

Python datetimes made easy
16 stars per week over 290 weeks
4,662 stars, 275 forks, 64 watches
util category, created 2016-06-27, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
date, datetime, python, python3, time, timezones

Easily train your own text-generating neural network of any size and complexity on any text dataset with a few lines of code.
19 stars per week over 232 weeks
4,617 stars, 736 forks, 142 watches
nlp category, created 2017-08-07, last commit 2020-07-14, main language Python
deep-learning, keras, python, tensorflow, text-generation

Official Kaggle API
21 stars per week over 208 weeks
4,534 stars, 888 forks, 180 watches
data category, created 2018-01-25, last commit 2021-03-15, main language Python

Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated Environments
26 stars per week over 172 weeks
4,526 stars, 216 forks, 59 watches
util category, created 2018-10-06, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
cli, pip, pypi, venv

📚 Parameterize, execute, and analyze notebooks
18 stars per week over 237 weeks
4,510 stars, 352 forks, 95 watches
jupyter category, created 2017-07-06, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
julia, jupyter, notebook, notebook-generator, notebooks, nteract, pipeline, publishing, python, r, scala

Trio – a friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
17 stars per week over 261 weeks
4,469 stars, 263 forks, 89 watches
perf category, created 2017-01-16, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
async, async-await, io, networking, python, structured-concurrency, trio

A Python utility / library to sort imports.
10 stars per week over 437 weeks
4,460 stars, 436 forks, 39 watches
util category, created 2013-09-02, last commit 2022-01-07, main language Python
auto-formatter, cleaner, cli, formatter, hacktoberfest, isort, linter, python, python-utility, python3, sorting-imports

Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder
11 stars per week over 368 weeks
4,378 stars, 1,630 forks, 129 watches
util category, created 2015-01-02, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
documentation, documentation-tool, python, sphinx

A scikit-learn compatible neural network library that wraps PyTorch
18 stars per week over 235 weeks
4,306 stars, 303 forks, 82 watches
ml-dl category, created 2017-07-18, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
machine-learning, pytorch, scikit-learn

pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.
16 stars per week over 252 weeks
4,283 stars, 1,909 forks, 148 watches
gamedev category, created 2017-03-26, last commit 2022-01-16, main language C
game-dev, game-development, gamedev, pygame, python, sdl, sdl2

AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans™
11 stars per week over 365 weeks
4,245 stars, 308 forks, 60 watches
util category, created 2015-01-21, last commit 2020-07-10, main language Python

A data augmentations library for audio, image, text, and video.
130 stars per week over 32 weeks
4,241 stars, 220 forks, 60 watches
data category, created 2021-06-09, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python

An orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
21 stars per week over 194 weeks
4,225 stars, 517 forks, 78 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-04-30, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
analytics, dagster, data-orchestrator, data-pipelines, data-science, etl, python, scheduler, workflow, workflow-automation

Dataset format for AI. Build, manage, & visualize datasets for deep learning. Stream data real-time to PyTorch/TensorFlow & version-control it.
32 stars per week over 128 weeks
4,217 stars, 349 forks, 61 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-08-09, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
ai, cloud-computing, collaboration, computer-vision, cv, data-centric, data-pipelines, data-processing, data-science, data-version-control, datasets, deep-learning, image-processing, machine-learning, ml, mlops, python, pytorch, tensorflow, training

A Smart, Automatic, Fast and Lightweight Web Scraper for Python
57 stars per week over 72 weeks
4,193 stars, 441 forks, 118 watches
data category, created 2020-08-31, last commit 2021-02-03, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, automation, crawler, machine-learning, python, scrape, scraper, scraping, web-scraping, webautomation, webscraping

Reading Wikipedia to Answer Open-Domain Questions
17 stars per week over 237 weeks
4,190 stars, 884 forks, 171 watches
nlp category, created 2017-07-07, last commit 2021-05-18, main language Python

A lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions
10 stars per week over 380 weeks
4,125 stars, 475 forks, 99 watches
util category, created 2014-10-12, last commit 2021-12-13, main language Python
hierarchical-state-machine, nested-states, python, state-diagram, state-machine

AutoGluon: AutoML for Text, Image, and Tabular Data
31 stars per week over 129 weeks
4,071 stars, 545 forks, 80 watches
ml category, created 2019-07-29, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
autogluon, automated-machine-learning, automl, computer-vision, data-science, deep-learning, ensemble-learning, gluon, hyperparameter-optimization, image-classification, machine-learning, mxnet, natural-language-processing, neural-architecture-search, object-detection, pytorch, scikit-learn, structured-data, tabular-data, transfer-learning

Simple command line tool for text to image generation using OpenAI's CLIP and Siren (Implicit neural representation network). Technique was originally created by
75 stars per week over 53 weeks
4,022 stars, 289 forks, 73 watches
ml category, created 2021-01-17, last commit 2021-10-19, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, implicit-neural-representation, multi-modality, siren, text-to-image, transformers

Voilà turns Jupyter notebooks into standalone web applications
21 stars per week over 178 weeks
3,860 stars, 374 forks, 76 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-08-21, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
dashboarding, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab-extension

Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code.
19 stars per week over 195 weeks
3,823 stars, 400 forks, 65 watches
security category, created 2018-04-26, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
bandit, linter, python, security, security-scanner, security-tools, static-code-analysis

🔍 Haystack is an open source NLP framework that leverages Transformer models. It enables developers to implement production-ready neural search, question answering, semantic document search and summarization for a wide range of applications.
33 stars per week over 114 weeks
3,805 stars, 640 forks, 79 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-11-14, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
ai, bert, dpr, elasticsearch, information-retrieval, language-model, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, neural-search, nlp, python, pytorch, question-answering, search-engine, semantic-search, squad, summarization, transfer-learning, transformers

A functional standard library for Python.
8.68 stars per week over 436 weeks
3,786 stars, 232 forks, 81 watches
util category, created 2013-09-13, last commit 2021-11-06, main language Python

It's not just a linter that annoys you!
11 stars per week over 319 weeks
3,773 stars, 806 forks, 74 watches
util category, created 2015-12-09, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
closember, code-quality, linter, pep8, static-analysis, static-code-analysis

A library of extension and helper modules for Python's data analysis and machine learning libraries.
9.71 stars per week over 388 weeks
3,773 stars, 743 forks, 121 watches
ml category, created 2014-08-14, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
association-rules, data-mining, data-science, machine-learning, python, supervised-learning, unsupervised-learning

Model parallel transformers in JAX and Haiku
83 stars per week over 45 weeks
3,766 stars, 455 forks, 66 watches
nlp category, created 2021-03-13, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python

🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments. This repo contains the CLI and Python API.
14 stars per week over 252 weeks
3,655 stars, 289 forks, 35 watches
ml category, created 2017-03-24, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
collaboration, data-science, data-versioning, deep-learning, experiment-track, hyperparameter-optimization, hyperparameter-search, hyperparameter-tuning, keras, machine-learning, ml-platform, mlops, model-versioning, pytorch, reinforcement-learning, reproducibility, tensorflow

A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit
40 stars per week over 90 weeks
3,633 stars, 657 forks, 104 watches
nlp category, created 2020-04-28, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
asr, audio, audio-processing, deep-learning, huggingface, language-model, pytorch, speaker-diarization, speaker-recognition, speaker-verification, speech-enhancement, speech-processing, speech-recognition, speech-separation, speech-to-text, speech-toolkit, speechrecognition, spoken-language-understanding, transformers, voice-recognition

A static type analyzer for Python code
10 stars per week over 357 weeks
3,590 stars, 228 forks, 56 watches
typing category, created 2015-03-18, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
linter, python, static-analysis, static-code-analysis, typechecker, types, typing

Visual analysis and diagnostic tools to facilitate machine learning model selection.
11 stars per week over 296 weeks
3,478 stars, 512 forks, 106 watches
ml category, created 2016-05-18, last commit 2022-01-05, main language Python
anaconda, estimator, machine-learning, matplotlib, model-selection, python, scikit-learn, visual-analysis, visualization, visualizer

Mimesis is a high-performance fake data generator for Python, which provides data for a variety of purposes in a variety of languages.
12 stars per week over 280 weeks
3,458 stars, 282 forks, 68 watches
data category, created 2016-09-09, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
api-mock, data, datascience, dummy, fake, faker, fixtures, generator, json, json-generator, mimesis, mock, python, schema, synthetic-data, testing

Kats, a kit to analyze time series data, a lightweight, easy-to-use, generalizable, and extendable framework to perform time series analysis, from understanding the key statistics and characteristics, detecting change points and anomalies, to forecasting future trends.
72 stars per week over 47 weeks
3,439 stars, 320 forks, 62 watches
time-series category, created 2021-02-25, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python

A modern Python application packaging and distribution tool
21 stars per week over 161 weeks
3,437 stars, 137 forks, 55 watches
util category, created 2018-12-18, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Rust

Automatically visualize your pandas dataframe via a single print! 📊 💡
30 stars per week over 106 weeks
3,268 stars, 269 forks, 71 watches
viz category, created 2020-01-08, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-science, exploratory-data-analysis, jupyter, pandas, python, visualization, visualization-tools

Powerful, mature open-source cross-platform game engine for Python and C++, developed by Disney and CMU
7.16 stars per week over 433 weeks
3,108 stars, 669 forks, 188 watches
gamedev category, created 2013-09-30, last commit 2022-01-14, main language C++
c-plus-plus, cross-platform, game-development, game-engine, gamedev, multi-platform, open-source, opengl, panda3d, panda3d-game-engine, python

🎛 🔊 A Python library for adding effects to audio.
107 stars per week over 28 weeks
3,098 stars, 93 forks, 45 watches
util category, created 2021-07-06, last commit 2022-01-20, main language C++
audio, audio-processing, audio-production, audio-research, audio-unit, juce, pybind11, python, tensorflow, vst3, vst3-host

A platform for Reasoning systems (Reinforcement Learning, Contextual Bandits, etc.)
13 stars per week over 234 weeks
3,098 stars, 449 forks, 145 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-27, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

uWSGI application server container
5.74 stars per week over 537 weeks
3,084 stars, 642 forks, 108 watches
web category, created 2011-10-09, last commit 2021-12-29, main language C

This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that measures the volatility of every coin on Binance and places trades with the highest gaining coins If you like this project consider donating though the Brave browser to allow me to continuously improve the script.
82 stars per week over 37 weeks
3,048 stars, 702 forks, 136 watches
crypto category, created 2021-05-08, last commit 2021-06-10, main language Python

🌊 Online machine learning in Python
19 stars per week over 156 weeks
3,045 stars, 330 forks, 78 watches
ml category, created 2019-01-24, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
concept-drift, data-science, incremental-learning, machine-learning, online-learning, online-machine-learning, online-statistics, python, streaming, streaming-data

Machine Learning Management & Orchestration Platform (Monorepo for Polyaxon's MLOps Tools)
11 stars per week over 264 weeks
2,983 stars, 299 forks, 77 watches
ml-ops category, created 2016-12-26, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, caffe, data-science, deep-learning, jupyter, jupyterlab, k8s, keras, kubernetes, machine-learning, ml, mlops, mxnet, notebook, pipelines, pytorch, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow, workflow

Amundsen is a metadata driven application for improving the productivity of data analysts, data scientists and engineers when interacting with data.
21 stars per week over 140 weeks
2,981 stars, 732 forks, 244 watches
data category, created 2019-05-14, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
amundsen, data-catalog, data-discovery, linuxfoundation, metadata

Python REMote Interface library. Platform independent. In about 100 Kbytes, perfect for your diet.
7.27 stars per week over 409 weeks
2,977 stars, 355 forks, 114 watches
gui category, created 2014-03-20, last commit 2021-12-30, main language Python
gui, gui-library, platform-independent, python, remi, ui

Python tools for geographic data
6.62 stars per week over 447 weeks
2,963 stars, 668 forks, 108 watches
data category, created 2013-06-27, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python

ClearML - Auto-Magical CI/CD to streamline your ML workflow. Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management
21 stars per week over 136 weeks
2,944 stars, 409 forks, 75 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-06-10, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
ai, clearml, control, deep-learning, deeplearning, devops, experiment, experiment-manager, k8s, machine-learning, machinelearning, mlops, trains, trainsai, version, version-control

Visualizer for pandas data structures
22 stars per week over 131 weeks
2,943 stars, 229 forks, 60 watches
viz category, created 2019-07-15, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-analysis, data-science, data-visualization, flask, ipython, jupyter-notebook, pandas, plotly-dash, python27, python3, react, react-virtualized, visualization, xarray

Model interpretability and understanding for PyTorch
22 stars per week over 125 weeks
2,891 stars, 307 forks, 195 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-08-27, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
feature-attribution, feature-importance, interpretability, interpretable-ai, interpretable-ml

Data augmentation for NLP
19 stars per week over 148 weeks
2,874 stars, 329 forks, 35 watches
nlp category, created 2019-03-21, last commit 2022-01-04, main language Jupyter Notebook
adversarial-attacks, adversarial-example, ai, artificial-intelligence, augmentation, data-science, machine-learning, ml, natural-language-processing, nlp

A python interface for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain and ecosystem.
9.5 stars per week over 301 weeks
2,863 stars, 927 forks, 92 watches
crypto category, created 2016-04-14, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python

Python package to easily retrain OpenAI's GPT-2 text-generating model on new texts
19 stars per week over 145 weeks
2,853 stars, 608 forks, 75 watches
nlp category, created 2019-04-13, last commit 2021-10-18, main language Python
openai, tensorflow, text-generation, textgenrnn

WebSocket client for Python
4.91 stars per week over 577 weeks
2,838 stars, 686 forks, 87 watches
web category, created 2010-12-28, last commit 2022-01-01, main language Python
python, rfc-6455, websocket, websocket-client, websockets, websockets-client

An interactive grid for sorting, filtering, and editing DataFrames in Jupyter notebooks
7.35 stars per week over 381 weeks
2,805 stars, 389 forks, 90 watches
jupyter category, created 2014-09-30, last commit 2020-04-07, main language Python

A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
5.94 stars per week over 472 weeks
2,804 stars, 558 forks, 119 watches
data category, created 2013-01-04, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
charts, libxlsxwriter, pandas, python, spreadsheet, xlsx, xlsx-files, xlsxwriter

Main repository for Vispy
6.06 stars per week over 461 weeks
2,795 stars, 584 forks, 124 watches
viz category, created 2013-03-21, last commit 2021-12-10, main language Python
closember, hacktoberfest, opengl, python, visualization

The Language Interpretability Tool: Interactively analyze NLP models for model understanding in an extensible and framework agnostic interface.
35 stars per week over 77 weeks
2,788 stars, 282 forks, 73 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-07-28, last commit 2021-12-21, main language Python
machine-learning, natural-language-processing, visualization

Python package for doing RPA
18 stars per week over 147 weeks
2,787 stars, 399 forks, 89 watches
util category, created 2019-03-30, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
cross-platform, opencv, python, rpa, sikuli, tagui, tesseract

A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis
32 stars per week over 84 weeks
2,781 stars, 266 forks, 54 watches
nlp category, created 2020-06-10, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
computer-vision, deep-learning, detectron2, document-image-processing, document-layout-analysis, layout-analysis, layout-detection, layout-parser, object-detection, ocr

A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown with Extension support.
4.53 stars per week over 608 weeks
2,752 stars, 708 forks, 76 watches
util category, created 2010-05-29, last commit 2022-01-10, main language Python
markdown, markdown-parser, markdown-to-html, python, python-markdown, python3

Uplift modeling and causal inference with machine learning algorithms
20 stars per week over 132 weeks
2,725 stars, 413 forks, 65 watches
ml category, created 2019-07-09, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
causal-inference, incubation, machine-learning, uplift-modeling

Build GUI for your Python program with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
7.27 stars per week over 374 weeks
2,723 stars, 362 forks, 54 watches
gui category, created 2014-11-20, last commit 2022-01-15, main language Python
cef, cocoa, gtk, gui, html, javascript, linux, osx, python, qt, webkit, windows

A non-validating SQL parser module for Python
5.3 stars per week over 509 weeks
2,701 stars, 548 forks, 92 watches
data category, created 2012-04-18, last commit 2021-09-10, main language Python

Feature Store for Machine Learning
16 stars per week over 162 weeks
2,700 stars, 467 forks, 64 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-12-10, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
big-data, data-engineering, data-science, feature-engineering, feature-store, features, machine-learning, ml, mlops, python

PRAW, an acronym for "Python Reddit API Wrapper", is a python package that allows for simple access to Reddit's API.
4.53 stars per week over 596 weeks
2,699 stars, 427 forks, 67 watches
data category, created 2010-08-19, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
api, oauth, praw, python, reddit, reddit-api

Machine Learning Pipelines for Kubeflow
13 stars per week over 193 weeks
2,649 stars, 1,139 forks, 106 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-05-12, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
data-science, kubeflow, kubeflow-pipelines, kubernetes, machine-learning, mlops, pipeline

Write interactive web app in script way.
26 stars per week over 99 weeks
2,612 stars, 213 forks, 41 watches
web category, created 2020-02-29, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python

Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects
4.97 stars per week over 525 weeks
2,609 stars, 445 forks, 88 watches
data category, created 2011-12-31, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python

Compute distance between sequences. 30+ algorithms, pure python implementation, common interface, optional external libs usage.
10 stars per week over 246 weeks
2,591 stars, 208 forks, 59 watches
nlp category, created 2017-05-05, last commit 2021-11-29, main language Python
algorithm, algorithms, damerau-levenshtein, damerau-levenshtein-distance, diff, distance, distance-calculation, hamming-distance, jellyfish, levenshtein, levenshtein-distance, python, textdistance

Command line driven CI frontend and development task automation tool.
9.24 stars per week over 279 weeks
2,580 stars, 396 forks, 38 watches
util category, created 2016-09-17, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python
appveyor, automation, azure-pipelines, circleci, cli, continuous-integration, gitlab, hacktoberfest, python, testing, travis, venv, virtualenv

Flax is a neural network library for JAX that is designed for flexibility.
24 stars per week over 106 weeks
2,578 stars, 291 forks, 72 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-01-10, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

🪄 Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.
61 stars per week over 41 weeks
2,559 stars, 112 forks, 45 watches
viz category, created 2021-04-06, last commit 2021-05-06, main language Python
deployment, faas, fastapi, functions, machine-learning, microservices, pydantic, python, python-functions, serverless, streamlit, type-hints

A GUI for Pandas DataFrames
18 stars per week over 136 weeks
2,528 stars, 163 forks, 50 watches
viz category, created 2019-06-12, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
dataframe, gui, pandas, viewer

Core ML tools contain supporting tools for Core ML model conversion, editing, and validation.
10 stars per week over 238 weeks
2,524 stars, 395 forks, 101 watches
ml category, created 2017-06-30, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
coreml, coremltools, machine-learning, model-conversion, model-converter, pytorch, tensorflow

A library for debugging/inspecting machine learning classifiers and explaining their predictions
8.91 stars per week over 279 weeks
2,491 stars, 316 forks, 70 watches
ml category, created 2016-09-15, last commit 2020-01-22, main language Jupyter Notebook
crfsuite, data-science, explanation, inspection, lightgbm, machine-learning, nlp, python, scikit-learn, xgboost

Automated CI toolchain to produce precompiled opencv-python, opencv-python-headless, opencv-contrib-python and opencv-contrib-python-headless packages.
8.22 stars per week over 302 weeks
2,485 stars, 492 forks, 78 watches
ml category, created 2016-04-08, last commit 2021-12-27, main language Shell
manylinux, opencv, opencv-contrib-python, opencv-python, precompiled, pypi, python, python-3, wheel

✨Fast Coreference Resolution in spaCy with Neural Networks
10 stars per week over 237 weeks
2,470 stars, 431 forks, 90 watches
nlp category, created 2017-07-03, last commit 2021-06-22, main language C
coreference, coreference-resolution, machine-learning, neural-networks, nlp, python, pytorch, spacy, spacy-extension, spacy-pipeline

Pandas on AWS - Easy integration with Athena, Glue, Redshift, Timestream, QuickSight, Chime, CloudWatchLogs, DynamoDB, EMR, SecretManager, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLServer and S3 (Parquet, CSV, JSON and EXCEL).
16 stars per week over 151 weeks
2,469 stars, 412 forks, 60 watches
data category, created 2019-02-26, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
amazon-athena, amazon-sagemaker-notebook, apache-arrow, apache-parquet, athena, aws, aws-glue, aws-lambda, data-engineering, data-science, emr, etl, glue-catalog, lambda, mysql, pandas, python, redshift

🔮 A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries
6.43 stars per week over 379 weeks
2,438 stars, 231 forks, 85 watches
ml-dl category, created 2014-10-16, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
ai, artificial-intelligence, deep-learning, functional-programming, jax, machine-learning, machine-learning-library, mxnet, natural-language-processing, nlp, python, pytorch, spacy, tensorflow, type-checking

Text preprocessing, representation and visualization from zero to hero.
25 stars per week over 93 weeks
2,423 stars, 210 forks, 44 watches
nlp category, created 2020-04-06, last commit 2021-07-19, main language Python
machine-learning, nlp, nlp-pipeline, text-clustering, text-mining, text-preprocessing, text-representation, text-visualization, texthero, word-embeddings

A Pythonic wrapper for the Wikipedia API
5.44 stars per week over 439 weeks
2,392 stars, 482 forks, 81 watches
data category, created 2013-08-20, last commit 2020-10-09, main language Python

Ethereum Proof-of-Stake Consensus Specifications
13 stars per week over 174 weeks
2,378 stars, 561 forks, 227 watches
crypto category, created 2018-09-20, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python

Console user interface library for Python (official repo)
3.82 stars per week over 621 weeks
2,376 stars, 291 forks, 61 watches
util category, created 2010-02-25, last commit 2021-09-07, main language Python

Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
92 stars per week over 25 weeks
2,358 stars, 187 forks, 40 watches
time-series category, created 2021-07-28, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
anomaly-detection, automl, benchmarking, ensemble-learning, forecasting, machine-learning, time-series

VISSL is FAIR's library of extensible, modular and scalable components for SOTA Self-Supervised Learning with images.
24 stars per week over 93 weeks
2,316 stars, 228 forks, 52 watches
ml category, created 2020-04-09, last commit 2022-01-10, main language Jupyter Notebook

StellarGraph - Machine Learning on Graphs
11 stars per week over 197 weeks
2,261 stars, 337 forks, 60 watches
graph category, created 2018-04-13, last commit 2021-10-29, main language Python
data-science, deep-learning, gcn, geometric-deep-learning, graph-analysis, graph-convolutional-networks, graph-data, graph-machine-learning, graph-neural-networks, graphs, heterogeneous-networks, interpretability, link-prediction, machine-learning, machine-learning-algorithms, networkx, python, saliency-map, stellargraph-library

HiPlot makes understanding high dimensional data easy
19 stars per week over 115 weeks
2,243 stars, 111 forks, 28 watches
viz category, created 2019-11-08, last commit 2021-11-05, main language TypeScript

xlwings is a BSD-licensed Python library that makes it easy to call Python from Excel and vice versa. It works with Microsoft Excel on Windows and macOS.
5.38 stars per week over 409 weeks
2,207 stars, 396 forks, 120 watches
data category, created 2014-03-17, last commit 2021-12-21, main language Python
automation, excel, python, reporting

🚀 A simple way to train and use PyTorch models with multi-GPU, TPU, mixed-precision
32 stars per week over 64 weeks
2,115 stars, 127 forks, 43 watches
ml category, created 2020-10-30, last commit 2022-01-11, main language Python

With Holoviews, your data visualizes itself.
5.21 stars per week over 402 weeks
2,099 stars, 347 forks, 60 watches
viz category, created 2014-05-07, last commit 2021-12-18, main language Python
holoviews, holoviz, plotting

Interactive reports to analyze machine learning models during validation or production monitoring.
34 stars per week over 60 weeks
2,084 stars, 170 forks, 26 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-11-25, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
data-drift, data-science, html-report, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, machine-learning-operations, mlops, model-monitoring, pandas-dataframe, production-machine-learning

💨 Fast, Async-ready, Openapi, type hints based framework for building APIs
23 stars per week over 87 weeks
2,075 stars, 125 forks, 51 watches
web category, created 2020-05-19, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
django, openapi, pydantic, python, rest-api, swagger, swagger-ui

The easy way to send notifications
8.49 stars per week over 242 weeks
2,058 stars, 79 forks, 37 watches
util category, created 2017-06-01, last commit 2021-09-22, main language Python
notification-service, notifications, notifier, python, python3

NeuralProphet: A simple forecasting package
22 stars per week over 89 weeks
2,015 stars, 249 forks, 51 watches
ml category, created 2020-05-04, last commit 2022-01-15, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, autoregression, deep-learning, fbprophet, forecast, forecasting, forecasting-algorithm, forecasting-model, machine-learning, neural, neural-network, neuralprophet, prediction, prophet, python, pytorch, seasonality, time-series, timeseries, trend

Aim — an easy-to-use and performant open-source experiment tracker.
14 stars per week over 138 weeks
1,974 stars, 115 forks, 29 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-05-31, last commit 2022-01-22, main language TypeScript
experiment-tracking, keras, machine-learning, mlops, nlp, pytorch, pytorch-lightning, reinforcement-learning, tensorflow, training-tracking

LightSeq: A High Performance Library for Sequence Processing and Generation
17 stars per week over 111 weeks
1,958 stars, 205 forks, 43 watches
nlp category, created 2019-12-06, last commit 2022-01-10, main language Cuda
accelerate, bart, beam-search, bert, cuda, diverse-decoding, gpt, inference, multilingual-nmt, sampling, training, transformer

MuJoCo is a physics engine for detailed, efficient rigid body simulations with contacts. mujoco-py allows using MuJoCo from Python 3.
6.46 stars per week over 300 weeks
1,938 stars, 619 forks, 139 watches
sim category, created 2016-04-24, last commit 2021-11-19, main language Cython

A new GraphQL library for Python 🍓
11 stars per week over 161 weeks
1,893 stars, 219 forks, 39 watches
web category, created 2018-12-21, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, django, graphql, graphql-library, graphql-schema, graphql-server, hacktoberfest, mypy, python, starlette, strawberry

Code coverage measurement for Python
10 stars per week over 187 weeks
1,889 stars, 267 forks, 25 watches
util category, created 2018-06-23, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python

A self-contained cryptographic library for Python
4.62 stars per week over 403 weeks
1,864 stars, 338 forks, 55 watches
util category, created 2014-05-02, last commit 2022-01-22, main language C
cryptography, python, security

Header-only C++/python library for fast approximate nearest neighbors
7.82 stars per week over 237 weeks
1,857 stars, 352 forks, 59 watches
ml category, created 2017-07-06, last commit 2021-12-09, main language C++

A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
39 stars per week over 46 weeks
1,845 stars, 61 forks, 29 watches
util category, created 2021-03-01, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

Leveraging BERT and c-TF-IDF to create easily interpretable topics.
26 stars per week over 69 weeks
1,836 stars, 266 forks, 29 watches
nlp category, created 2020-09-22, last commit 2022-01-03, main language Python
bert, ldavis, machine-learning, nlp, sentence-embeddings, topic, topic-modeling, topic-modelling, topic-models, transformers

A pythonic interface to Amazon's DynamoDB
4.34 stars per week over 417 weeks
1,815 stars, 388 forks, 41 watches
data category, created 2014-01-20, last commit 2022-01-10, main language Python
aws, dynamodb, python

flake8 is a python tool that glues together pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, and third-party plugins to check the style and quality of some python code.
4.56 stars per week over 384 weeks
1,752 stars, 194 forks, 30 watches
util category, created 2014-09-13, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
complexity-analysis, flake8, hacktoberfest, linter, linter-flake8, pep8, python, python3, static-analysis, static-code-analysis, style-guide, styleguide, stylelint

Wasm powered Jupyter running in the browser 💡
40 stars per week over 43 weeks
1,749 stars, 83 forks, 29 watches
jupyter category, created 2021-03-27, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
jupyter, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, lite, pyodide, wasm, webassembly

Canonical source repository for PyYAML
3.23 stars per week over 533 weeks
1,721 stars, 363 forks, 47 watches
util category, created 2011-11-03, last commit 2021-10-13, main language Python
python, yaml

wxPython's Project Phoenix. A new implementation of wxPython, better, stronger, faster than he was before.
3.46 stars per week over 496 weeks
1,719 stars, 449 forks, 105 watches
gui category, created 2012-07-17, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
awesome, cross-platform, gui, gui-framework, gui-toolkit, linux, macosx, python, windows, wxpython, wxwidgets

A fast library for AutoML and tuning.
22 stars per week over 74 weeks
1,709 stars, 222 forks, 39 watches
ml category, created 2020-08-20, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, classification, data-science, deep-learning, finetuning, hyperparam, hyperparameter-optimization, jupyter-notebook, machine-learning, natural-language-generation, natural-language-processing, python, random-forest, regression, scikit-learn, tabular-data, timeseries-forecasting, tuning

3d plotting for Python in the Jupyter notebook based on IPython widgets using WebGL
6.41 stars per week over 265 weeks
1,703 stars, 217 forks, 52 watches
jupyter category, created 2016-12-21, last commit 2021-11-01, main language TypeScript
dataviz, ipython-widget, jupyter, jupyter-notebook, plotting, python, quiver, rendering-3d-volumes, scientific-visualization, threejs, virtual-reality, visualisation, volume-rendering, webgl

A Python toolbox for gaining geometric insights into high-dimensional data
6.07 stars per week over 277 weeks
1,685 stars, 158 forks, 58 watches
ml category, created 2016-09-27, last commit 2021-07-19, main language Python
data-visualization, data-wrangling, high-dimensional-data, python, text-vectorization, time-series, topic-modeling, visualization

HDF5 for Python -- The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format.
3.41 stars per week over 487 weeks
1,663 stars, 440 forks, 51 watches
perf category, created 2012-09-21, last commit 2022-01-08, main language Python

Static Analyzer for Solidity
9.41 stars per week over 176 weeks
1,661 stars, 334 forks, 53 watches
crypto category, created 2018-09-05, last commit 2021-12-17, main language Python
ethereum, solidity, static-analysis

JupyterLab desktop application, based on Electron.
6.62 stars per week over 246 weeks
1,631 stars, 156 forks, 45 watches
jupyter category, created 2017-05-04, last commit 2022-01-22, main language TypeScript
jupyter, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab

Python's Filesystem abstraction layer
5.84 stars per week over 275 weeks
1,608 stars, 163 forks, 45 watches
util category, created 2016-10-14, last commit 2021-12-13, main language Python
filesystem, filesystem-library, ftp, pyfilesystem, pyfilesystem2, python, tar, zip

🎐 a python library for doing approximate and phonetic matching of strings.
2.67 stars per week over 602 weeks
1,607 stars, 150 forks, 42 watches
nlp category, created 2010-07-09, last commit 2022-01-07, main language Python
fuzzy-search, hacktoberfest, hamming, jaro-winkler, levenshtein, metaphone, python, soundex

💡 Build AI-powered semantic search applications
21 stars per week over 76 weeks
1,602 stars, 158 forks, 39 watches
nlp category, created 2020-08-09, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
api, audio-search, cloud-native, contextual-search, deep-learning, document-search, image-search, machine-learning, machine-learning-pipelines, machine-learning-workflows, microservice, neural-search, nlp, python, search, semantic-search, similarity-search, txtai, vector-search, video-search

Named-entity recognition using neural networks. Easy-to-use and state-of-the-art results.
6.23 stars per week over 254 weeks
1,586 stars, 474 forks, 84 watches
nlp category, created 2017-03-07, last commit 2019-10-02, main language Python
deep-learning, machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, neural-networks, nlp, tensorflow

Python library for interactive topic model visualization. Port of the R LDAvis package.
4.41 stars per week over 354 weeks
1,562 stars, 326 forks, 56 watches
ml category, created 2015-04-09, last commit 2021-03-24, main language Jupyter Notebook

VizTracer is a low-overhead logging/debugging/profiling tool that can trace and visualize your python code execution.
20 stars per week over 76 weeks
1,559 stars, 88 forks, 30 watches
util category, created 2020-08-05, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
debugging, flamegraph, logging, profiling, python, python3, tracer, visualization

Prevent PyTorch's CUDA error: out of memory in just 1 line of code.
162 stars per week over 9 weeks
1,556 stars, 53 forks, 10 watches
ml category, created 2021-11-17, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
deep-learning, lazy-evaluation, machine-learning, memory-management, numpy, out-of-memory, python, pytorch, tensor, torch

🔅 Shapash makes Machine Learning models transparent and understandable by everyone
16 stars per week over 90 weeks
1,535 stars, 207 forks, 32 watches
ml category, created 2020-04-29, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Jupyter Notebook
ethical-artificial-intelligence, explainability, explainable-ml, interpretability, lime, machine-learning, python, shap, transparency

Mesa is an agent-based modeling framework in Python
4.0 stars per week over 383 weeks
1,534 stars, 657 forks, 92 watches
sim category, created 2014-09-19, last commit 2022-01-09, main language Python
agent-based-modeling, agent-based-simulation, complex-systems, complexity-analysis, gis, mesa, modeling-agents, simulation, simulation-environment, simulation-framework, spatial-models

PyGraphistry is a Python library to quickly load, shape, embed, and explore big graphs with the GPU-accelerated Graphistry visual graph analyzer
4.42 stars per week over 346 weeks
1,532 stars, 150 forks, 43 watches
data category, created 2015-06-02, last commit 2021-12-22, main language Python
analytics, blazingsql, csv, cuda, cudf, cugraph, dashboards, gpu, graph, graphistry, neo4j, networkx, notebooks, pandas, python, rapids, splunk, tigergraph, visualization, webgl

Top2Vec learns jointly embedded topic, document and word vectors.
15 stars per week over 96 weeks
1,509 stars, 222 forks, 34 watches
nlp category, created 2020-03-20, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
bert, document-embedding, pre-trained-language-models, semantic-search, sentence-encoder, sentence-transformers, text-search, text-semantic-similarity, top2vec, topic-modeling, topic-modelling, topic-search, topic-vector, word-embeddings

Integration of IPython pdb
2.62 stars per week over 575 weeks
1,507 stars, 135 forks, 24 watches
util category, created 2011-01-15, last commit 2021-12-30, main language Python
debugger, ipython, python

GLIDE: a diffusion-based text-conditional image synthesis model
239 stars per week over 6 weeks
1,506 stars, 171 forks, 75 watches
ml category, created 2021-12-10, last commit 2021-12-22, main language Python

A fast, efficient universal vector embedding utility package.
7.35 stars per week over 204 weeks
1,500 stars, 105 forks, 37 watches
nlp category, created 2018-02-24, last commit 2020-07-17, main language Python
embeddings, fast, fasttext, gensim, glove, machine-learning, machine-learning-library, memory-efficient, natural-language-processing, nlp, python, vectors, word-embeddings, word2vec

Algorithms for explaining machine learning models
9.82 stars per week over 151 weeks
1,490 stars, 175 forks, 43 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-02-26, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
counterfactual, explanations, interpretability, machine-learning, xai

A Python implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine
5.61 stars per week over 264 weeks
1,485 stars, 503 forks, 91 watches
crypto category, created 2016-12-27, last commit 2021-12-17, main language Python
ethereum, ethereum-virtual-machine, evm, python

A flexible, intuitive and fast forecasting library
37 stars per week over 38 weeks
1,443 stars, 65 forks, 35 watches
ml category, created 2021-04-27, last commit 2021-12-15, main language Python

Gin provides a lightweight configuration framework for Python
7.64 stars per week over 186 weeks
1,426 stars, 96 forks, 22 watches
util category, created 2018-06-27, last commit 2021-11-04, main language Python
configuration-management, python, tensorflow, tensorflow-experiments

A community based Python library for quantitative economics
3.09 stars per week over 461 weeks
1,424 stars, 1,962 forks, 155 watches
sim category, created 2013-03-22, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python

A Python library to extract tabular data from PDFs
10 stars per week over 133 weeks
1,392 stars, 278 forks, 32 watches
util category, created 2019-07-01, last commit 2021-07-11, main language Python

Python library for creating PEG parsers
5.61 stars per week over 245 weeks
1,374 stars, 201 forks, 20 watches
util category, created 2017-05-14, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
parser-combinators, parsing, parsing-expression-grammar, parsing-library, peg-parsers, python, python-2, python-3, python2, python3, text-processing

Simple real time visualisation of the execution of a Python program.
9.51 stars per week over 143 weeks
1,366 stars, 116 forks, 30 watches
perf category, created 2019-04-24, last commit 2021-11-13, main language Python
debugger, python, visualization

🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
3.34 stars per week over 407 weeks
1,360 stars, 138 forks, 39 watches
template category, created 2014-04-02, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
distribution, git, package, package-creation, project-template, python, release-automation, template-project

shiv is a command line utility for building fully self contained Python zipapps as outlined in PEP 441, but with all their dependencies included.
6.73 stars per week over 201 weeks
1,358 stars, 78 forks, 28 watches
util category, created 2018-03-13, last commit 2021-11-18, main language Python

A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda.
4.37 stars per week over 308 weeks
1,346 stars, 225 forks, 30 watches
util category, created 2016-02-26, last commit 2021-07-14, main language Python
aws, aws-lambda, microservices, python, serverless

A robust Python tool for text-based AI training and generation using GPT-2.
12 stars per week over 108 weeks
1,324 stars, 143 forks, 39 watches
nlp category, created 2019-12-29, last commit 2021-05-17, main language Python

The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation.
3.76 stars per week over 348 weeks
1,307 stars, 158 forks, 48 watches
data category, created 2015-05-24, last commit 2020-01-06, main language Python
database, orm, python

Explain, analyze, and visualize NLP language models. Ecco creates interactive visualizations directly in Jupyter notebooks explaining the behavior of Transformer-based language models (like GPT2, BERT, RoBERTA, T5, and T0).
20 stars per week over 63 weeks
1,295 stars, 83 forks, 19 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-11-07, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
explorables, language-models, natural-language-processing, nlp, pytorch, visualization

Renders papers from arXiv as responsive web pages so you don't have to squint at a PDF.
5.54 stars per week over 232 weeks
1,287 stars, 84 forks, 22 watches
nlp category, created 2017-08-12, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
academic-publishing, arxiv, latex, science

A very simple REST API client for Python
2.61 stars per week over 470 weeks
1,228 stars, 556 forks, 88 watches
data category, created 2013-01-17, last commit 2021-09-09, main language Python
api, api-client, python, salesforce

Safety checks your installed dependencies for known security vulnerabilities
4.34 stars per week over 274 weeks
1,193 stars, 109 forks, 29 watches
security category, created 2016-10-19, last commit 2021-04-28, main language Python
python, security, security-vulnerability, travis, vulnerability-detection, vulnerability-scanners

Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
5.53 stars per week over 214 weeks
1,184 stars, 406 forks, 68 watches
crypto category, created 2017-12-16, last commit 2022-01-16, main language Python
asyncio, binance, bitcoin, btc, coinbase, coinbase-api, crypto, cryptocurrencies, cryptocurrency, ethereum, exchange, ftx-exchange, influxdb, market-data, python, trading, trading-platform, websocket, websockets

A Python library to use infix notation in Python
1.91 stars per week over 615 weeks
1,175 stars, 92 forks, 20 watches
util category, created 2010-04-08, last commit 2021-12-31, main language Python

Coding assistance for JupyterLab (code navigation + hover suggestions + linters + autocompletion + rename) using Language Server Protocol
9.1 stars per week over 127 weeks
1,157 stars, 90 forks, 20 watches
jupyter category, created 2019-08-17, last commit 2022-01-22, main language TypeScript
autocompletion, ipython, julia-language, jupyter, jupyter-lab, jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, language-server-protocol, linter, lsp, notebook, notebook-jupyter, r

Tika-Python is a Python binding to the Apache Tika™ REST services allowing Tika to be called natively in the Python community.
2.86 stars per week over 395 weeks
1,131 stars, 208 forks, 35 watches
nlp category, created 2014-06-26, last commit 2021-06-07, main language Python
buffer, covid-19, detection, extraction, memex, mime, nlp, nlp-library, nlp-machine-learning, parse, parser-interface, python, recognition, text-extraction, text-recognition, tika-python, tika-server, tika-server-jar, translation-interface, usc

Easy to use Python library for creating 2D arcade games.
3.53 stars per week over 315 weeks
1,115 stars, 207 forks, 54 watches
gamedev category, created 2016-01-04, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
arcade-api, arcade-framework, arcade-learning-environment, educational-resources, educational-technology, opengl, python, python3

Massively parallel rigidbody physics simulation on accelerator hardware.
33 stars per week over 33 weeks
1,113 stars, 93 forks, 26 watches
sim category, created 2021-06-02, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Jupyter Notebook
jax, physics-simulation, reinforcement-learning, robotics

Concurrent networking library for Python
2.28 stars per week over 475 weeks
1,084 stars, 284 forks, 61 watches
perf category, created 2012-12-11, last commit 2021-11-16, main language Python
c10k, concurrency, greenlet, network, production-ready, python

🛸 Use pretrained transformers like BERT, XLNet and GPT-2 in spaCy
8.24 stars per week over 130 weeks
1,074 stars, 137 forks, 27 watches
nlp category, created 2019-07-26, last commit 2022-01-13, main language Python
bert, google, gpt-2, huggingface, language-model, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, natural-language-understanding, nlp, openai, pytorch, pytorch-model, spacy, spacy-extension, spacy-pipeline, transfer-learning, xlnet

pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python, for developing games and other visually rich applications.
7.5 stars per week over 137 weeks
1,028 stars, 203 forks, 34 watches
gamedev category, created 2019-06-09, last commit 2022-01-15, main language Python
gamedev, hacktoberfest, hacktoberfest-2021, hacktoberfest2021, opengl, pyglet, python, scientific-visualization

Gym for multi-agent reinforcement learning
9.62 stars per week over 104 weeks
1,009 stars, 147 forks, 12 watches
sim category, created 2020-01-20, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python

💫 Models for the spaCy Natural Language Processing (NLP) library
3.92 stars per week over 253 weeks
995 stars, 233 forks, 41 watches
nlp category, created 2017-03-14, last commit 2021-11-05, main language Python
machine-learning, machine-learning-models, models, natural-language-processing, nlp, spacy, spacy-models, statistical-models

Quickly build Explainable AI dashboards that show the inner workings of so-called "blackbox" machine learning models.
8.28 stars per week over 116 weeks
965 stars, 122 forks, 14 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2019-10-30, last commit 2021-12-24, main language Python
dash, dashboard, data-scientists, explainer, inner-workings, interactive-dashboards, interactive-plots, model-predictions, permutation-importances, plotly, shap, shap-values, xai, xai-library

Development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects in a running Python application.
1.77 stars per week over 485 weeks
858 stars, 76 forks, 8 watches
perf category, created 2012-10-04, last commit 2021-12-29, main language Python

A command-line tool and Python library and Pytest plugin for automated testing of RESTful APIs, with a simple, concise and flexible YAML-based syntax
3.79 stars per week over 220 weeks
837 stars, 159 forks, 29 watches
util category, created 2017-11-01, last commit 2022-01-09, main language Python
http, mqtt, pytest, python, test-automation, testing

Official PyTorch repo for JoJoGAN: One Shot Face Stylization
157 stars per week over 5 weeks
831 stars, 114 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2021-12-17, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Jupyter Notebook
anime, gans, image-translation

High performance, easy-to-use, and scalable package for learning large-scale knowledge graph embeddings.
8.29 stars per week over 98 weeks
818 stars, 141 forks, 26 watches
ml category, created 2020-03-03, last commit 2021-12-29, main language Python
dgl, graph-learning, knowledge-graph, knowledge-graphs-embeddings, machine-learning

Clean APIs for data cleaning. Python implementation of R package Janitor
4.0 stars per week over 203 weeks
812 stars, 136 forks, 23 watches
data category, created 2018-03-04, last commit 2022-01-23, main language Python
cleaning-data, data, data-engineering, dataframe, hacktoberfest, pandas, pydata

python async orm with fastapi in mind and pydantic validation
10 stars per week over 77 weeks
789 stars, 38 forks, 13 watches
data category, created 2020-08-02, last commit 2022-01-17, main language Python
alembic, async-orm, databases, fastapi, orm, pydantic, python-orm, sqlalchemy

High level asynchronous concurrency and networking framework that works on top of either trio or asyncio
4.37 stars per week over 179 weeks
783 stars, 60 forks, 20 watches
perf category, created 2018-08-19, last commit 2022-01-11, main language Python
async-await, asyncio, curio, trio

AWS Lambda & API Gateway support for ASGI
4.95 stars per week over 157 weeks
782 stars, 61 forks, 16 watches
web category, created 2019-01-14, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
api-gateway, asgi, asyncio, aws, aws-lambda, django, fastapi, lambda, python, quart, sanic, serverless, starlette

bamboolib - a GUI for pandas DataFrames
5.56 stars per week over 138 weeks
771 stars, 81 forks, 30 watches
data category, created 2019-05-29, last commit 2021-12-21, main language Jupyter Notebook
jupyter-notebook, jupyterlab, pandas, pandas-dataframes, python

Fast ASGI web framework and HTTP client for Python asyncio
4.65 stars per week over 165 weeks
770 stars, 40 forks, 22 watches
web category, created 2018-11-22, last commit 2021-12-03, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, blacksheep, client, cython, http, server, uvloop

📝 python package to calculate readability statistics of a text object - paragraphs, sentences, articles.
1.94 stars per week over 396 weeks
768 stars, 137 forks, 18 watches
nlp category, created 2014-06-18, last commit 2021-10-24, main language Python
flesch-kincaid-grade, flesch-reading-ease, python, readability, smog, textstat

Blessed is an easy, practical library for making python terminal apps
1.86 stars per week over 412 weeks
768 stars, 59 forks, 24 watches
term category, created 2014-03-01, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
cli, curses, terminal

Foundation is a flexible, modular, and composable framework to model socio-economic behaviors and dynamics with both agents and governments. This framework can be used in conjunction with reinforcement learning to learn optimal economic policies, as done by the AI Economist (
9.22 stars per week over 81 weeks
751 stars, 142 forks, 39 watches
sim category, created 2020-07-02, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
ai, deep-reinforcement-learning, economics, ml, multi-agent, multi-agent-reinforcement-learning, python-3, reinforcement-learning-environments, simulation-framework

The web framework for inventors
1.96 stars per week over 378 weeks
741 stars, 63 forks, 28 watches
web category, created 2014-10-20, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, emmett, python, web-framework

A modular embodied agent architecture and platform for building embodied agents
11 stars per week over 63 weeks
704 stars, 59 forks, 34 watches
sim category, created 2020-11-02, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Jupyter Notebook

A powerful set of Python debugging tools, based on PySnooper
4.88 stars per week over 140 weeks
688 stars, 25 forks, 15 watches
perf category, created 2019-05-13, last commit 2021-11-11, main language Python
debugger, debugging, debugging-tools, logging, python

LAMA - automatic model creation framework
6.68 stars per week over 101 weeks
678 stars, 83 forks, 26 watches
ml category, created 2020-02-13, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automl, blackbox, classification, data-science, ensembling, feature-engineering, gradient-boosting, kaggle, lama, linear-model, model-selection, multiclass, nlp, parameter-tuning, pipeline, pytorch, regression, stacking, whitebox

TensorFlow Similarity is a python package focused on making similarity learning quick and easy.
8.06 stars per week over 83 weeks
676 stars, 47 forks, 21 watches
ml-dl category, created 2020-06-15, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
barlow-twins, clustering, contrastive-learning, cosine-similarity, deep-learning, knn, machine-learning, metric-learning, nearest-neighbor-search, nearest-neighbors, python, simclr, simclr2, similarity-learning, similarity-search, simsiam, tensorflow, unsupervised-learning

Python wrapper for the CoinGecko API
3.76 stars per week over 178 weeks
671 stars, 166 forks, 27 watches
crypto category, created 2018-08-24, last commit 2021-06-17, main language Python
api, api-wrapper, coingecko, crypto, cryptocurrency, python, python3, wrapper

🐳 The stupidly simple CLI workspace for your data warehouse.
7.74 stars per week over 86 weeks
670 stars, 36 forks, 36 watches
data category, created 2020-05-27, last commit 2022-01-04, main language Python
data-catalog, data-discovery, data-documentation

Patch built-in python objects
1.45 stars per week over 459 weeks
667 stars, 48 forks, 28 watches
util category, created 2013-04-03, last commit 2021-07-06, main language Python
monkey-patching, python

🚀 Your next Python package needs a bleeding-edge project structure.
6.97 stars per week over 92 weeks
645 stars, 48 forks, 4 watches
template category, created 2020-04-15, last commit 2021-11-16, main language Python
best-practices, codestyle, cookiecutter, formatters, makefile, poetry, python, python-packages, semantic-versions, template

Full text geoparsing as a Python library
2.18 stars per week over 291 weeks
634 stars, 84 forks, 34 watches
nlp category, created 2016-06-23, last commit 2021-02-01, main language Python
geocoding, geonames, geoparsing, nlp, spacy, toponym-resolution

skweak: A software toolkit for weak supervision applied to NLP tasks
13 stars per week over 44 weeks
620 stars, 39 forks, 19 watches
nlp category, created 2021-03-16, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
data-science, distant-supervision, natural-language-processing, nlp-library, nlp-machine-learning, python, spacy, training-data, weak-supervision

Research. Shared.
1.33 stars per week over 466 weeks
620 stars, 211 forks, 40 watches
sci category, created 2013-02-11, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
digital-library, elasticsearch, flask, invenio, inveniosoftware, library-management, open-access, open-science, postgresql, python, research-data-management, research-data-repository, scientific-publications, zenodo

Python CLI utility and library for manipulating SQLite databases
3.36 stars per week over 184 weeks
619 stars, 54 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2018-07-14, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
cli, click, datasette, datasette-io, datasette-tool, python, sqlite, sqlite-database

Another benchmark for some python frameworks
1.76 stars per week over 351 weeks
618 stars, 68 forks, 25 watches
perf category, created 2015-04-30, last commit 2021-12-27, main language Python
benchmark, python-frameworks

Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
1.16 stars per week over 528 weeks
611 stars, 134 forks, 33 watches
math category, created 2011-12-07, last commit 2021-03-27, main language Python
arbitrary-precision, complex-numbers, floating-point, multiprecision, numerical-integration, numerical-methods, numerical-optimization, ordinary-differential-equations, plotting, python, special-functions

💥 Use the latest Stanza (StanfordNLP) research models directly in spaCy
3.92 stars per week over 155 weeks
609 stars, 50 forks, 21 watches
nlp category, created 2019-01-31, last commit 2021-12-13, main language Python
corenlp, data-science, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, nlp, spacy, spacy-pipeline, stanford-corenlp, stanford-machine-learning, stanford-nlp, stanza

Simple yet flexible natural sorting in Python.
1.18 stars per week over 507 weeks
599 stars, 32 forks, 13 watches
util category, created 2012-05-03, last commit 2021-12-30, main language Python
natsort, natural-sort, python, sorting, sorting-interface

Library for exploring and validating machine learning data
3.21 stars per week over 185 weeks
597 stars, 117 forks, 47 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-07-02, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python

Muffin is a fast, simple and asyncronous web-framework for Python 3
1.64 stars per week over 363 weeks
596 stars, 26 forks, 31 watches
web category, created 2015-02-03, last commit 2021-12-14, main language Python
asgi, asyncio, curio, muffin, python, trio, webframework

A vector database for machine learning embeddings.
8.87 stars per week over 66 weeks
588 stars, 15 forks, 7 watches
nlp category, created 2020-10-16, last commit 2022-01-20, main language JavaScript
data-science, embeddings, embeddings-similarity, hacktoberfest, machine-learning, vector-database

TorchGeo: datasets, transforms, and models for geospatial data
15 stars per week over 35 weeks
555 stars, 51 forks, 24 watches
data category, created 2021-05-21, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
datasets, deep-learning, models, pytorch, remote-sensing, torchvision, transforms

Model explainability that works seamlessly with 🤗 transformers. Explain your transformers model in just 2 lines of code.
6.23 stars per week over 86 weeks
539 stars, 46 forks, 16 watches
ml-interpretability category, created 2020-05-27, last commit 2021-11-25, main language Python
captum, deep-learning, explainable-ai, interpretability, machine-learning, model-explainability, natural-language-processing, neural-network, nlp, transformers, transformers-model

Fastest library to load data from DB to DataFrames in Rust and Python
10 stars per week over 53 weeks
537 stars, 32 forks, 18 watches
data category, created 2021-01-13, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Rust
database, dataframe, python, rust, sql

Asyncer, async and await, focused on developer experience.
195 stars per week over 2 weeks
530 stars, 17 forks, 11 watches
perf category, created 2022-01-04, last commit 2022-01-09, main language Python
anyio, async, asyncio, python, trio

⚫ A spaCy pipeline and model for NLP on unstructured legal text.
3.54 stars per week over 147 weeks
524 stars, 76 forks, 35 watches
nlp category, created 2019-03-25, last commit 2021-01-31, main language Python
caselaw, law, legaltech, nlp, spacy-models

🚀 💸 Easily build, backtest and deploy your algo in just a few lines of code. Trade stocks, cryptos, and forex across exchanges w/ one package.
11 stars per week over 45 weeks
505 stars, 64 forks, 10 watches
crypto category, created 2021-03-09, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
binance, blankly, bot, bot-framework, bots, coinbase, coinbase-pro, coinbase-pro-api, cryptocurrency, framework, investment, platform, stocks, trading, trading-bot, trading-strategies

👑 spaCy building blocks and visualizers for Streamlit apps
6.04 stars per week over 82 weeks
500 stars, 76 forks, 14 watches
nlp category, created 2020-06-23, last commit 2021-12-30, main language Python
dependency-parsing, machine-learning, named-entity-recognition, natural-language-processing, ner, nlp, part-of-speech-tagging, spacy, streamlit, text-classification, tokenization, visualizer, visualizers, word-vectors

LexNLP by LexPredict
2.22 stars per week over 225 weeks
499 stars, 140 forks, 49 watches
nlp category, created 2017-09-30, last commit 2021-09-21, main language HTML
analytics, contracts, data, law, legal, legaltech, linguistics, ml, nlp

Python Dash app that tracks whale activity in cryptocurrency markets.
2.36 stars per week over 208 weeks
493 stars, 122 forks, 48 watches
crypto category, created 2018-01-23, last commit 2021-06-03, main language Python
bitcoin, bitcoin-api, bitcoin-price, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency-exchanges, cryptocurrency-price-ticker, cryptocurrency-prices, dash, ethereum, ethereum-blockchain, ethereum-price, gdax, gdax-api, gdax-python, litecoin, litecoin-price, plotly, plotly-dash, python, python3

Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
3.74 stars per week over 127 weeks
477 stars, 46 forks, 15 watches
data category, created 2019-08-14, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
apache-arrow, cern-root, columnar-format, data-analysis, jagged-array, json, numba, numpy, pandas, python, ragged-array, scikit-hep

SoundFile is an audio library based on libsndfile, CFFI, and NumPy
0.98 stars per week over 438 weeks
432 stars, 61 forks, 15 watches
util category, created 2013-08-27, last commit 2021-12-07, main language Python

For recording and retrieving metadata associated with ML developer and data scientist workflows.
2.67 stars per week over 157 weeks
421 stars, 87 forks, 28 watches
ml-ops category, created 2019-01-15, last commit 2022-01-21, main language C++

Finetuning any DNN for better embedding on neural search tasks
17 stars per week over 23 weeks
406 stars, 22 forks, 19 watches
ml category, created 2021-08-11, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
few-shot-learning, fine-tuning, finetuning, jina, keras, labeling-tool, metric-learning, negative-sampling, neural-search, paddlepaddle, pretrained-models, pytorch, siamese-network, tensorflow, transfer-learning, triplet-loss

AtsPy: Automated Time Series Models in Python (by @firmai)
3.91 stars per week over 103 weeks
406 stars, 81 forks, 21 watches
time-series category, created 2020-01-28, last commit 2021-12-18, main language Python
automated, finance, forecasting, forecasting-models, python, time-series, time-series-analysis

🐍💯pySBD (Python Sentence Boundary Disambiguation) is a rule-based sentence boundary detection that works out-of-the-box.
1.68 stars per week over 241 weeks
405 stars, 47 forks, 11 watches
nlp category, created 2017-06-11, last commit 2021-02-11, main language Python
python, rule-based, segmentation, sentence, sentence-boundary-detection, sentence-tokenizer

Audits Python environments and dependency trees for known vulnerabilities
18 stars per week over 20 weeks
379 stars, 19 forks, 17 watches
security category, created 2021-09-02, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
pip, python, security, security-audit, supply-chain

Official code for our NeurIPS 2021 Spotlight "Focal Self-attention for Local-Global Interactions in Vision Transformers"
13 stars per week over 28 weeks
377 stars, 43 forks, 17 watches
ml category, created 2021-07-10, last commit 2021-12-07, main language Python

Python package for information theory.
0.85 stars per week over 434 weeks
367 stars, 71 forks, 24 watches
math category, created 2013-09-29, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python
information-theory, python

Fastest network node embeddings in the west
2.78 stars per week over 130 weeks
363 stars, 48 forks, 9 watches
viz category, created 2019-07-25, last commit 2021-11-06, main language Python

Perf monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
28 stars per week over 12 weeks
357 stars, 18 forks, 5 watches
perf category, created 2021-10-27, last commit 2021-12-17, main language Python
apple-silicon, cli, cpu, gpu, m1, macos

Code for Parameter Prediction for Unseen Deep Architectures (NeurIPS 2021)
25 stars per week over 13 weeks
342 stars, 34 forks, 15 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-10-21, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python

Python client for Dialogflow: Design and integrate a conversational user interface into your applications and devices.
1.54 stars per week over 221 weeks
342 stars, 137 forks, 50 watches
nlp category, created 2017-10-24, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
dialogflow, machine-learning, python

Library for creating dataframes from functions.
3.64 stars per week over 86 weeks
316 stars, 9 forks, 12 watches
data category, created 2020-05-26, last commit 2021-12-23, main language Python

Terminal dashboards for Python
1.27 stars per week over 242 weeks
307 stars, 25 forks, 9 watches
term category, created 2017-06-03, last commit 2020-09-06, main language Python
charts, dashboard, gauges, python, python3, terminal, terminal-based

Python SDK for building, training, and deploying ML models
1.72 stars per week over 176 weeks
305 stars, 142 forks, 40 watches
ml-ops category, created 2018-09-03, last commit 2021-08-26, main language Jsonnet

A delightful and complete interface to GitHub's amazing API
4.79 stars per week over 61 weeks
293 stars, 30 forks, 6 watches
util category, created 2020-11-21, last commit 2021-09-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
api-client, github, github-api, nbdev, openapi

Automated modeling and machine learning framework FEDOT
2.76 stars per week over 105 weeks
292 stars, 36 forks, 7 watches
ml-ops category, created 2020-01-13, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
automated-machine-learning, automation, automl, evolutionary-algorithms, fedot, genetic-programming, hyperparameter-optimization, machine-learning, multimodality, parameter-tuning, structural-learning

Code for CodeT5: a new code-aware pre-trained encoder-decoder model.
12 stars per week over 22 weeks
290 stars, 47 forks, 11 watches
nlp category, created 2021-08-16, last commit 2022-01-07, main language Python
code-intelligence, language-model, nlp, programming-language, representation-learning

Tensorboard extension for jupyterlab.
1.58 stars per week over 179 weeks
284 stars, 30 forks, 11 watches
jupyter category, created 2018-08-14, last commit 2021-02-24, main language TypeScript
jupyterlab, jupyterlab-extension, tensorboard

The unofficial GitHub mirror of PyPy
0.82 stars per week over 337 weeks
276 stars, 44 forks, 9 watches
util category, created 2015-08-03, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
github-mirror, pypy

🧪 📗 Unit test your Jupyter Notebooks the right way
2.75 stars per week over 99 weeks
274 stars, 27 forks, 15 watches
jupyter category, created 2020-02-26, last commit 2021-09-21, main language Python
jupyter-notebook, nteract, pytest, python, testbook, unit-testing

Uses tokenized query returned by python-sqlparse and generates query metadata
1.08 stars per week over 241 weeks
260 stars, 45 forks, 12 watches
data category, created 2017-06-06, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Python
database, hive, hiveql, metadata, mysql-query, parser, python-package, python3-library, sql, sql-parser, sqlparse

Tool to check the completeness of for Python packages
0.53 stars per week over 463 weeks
248 stars, 31 forks, 5 watches
util category, created 2013-03-05, last commit 2021-10-16, main language Python

PECOS - Prediction for Enormous and Correlated Spaces
3.27 stars per week over 75 weeks
247 stars, 59 forks, 16 watches
ml category, created 2020-08-12, last commit 2022-01-21, main language Python
extreme-multi-label-classification, extreme-multi-label-ranking, machine-learning-algorithms, transformers

Python Causal Impact Implementation Based on Google's R Package. Built using TensorFlow Probability.
3.29 stars per week over 74 weeks
246 stars, 35 forks, 9 watches
math category, created 2020-08-17, last commit 2021-10-08, main language Python
causal-inference, causalimpact, python, tensorflow-probability

Extremely Fast End-to-End Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework on a GPU
11 stars per week over 21 weeks
240 stars, 39 forks, 11 watches
ml category, created 2021-08-25, last commit 2022-01-10, main language Python
cuda, deep-learning, gpu, high-throughput, multiagent-reinforcement-learning, reinforcement-learning

Easy logging and debugging for Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda Serverless APIs
0.83 stars per week over 280 weeks
232 stars, 17 forks, 8 watches
util category, created 2016-09-07, last commit 2019-11-13, main language Python
api, api-gateway, aws, aws-apigateway, aws-lambda, cloudwatch-logs, gateway, lambda, logging

Minimal class to download shared files from Google Drive.
1.06 stars per week over 215 weeks
228 stars, 48 forks, 11 watches
data category, created 2017-12-08, last commit 2019-02-09, main language Python

Enlighten Progress Bar for Python Console Apps
1.0 stars per week over 226 weeks
227 stars, 16 forks, 4 watches
term category, created 2017-09-22, last commit 2021-12-12, main language Python

Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework
10 stars per week over 21 weeks
225 stars, 16 forks, 8 watches
util category, created 2021-08-27, last commit 2022-01-04, main language Python

The easy way to write your own flavor of Pandas
1.07 stars per week over 208 weeks
222 stars, 15 forks, 5 watches
util category, created 2018-01-25, last commit 2019-11-29, main language Python

A toolkit providing a uniform interface for connecting to and extracting data from a wide variety of (potentially remote) data stores (including HDFS, Hive, Presto, MySQL, etc).
0.87 stars per week over 256 weeks
222 stars, 48 forks, 30 watches
data category, created 2017-02-22, last commit 2021-10-27, main language Python

Utility functions for working with ethereum related codebases.
0.83 stars per week over 258 weeks
216 stars, 116 forks, 17 watches
crypto category, created 2017-02-07, last commit 2021-11-18, main language Python
ethereum, python, utility-library

Python package with core transaction decoding functions.
7.1 stars per week over 29 weeks
212 stars, 26 forks, 10 watches
crypto category, created 2021-06-28, last commit 2022-01-14, main language Python

A Python implementation of Amazon Ion.
0.67 stars per week over 302 weeks
203 stars, 46 forks, 21 watches
data category, created 2016-04-07, last commit 2021-12-10, main language Python

Ethereum decompiler
1.96 stars per week over 100 weeks
198 stars, 52 forks, 15 watches
crypto category, created 2020-02-17, last commit 2020-08-22, main language Python

Fixes contractions such as you're to you are
0.72 stars per week over 265 weeks
190 stars, 27 forks, 8 watches
nlp category, created 2016-12-25, last commit 2021-11-15, main language Python

Genalog is an open source, cross-platform python package allowing generation of synthetic document images with custom degradations and text alignment capabilities.
2.23 stars per week over 83 weeks
187 stars, 18 forks, 10 watches
data category, created 2020-06-15, last commit 2021-08-18, main language Jupyter Notebook
data-generation, data-science, machine-learning, ner, ocr-recognition, python, synthetic-data, synthetic-data-generation, synthetic-images, text-alignment

Poetry plugin for dynamically extracting the package version from a version variable or a Git tag.
5.05 stars per week over 34 weeks
174 stars, 13 forks, 4 watches
util category, created 2021-05-27, last commit 2021-05-28, main language Python
packaging, packaging-for-pypi, pypi, python, python-poetry, python3

Learning to Simulate Dynamic Environments with GameGAN (CVPR 2020)
2.99 stars per week over 58 weeks
174 stars, 28 forks, 9 watches
sim category, created 2020-12-11, last commit 2021-11-11, main language Python
11 stars per week over 13 weeks
155 stars, 19 forks, 3 watches
nlp category, created 2021-10-20, last commit 2021-11-19, main language Python

PyStan, a Python interface to Stan, a platform for statistical modeling. Documentation:
0.68 stars per week over 227 weeks
154 stars, 36 forks, 10 watches
ml category, created 2017-09-17, last commit 2021-10-21, main language Python

CARLA: A Python Library to Benchmark Algorithmic Recourse and Counterfactual Explanation Algorithms
2.49 stars per week over 58 weeks
146 stars, 16 forks, 4 watches
ml category, created 2020-12-09, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
artificial-intelligence, benchmark, benchmarking, counterfactual, counterfactual-explanations, counterfactuals, explainability, explainable-ai, explainable-ml, machine-learning, python, pytorch, recourse, tensorflow, tensorflow2

A package to structure Australian addresses
0.89 stars per week over 163 weeks
145 stars, 65 forks, 10 watches
data category, created 2018-12-05, last commit 2020-09-09, main language Python
address-parser, deep-learning, machine-learning, rnn
7.15 stars per week over 20 weeks
143 stars, 36 forks, 12 watches
sim category, created 2021-09-05, last commit 2021-09-07, main language Python

Behavioral "black-box" testing for recommender systems
12 stars per week over 10 weeks
133 stars, 4 forks, 5 watches
ml category, created 2021-11-08, last commit 2022-01-12, main language Python
machine-learning, qa-automation, recommender-system

Build Low Code Automated Tensorflow explainable models in just 3 lines of code. Library created by: Hasan Rafiq -
4.57 stars per week over 28 weeks
132 stars, 27 forks, 9 watches
ml-dl category, created 2021-07-05, last commit 2021-11-29, main language Python
auto-tensorflow, automl, autotensorflow, deeplearning, machine-learning, machinelearning, neural-networks, tensorflow, tfx

Parsers for scientific papers (PDF2JSON and TEX2JSON)
2.22 stars per week over 58 weeks
130 stars, 16 forks, 8 watches
nlp category, created 2020-12-10, last commit 2021-09-17, main language Python
1.79 stars per week over 72 weeks
130 stars, 29 forks, 9 watches
util category, created 2020-09-02, last commit 2022-01-04, main language Python

Code for testing various M1 Chip benchmarks with TensorFlow.
12 stars per week over 10 weeks
129 stars, 24 forks, 4 watches
ml category, created 2021-11-14, last commit 2021-12-06, main language Jupyter Notebook
machine-learning, metal, tensorflow, tensorflow-macos

Ethereum transaction decoder (community version).
4.8 stars per week over 25 weeks
124 stars, 19 forks, 9 watches
crypto category, created 2021-07-26, last commit 2022-01-10, main language HTML

TensorFlow Metal Backend on Apple Silicon Experiments (just for fun)
9.12 stars per week over 12 weeks
116 stars, 13 forks, 9 watches
perf category, created 2021-10-26, last commit 2021-11-15, main language Jupyter Notebook
benchmark, bert, deep-learning, gpu, m1, m1-max, tensorflow

markov clustering in python
0.51 stars per week over 225 weeks
115 stars, 33 forks, 8 watches
graph category, created 2017-09-27, last commit 2018-12-11, main language Python
clustering, markov-clustering, networks, python

Traits for Python3
12 stars per week over 9 weeks
110 stars, 3 forks, 2 watches
util category, created 2021-11-21, last commit 2021-11-27, main language Python

python interface to the miniaudio audio playback, recording, decoding and conversion library
0.63 stars per week over 134 weeks
84 stars, 11 forks, 3 watches
util category, created 2019-06-30, last commit 2022-01-04, main language C

Start a data science project with modern tools
0.98 stars per week over 80 weeks
79 stars, 20 forks, 2 watches
template category, created 2020-07-06, last commit 2021-08-15, main language Python
cookiecutter, cookiecutter-data-science, cookiecutter-template, datascience, python

🛠 Python project template with unit tests, code coverage, linting, type checking, Makefile wrapper, and GitHub Actions.
0.9 stars per week over 83 weeks
75 stars, 25 forks, 2 watches
template category, created 2020-06-21, last commit 2020-10-01, main language Python
coverage, github-actions, hacktoberfest, linting, makefile, python, type-checking, unit-testing

Text-based sparkline command line mimicking those of Edward Tuft.
0.22 stars per week over 296 weeks
66 stars, 7 forks, 2 watches
term category, created 2016-05-17, last commit 2021-06-26, main language Python
ascii, command-line-tool, graphs, python, sparkline-graphs, sparklines

The IN3 client (written in C).
0.47 stars per week over 122 weeks
58 stars, 15 forks, 12 watches
crypto category, created 2019-09-17, last commit 2021-11-29, main language C
blockchain, crypto-economic, ethereum, ipfs, verify

Apache Beam pipelines to make weather data accessible and useful.
5.31 stars per week over 8 weeks
47 stars, 8 forks, 6 watches
data category, created 2021-11-22, last commit 2022-01-19, main language Python
apache-beam, python, weather

An OSS Index integration to check your Python environments for vulnerable Open Source packages
0.38 stars per week over 119 weeks
45 stars, 15 forks, 9 watches
security category, created 2019-10-10, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
0.67 stars per week over 63 weeks
43 stars, 6 forks, 2 watches
util category, created 2020-11-02, last commit 2022-01-18, main language C

Functional collections extension functions for Python
5.53 stars per week over 5 weeks
30 stars, 2 forks, 4 watches
util category, created 2021-12-16, last commit 2022-01-18, main language Python
collections, extension-functions, functional, parallel, python, python3

A Python client for the Snyk API.
0.17 stars per week over 155 weeks
27 stars, 53 forks, 8 watches
security category, created 2019-02-03, last commit 2021-09-29, main language Python
api, python, snyk

PaCAL - ProbAbilistic CALculator
0.05 stars per week over 389 weeks
20 stars, 8 forks, 6 watches
math category, created 2014-08-04, last commit 2021-11-05, main language Python

A list of awesome crypto and blockchain projects
1.13 stars per week over 16 weeks
19 stars, 5 forks, 1 watches
crypto category, created 2021-09-27, last commit 2022-01-15, main language Python
awesome-list, bitcoin, blockchain, crypto, cryptocurrency, data, data-analysis, ethereum

A small seq2seq punctuator tool based on DistilBERT
0.23 stars per week over 61 weeks
14 stars, 0 forks, 1 watches
nlp category, created 2020-11-19, last commit 2021-12-14, main language Python
bert, bert-ner, chinese-nlp, deep-learning, nlp, punctuation, pytorch, seq2seq

A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, with a bias towards data and machine learning
0.12 stars per week over 83 weeks
10 stars, 0 forks, 2 watches
util category, created 2020-06-20, last commit 2022-01-20, main language Python
awesome-list, data, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, python, python-data, python-frameworks, python-library, python-machine-learning, python-nlp

Dynamical systems for Python
0.01 stars per week over 384 weeks
5 stars, 6 forks, 3 watches
sim category, created 2014-09-12, last commit 2018-09-28, main language Python

Scrap blockchain data from the public API of
0.09 stars per week over 45 weeks
4 stars, 4 forks, 1 watches
crypto category, created 2021-03-13, last commit 2021-10-06, main language Python

A package for getting cloud products and product descriptions from a cloud provider website.
0.01 stars per week over 77 weeks
1 stars, 0 forks, 1 watches
data category, created 2020-08-01, last commit 2021-09-06, main language Python
aws, cloud-products, crawler, data, text-processing

A quick-start Python project template with helpful functionality and common libraries.
0.0 stars per week over 101 weeks
0 stars, 0 forks, 1 watches
template category, created 2020-02-12, last commit 2022-01-22, main language Makefile
cookiecutter, jupyterlab, python, template

Provides access to Australian legal data
0.0 stars per week over 66 weeks
0 stars, 0 forks, 1 watches
data category, created 2020-10-12, last commit 2020-11-03, main language Python
crawler, data, law, lawtech, legal, legaltech

This file was automatically generated on 2022-01-23.

To curate your own github list, simply clone and change the input csv file.

Inspired by:


A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, with a bias towards data and machine learning







No packages published


  • Python 31.0%
  • HCL 26.9%
  • Makefile 21.6%
  • JavaScript 12.5%
  • HTML 6.8%
  • CSS 1.2%