This repository contains various Blockchain Projects created using Smart Contracts in Solidity. All the projects were run on the Ethereum Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
Decentralized applications are a piece of so ware that communicates with the blockchain, which manages the state of all network actors. The DApps that I created are as follows:
A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. The smart contracts that I created are:
- Remix: Online editor/IDE that is a good place to start editing
- Metamask: Browser based wallet
- The website where we can allocate eth to our test accounts
- Etherscan: The Ethereum block explorer
- Web3.js: A collection of libraries that allows us to interact with a local or remote ethereum node
- Truffle: Development environment for blockchain dapps (decentralized applications) and smart contracts