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MQTT Motion

David Maher edited this page Jul 15, 2020 · 8 revisions


Set mqtt in your config to be the host or IP of your MQTT broker. The MQTT client will not start without this set. You can also set portmqtt if your broker listens on a port other than the default 1883, or topic if you want to change the base topic to something besides the default of homebridge.


To trigger the motion sensor publish to topic homebridge/motion with the camera name as the message.

If you publish a message with the camera name to homebridge/motion/reset it will reset the motion sensor. If you plan to use this function, it is recommended to set motionTimeout under the camera to 0 to disable the automatic reset of the motion sensor.

Doorbell activation is also available by publishing to topic homebridge/doorbell with the camera name as the message.

Config Example

  "platform": "Camera-ffmpeg",
  "mqtt": "",
  "topic": "homebridge",
  "cameras": [
      "name": "Camera name",
      "motion": true,
      "motionTimeout": 1,
      "videoConfig": {
        "source": "-i",
        "stillImageSource": "-i",
        "maxStreams": 5,
        "maxWidth": 1280,
        "maxHeight": 720,
        "maxFPS": 15,
        "maxBitrate": 1000