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API Specification for Cart

Zufar Sunagatov edited this page Jul 11, 2023 · 3 revisions

API Specification for Cart Controller of Online Store

Get the shopping session (the cart info)

HTTP GET .../api/v1/cart/{shoppingSessionId}

Returns the shopping session (the cart info).


This API receives a JSON object containing a shoppingSessionId. Returns the shopping session (the cart info).


Parameter In Type Required Description
shoppingSessionId body string true The identifier of the cart.

Request Example:

POST /cart/items/

  "id": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd"


200 OK

If the client sends an valid request, a 200 OK should be returned.

Parameter Type Required Description
shoppingSessionId string true The identifier of the cart.
itemsAmount integer true The amount of items.
totalPrice number true The total price of all items.
itemList item list true The item list.
itemId integer true The identifier of the item
productsAmount integer true The amount of products.
totalProductsPrice integer true The total products price.
product integer true The product description

Response Example:

  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemsAmount": "2",
  "totalPrice": "3200",
  "itemList": [
      "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
      "productsAmount": "2",
      "totalProductsPrice": "1500",
      "product": {
        "productData" : "productData"
      "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
      "productsAmount": "3",
      "totalProductsPrice": "1700",
      "product": {
        "productData" : "productData"

400 Bad Request

If the client sends an invalid request, a 400 Bad Request should be returned.

Parameter Type Required Description
error string true Error message indicating the reason for the failure.

Response Examples:

  "error": "The 'shoppingSessionId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'shoppingSessionId' value."

Add a new item to the cart

HTTP POST .../api/v1/cart/items/

Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of adding a new item to the cart.


This API receives a JSON object containing a shoppingSessionId and an itemId. Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of adding a new item to the cart.


Parameter In Type Required Description
shoppingSessionId body string true The identifier of the cart.
itemId body string true The identifier of the item.

Request Example:

POST /cart/items/

  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd"


200 OK

If the client sends an valid request, a 200 OK should be returned.

400 Bad Request

If the client sends an invalid request, a 400 Bad Request should be returned.

Parameter Type Required Description
error string true Error message indicating the reason for the failure.

Response Examples:

  "error": "The 'shoppingSessionId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'shoppingSessionId' value."
  "error": "The 'itemId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'itemId' value."

Remove the item in the cart

HTTP DELETE .../api/v1/cart/items/

Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of deleting the specified item in the cart.


This API receives a JSON object containing a shoppingSessionId and an itemList. Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of deleting the given itemList in the cart.


Parameter In Type Required Description
shoppingSessionId body string true The identifier of the cart.
itemList body item list true The item identifiers list.

Request Example:

POST /cart/items/

  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemList": [
      "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd"
      "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd"


200 OK

If the client sends an valid request, a 200 OK should be returned.

400 Bad Request

If the client sends an invalid request, a 400 Bad Request should be returned.

Parameter Type Required Description
error string true Error message indicating the reason for the failure.

Response Examples:

  "error": "The 'shoppingSessionId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'shoppingSessionId' value."
  "error": "The 'itemList' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'itemList' value."

Update the amount of the specified item products in the cart

HTTP POST .../api/v1/cart/items/amount

Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of changing the amount of the specified item products in the cart.


This API receives a JSON object containing a shoppingSessionId, an itemId and the change of products amount in the item. Returns 200 OK as the confirmation of changing the amount of the specified item products in the cart.


Parameter In Type Required Description
shoppingSessionId body string true The identifier of the cart.
itemId body string true The identifier of the item.
change body string true The amount of the specified item products in the cart.

Request Example:

POST /cart/items/

  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
  "change": "-1"
  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
  "change": "-7"
  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
  "change": "+1"
  "shoppingSessionId": "fddfgd-fdgdfgdfh-hdfhdfh-436346dfhd-hdfhdf",
  "itemId": "463463gfd-436fdhtgery3-hdhgdfghdgh46-hdhdghd",
  "change": "+6"


200 OK

If the client sends an valid request, a 200 OK should be returned.

400 Bad Request

If the client sends an invalid request, a 400 Bad Request should be returned.

Parameter Type Required Description
error string true Error message indicating the reason for the failure.

Response Examples:

  "error": "The 'shoppingSessionId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'shoppingSessionId' value."
  "error": "The 'itemId' cannot be empty."
  "error": "Invalid 'itemId' value."

API for Java client

public interface CartApi {

     * Метод получения покупочной сессии (текущее состояние корзины)
     * @param getShoppingSessionRequest запрос на получение покупочной сессии (текущее состояние корзины)
     * @return покупочная сессия (текущее состояние корзины)
     * */
    ShoppingSession createReservation(GetShoppingSessionRequest getShoppingSessionRequest);

     * Метод добавление нового item в покупочную сессию (в корзины)
     * @param addNewItemToShoppingSessionRequest запрос на добавление нового item в покупочную сессию (в корзины)
     * @return покупочная сессия (текущее состояние корзины)
     * */
    ShoppingSession addNewItemToShoppingSession(GetShoppingSessionRequest addNewItemToShoppingSessionRequest);

     * Метод удаления существующего item в покупочной сессии (в корзине)
     * @param removeItemFromShoppingSessionRequest запрос на удаления существующего item в покупочной сессии (в корзине)
     * @return покупочная сессия (текущее состояние корзины)
     * */
    ShoppingSession removeItemFromShoppingSession(GetShoppingSessionRequest removeItemFromShoppingSessionRequest);

     * Метод изменения количества продуктов в определенном item в покупочной сессии (в корзине)
     * @param updateProductAmountInShoppingSessionItemRequest запрос на изменение количества продуктов в определенном item в покупочной сессии (в корзине)
     * @return покупочная сессия (текущее состояние корзины)
     * */
    ShoppingSession updateProductAmountInShoppingSessionItem(GetShoppingSessionRequest updateProductAmountInShoppingSessionItemRequest);

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;

 * @shoppingSessionId идентификатор покупочной сессии
 * @itemsAmount количество items в определенной покупочной сессии
 * @totalPrice сумма всех item вместе взятых в покупочной сессии
 * @items все items в определенной покупочной сессии
public record ShoppingSession(String shoppingSessionId,
                              Integer itemsAmount,
                              BigDecimal totalPrice,
                              Collection<Item> items) {}

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * @itemId идентификатор item в определенной покупочной сессии
 * @productsAmount количество продуктов в определенном item
 * @totalProductsPrice сумма всех продуктов вместе взятых в item
 * @products все products в item
public record Item(String itemId,
                   Integer productsAmount,
                   BigDecimal totalProductsPrice,
                   Collection<Product> products) { }