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Merge pull request #7179 from StoDevX/renovate/jest-monorepo #1335

Merge pull request #7179 from StoDevX/renovate/jest-monorepo

Merge pull request #7179 from StoDevX/renovate/jest-monorepo #1335

Workflow file for this run

name: Validate/Deploy Data
push: { branches: [master] }
name: Validate, then deploy data
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out the code
uses: actions/checkout@1e31de5234b9f8995739874a8ce0492dc87873e2 # v4.0.0
- uses: actions/setup-node@5e21ff4d9bc1a8cf6de233a3057d20ec6b3fb69d # v3
with: {node-version-file: '.node-version'}
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Validate the data
run: |
npm run validate-bus-data
npm run validate-data
# Having validated the data, we now prepare a bundle. This script creates
# files in a docs/ directory.
- name: Bundle the data
run: npm run bundle-data
# Notes: actions/checkout@v2 no longer fetches entire history nor enters
# detached HEAD state. We really just need to check out an (orphaned)
# branch and then add, commit, and push the appropriate directory.
- name: Commit the data
run: |
git config --global "github-actions[bot]"
git config --global "41898282+github-actions[bot]"
git checkout --orphan "gh-pages-$GITHUB_SHA"
git --work-tree=docs add .
git commit -m "Automated data deployment at $(date -Is)"
git show --stat HEAD
# If the previous commit successfully happened, download the latest state
# of the remote branch gh-pages.
- name: Deploy the data
run: |
git fetch --prune --unshallow origin gh-pages
git push --force-with-lease origin "gh-pages-$GITHUB_SHA:gh-pages"