Repo to host and archive my own IronOS builds. This repo is primarily for my Pine64 Pinecil v2 and Miniware TS101.
The firmware builds for the other models are untested by me due to missing hardware.
Firmware languages are German and English.
- Make sure that you have
installed RELEASE=$(curl -sL | jq -r ".tag_name")
git clone -c advice.detachedHead=false --recursive --branch $RELEASE
cd IronOS/scripts
sudo sh
cd source
- For MHP30:
make -j$(nproc) model=MHP30 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For Pinecil v1:
make -j$(nproc) model=Pinecil custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For Pinecil v2:
make -j$(nproc) model=Pinecilv2 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For S60:
make -j$(nproc) model=S60 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For TS80:
make -j$(nproc) model=TS80 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For TS80P:
make -j$(nproc) model=TS80P custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For TS100:
make -j$(nproc) model=TS100 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For TS101:
make -j$(nproc) model=TS101 custom_multi_langs="DE EN" firmware-multi_compressed_Custom
- For MHP30:
cd ../source/Hexfile
- For MHP30:
mv MHP30_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_MHP30-DE_EN.hex
- For Pinecil v1:
mv Pinecil_multi_compressed_Custom.dfu IronOS_${RELEASE}_Pinecil_v1-DE_EN.dfu
- For Pinecil v2:
mv Pinecilv2_multi_compressed_Custom.bin IronOS_${RELEASE}_Pinecil_v2-DE_EN.bin
- For S60:
mv S60_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_S60-DE_EN.hex
- For TS80:
mv TS80_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_TS80-DE_EN.hex
- For TS80P:
mv TS80P_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_TS80P-DE_EN.hex
- For TS100:
mv TS100_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_TS100-DE_EN.hex
- For TS101:
mv TS101_multi_compressed_Custom.hex IronOS_${RELEASE}_TS101-DE_EN.hex
- Firmware files are in
- Pinecil v1 needs
- Pinecil v2 need
- the Miniware's and the Sequre S60 need
- Pinecil v1 needs
- For flashing please refer the IronOS flashing guide for your model