Competition line follower developed with the UAB Physical Computing Communitiy sponsorhip.
In order to work in the project we recommend to use:
- Atom - IDE.
- PlatformIO - Framework used to work with Teensy 3.2 that can be integrated in Atom.
- GitKraken - Multiplatform Git client.
- Procesing - Language used to develop the user interface.
- Fritzing - Tool used to design the hardware connections.
- ADXL335 - Accelerometer.
- HC-05 - Bluetooth Module.
- Pololu Magnetic Encoders - Encoders for micrometal motors.
- TB6612FNG - Motor Driver.
- Reflectance Sensor Array - Array of 8 IR sensors used to detect the track.
- Teensy 3.2 - 32 bit ARM processor.
The microcontroller builds JSON frames with the sensors values that are transmitted to the laptop using the HC-05 module.
- Steven Macías - Initial work - StevenMacias
- Victor Escobedo - User interface features. - victorEscobedo
- Fernando Vilariño - Mentor - Linkedin: fernandovilarino