Week 9 project at Makers Academy
- Learning to develop a Ruby on Rails app
- Setting up the Rails infrastructure
- Understanding the roles of routers, controllers, models and views
- Creating one-to-many and many-to-many database relationships between various models: posts, likes, users and tags
- Implementing Paperclip for file attachment
- Using Amazon Web Services's storage platform S3 to save images
- Using ImageMagick for image optimization
- Integrating Bootstrap, a front-end styling theme
- Implementing the Stripe API to accept credit card payments
- Geolocation
git clone [email protected]:StephanMusgrave/instamaker.git
cd instamaker
bundle install
rails s
Click here to open the web page on Heroku: App on Heroku
Technology | Used for |
Ruby 2.1.1 | Main programming language |
Javascript & CoffeeScript | Maps/Ajax & jQuery |
Ajax | Mainly used in the chatroom |
JBuilder/JSON | To pass information between Ruby and JavaScript |
jQuery | Manipulating the DOM for a dynamic experience |
Ruby on Rails 4.1.1 | Model View Controller Framework |
Heroku | Deployment: App on Heroku |
Rspec | TDD: Unit testing |
Capybara | simulates how a user would interact with a website |
Factory Girl | A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data |
Postgrsql | SQL Database |
Devise | Creating users |
Amazon Web Services | Bulk image hosting |
Paperclip | Uploading images |
ImageMagick | A software suite for displaying, converting, and editing raster image files |
Haml | To replace HTML & ERB templating |
HTML5 | Web Pages |
CSS3 | Styling |
Bootstrap | Base styling theme |
Glypicons | for styling links and buttons |
Geolocation/Geomapper | Showing maps |
Stripe | handling credit card payments |
- Add commments
- email notification